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Reports in Mathematics, University of Helsinki


Ilkka Holopainen and Kerkko Luosto

The gray text indicates that the report is not (yet) available in electronic form.

Preprint 520.
 T. Hyttinen
Counting Measure and Forking in Finite Models
 2011, 14 pp.
 AMS Classification: 03C45, 03C13

Preprint 519.
 P. Harjulehto, R. Hurri-Syrjänen and A. V. Vähäkangas
On the (1,p)-Poincaré Inequality
 2011, 24 pp.
 AMS Classification: 26D15, 46E35

Preprint 518.
 I. Holopainen
Nonsolvability of the asymptotic Dirichlet problem for the p-Laplacian on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds
 2011, 28 pp.
 AMS Classification: 58J32, 53C21, 31C45

Preprint 517.
 Å. Hirvonen and T. Hyttinen
Metric abstract elementary classes with perturbations
 2011, 50 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 03C52, Secondary 03C45

Preprint 516.
 O. Dovgoshey, O. Martio and M. Vuorinen
Metrization of weighted graphs
 2011, 12 pp.
 AMS Classification: 05C10, 05C12, 54E35

Preprint 515.
 K. Böss and H. Nyrhinen
Large deviations of random walks under distribution whose tail is bounded by power functions
 2011, 12 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 60F10

Preprint 514.
 Y. Hou
Some inference results on random pure exchange economies
 2011, 19 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 90A14, Secondary 60F15

Preprint 513.
 A. Perälä
Toeplitz operators on Bloch-type spaces and classes of weighted Sobolev distributions
 2011, 14 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B35, Secondary 30H30, 46F05

Preprint 512.
 V. Chousionis and P. Mattila
Singular integrals on self-similar sets and removability for Lipschitz harmonic functions in Heisenberg groups,
 2011, 30 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 42B20, Secondary 28A75

Preprint 511.
 O. Martio
Quasiminimizing properties of solutions to Riccati type equations,
 2011, 10 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 35J60, Secondary 35J25

Preprint 510.
 H. Nyrhinen
On stochastic difference equations in insurance ruin theory,
 2010, 8 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 60G40, Secondary 39A50

Preprint 509.
 O. Martio
Quasilinear Riccati type equations and quasiminimizers,
 2010, 11 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 35J60, Secondary 35B50

Preprint 508.
 A. Perälä and J. A. Virtanen
A note on the Fredholm properties of Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces with matrix-valued symbols,
 2010, 10 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B35, Secondary 47A53, 30H20

Preprint 507.
 P. Tukia
Limits of Teichmüller maps,
 2010, 36 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 30F60, Secondary 30C62

Preprint 506.
 R. Korte, N. Marola and N. Shanmugalingam
Quasiconformality, homeomorphisms between metric measure spaces preserving quasiminimizers, and uniform density property,
 2010, 21 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C56, Secondary 31C45, 49J27,35J20

Preprint 505.
 O. Dovgoshey and O. Martio
Functions transferring metrics to metrics,
 2009, 28 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 54E35, Secondary 20M18

Preprint 504.
 I. Holopainen, S. Pigola and G. Veronelli
Global comparison principles for the p-Laplace operator on Riemannian manifolds,
 2009, 12 pp.
 AMS Classification: 35B05, 31C45

Preprint 503.
 A. Perälä, J. Taskinen and J. Virtanen
Toeplitz operators with distributional symbols on Bergman spaces,
 2009, 9 pp.
 AMS Classification: 47B35

Preprint 502.
 M. Llorente and P. Mattila
Lipschitz equivalence of subsets of self-conformal sets,
 2009, 8 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 28A75, 28A80

Preprint 501.
 J. Heinonen and S. Keith
Flat forms, bi-Lipschitz parametrizations, and smoothability of manifolds,
 2009, 31 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65, Secondary 58A99

Preprint 500.
 V. Chousionis and P. Mattila
Singular integrals on Ahlfors-David regular subsets on the Heisenberg group,
 2009, 20 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 42B20, 28A75

Preprint 499.
 A. Vähäkangas
Dirichlet problem on unbounded domains and at infinity,
 2009, 26 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 58J32, Secondary 31C45

Preprint 498.
 P. Mattila, R. Serapioni and F. Serra Cassano
Characterizations of intrinsic rectifiability in Heisenberg groups,
 2009, 37 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 28A75, Secondary 28C10

Preprint 497.
 H. Nyrhinen
Economic factors and solvency,
 2009, 19 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 91B30, Secondary 60F10

Preprint 496.
 K. Luosto
Classifying unary quantifiers,
 2009, 31 pp.
 AMS Classification: 03C80

Preprint 495.
 R. Service
A Ramsey theorem with an application to sequences in Banach spaces,
 2009, 7 pp.
 AMS Classification: Primary 46B15, Secondary 05D10

Preprint 494.
 O. Martio
Capacity estimates for quasiminimizers,
 2009, 13 pp.
 AMS Classification: 30B15, 30C15

Preprint 493.
 P. Pankka
Mappings of bounded mean distortion and cohomology,
 2009, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C64 (53C21 58A12)

Preprint 492.
 E. Nummelin
Thermodynamic formalism of stochastic equilibrium economics,
 2009, 44 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 90A14, 60F15

Preprint 491.
 T. Hosokawa, P. J. Nieminen and S. Ohno
Linear combinations of composition operators on the Bloch spaces,
 2009, 16 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondary 30D45, 47B07

Preprint 490.
 H. Bonsdorff
On optimal monotone Bonus-Malus systems where the premiums depend both on the number and on the severity of the claims,
 2008, 27 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 46N10, 49M25, 60J20

Preprint 489.
 J. Onninen and P. Pankka
Slow mappings of finite distortion,
 2008, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65 (53C21, 58A12)

Preprint 488.
 J. Laitila and H.-O. Tylli
Operator-weighted composition operators on vector-valued analytic function spaces,
 2008, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondary 46E40

Preprint 487.
 D. Gasbarra, T. Sottinen and H. van Zanten:
Conditional full support of Gaussian processes with stationary increments,
 2008, 9 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60G15, 60G10

Preprint 486.
 R. Siders:
Dynamic Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games for strong logics over linear orders and other practical results,
 2008, 40 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 03C64, 03C07, 03C75

Preprint 485.
 J. Taskinen and J. Virtanen:
Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces with locally integrable symbols,
 2008, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 47B35

Preprint 484.
 P. Mattila and P. Saaranen:
Ahlfors-David regular sets and bilipschitz maps,
 2008, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 28A75

Preprint 483.
 Yu. Kozachenko, T. Sottinen and O. Vasylyk:
Lipschitz conditions for ${\rm Sup}{\varphi}(\Omega)$ - processes with - application to weakly self-similar stationary increment processes,
 2008, 19 pp.,
 AMS Classifiction: 60G17, 60G18

Preprint 482.
O. Dovgoshey, F. Abdullayev and M. K\" u\c c\"ukaslan:
Compact tangent metric spaces,
2008, 33 pp.,
AMS Classification: 54E35

Preprint 481.
O. Dovgoshey, F. Abdullayev and M. K\" u\c c\"ukaslan:
Tangent metric spaces to convex sets on the plane,
2008, 31 pp.,
AMS Classification: 54E35

Preprint 480.
 O. Dovgoshey and O. Martio:
Tangent spaces to metric spaces,
 2008, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 54E35

Preprint 479.
 V. Chousionis and P. Mattila:
Boundedness and convergence for singular integrals of measures separated by Lipschitz graphs,
 2008, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 42B20

Preprint 478.
 B. Bojarski, V. Gutlyanski\u \i\ and V. Ryazanov:
On general degenerate Beltrami equation,
 2008, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75


Preprint 477.
 V. Chousionis:
Weak convergence of singular integrals,
 2008, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 42B20

Preprint 476.
 P.V. Paramonov:
On $C^1$-extension and $C^1$-reflection of subharmonic functions from Lyapunov-Dini domains to ${\Bbb R}^N$,
 2008, 33 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 31B05; Secondary 34B27, 30E10

Preprint 475.
J. Taskinen and J. A. Virtanen:
Spectral theory of Toepliz and Hankel operators on the Bergman space $A^1$,
2008, 16 pp., AMS Classification: 47B35, 47A53, 32A36, 32A37

Preprint 474.
A. Björn and O. Martio:
Pasting lemmas and characterizations of boundary regularity for quasiminimizers,
2008, 13 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 31C45, Secondary 31B25, 35J60, 35J65

Preprint 473.
 J. Talponen:
Convex-transitivity and function spaces,
 2007, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 46B04; Secondary 46E40

Preprint 472.
S.A. Nazarov, J. Sokolowski and J. Taskinen:
Neumann Laplacian on a domain with tangential components in the boundary,
2007, 13 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 35J25, Secondary 46E35, 35J20

Preprint 471.
 V. Ryazanov, U. Srebro and E. Yakubov:
Extension of Lehto's existence theorem and its consequences,
 2007, 28 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 470.
 M. S. Pakkanen:
Diffusion limits for endogeneous asset price fluctuations in a microstructural market model,
 2007, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 91B26; Secondary 60F17

Preprint 469.
 S. Costea:
Sobolev capacity and Hausdorff measures in metric measure spaces,
 2007, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 31C15, 46E30

Preprint 468.
 A. Clop and I. Uriarte-Tuero:
Sharp nonremovability examples for Hölder continuous quasiregular mappings in the plane,
 2007, 19 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C62, 35J15

Preprint 467.
 Serban Costea:
Besov capacity and Hausdorff measures in metric measure spaces,
 2007, 25 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 31C99, 46E35

Preprint 466.
 V. Ryazanov and R. Salimov:
On the mapping theory in metric spaces,
 2007, 34 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65; 30C75

Preprint 465.
L. Diening, P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö, Y. Mizuta and T. Shimomura:
Maximal functions in variable exponent spaces: Limiting cases of the exponent,
2007, 19 pp,
AMS Classification: 42B25, 46E30

Preprint 464.
E.A. Gallardo-Gutiérres, M.J. Gonzáles, P.J. Nieminen and E. Saksman:
On the connected component of compact composition operators on the Hardy space,
2007, 15 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondary 30D55, 47B38

Preprint 463.
 R. Salimov:
Absolute continuity and differentiability of Q-homeomorphisms,
 2007, 7 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65; 30C75

Preprint 462.
 I. Prause:
Distortion of dimension under quasiconformal mappings,
 2007, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C62, 30C65

Preprint 461.
J. Laitila:
Isometric composition operators on BMOA,
2007, 9 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondary 30D50, 30C80

Preprint 460.
J. Talponen:
Convex-transitive characterizations of Hilbert spaces,
2007, 23 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 46B05, Secondary 46C15

Preprint 459.
O. Martio:
Reflection principle for quasiminimizers,
2007, 10 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 31B25, Secondary 35J65

Preprint 458. I. Prause:
Flatness properties of quasispheres,
2007, 15 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 457.
I. Prause:
A note on distortion of Hausdorff measures under quasiconformal mappings,
2007, 5 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 456. O. Dovgoshey and O. Martio:
On the distortion coefficient in the Basic Covering Theorem,
2007, 24 pp.,
AMS Classification: 54E35

Preprint 455.
O. Martio, V.M. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Ahlfors theorems for differential forms,
2007, 34 pp.,
AMS Classification: 58A10

Preprint 454.
V.N. Dubinin and M. Vuorinen:
Robin functions and distortion theorems for regular mappings,
2007, 21 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C55

Preprint 453.
 A. Rasila and T. Sottinen:
Arbitrage by changing the stock exchange,
 2007, 5 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 91B28; 60H30

Preprint 452.
C. Jost:
A note on ergodic transformations of self-similar Volterra Gaussian processes,
2007, 8 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60G15; 60G18; 37A25

Preprint 451.
O. Dovgoshey and O. Martio:
Some questions and remarks on the basic covering theorem,
2007, 11 pp.,
AMS Classification: 54E35

Preprint 450.
J. Laitila, H.-O. Tylli and M. Wang:
Composition operators from weak to strong spaces of vector-valued analytic functions,
2007, 13 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondary 46E40

Preprint 449.
 V. Heikkala, H. Lindén, M.K. Vamanamurthy and M. Vuorinen:
Generalized elliptic integrals II,
 2006, 28 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 33B15, 33C05, Secondary 30C62

Preprint 448.
 C. Jost:
Measure-preserving transformations of Volterra Gaussian processes and related bridges,
 2006, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60G15; 37A05; 42C10; 60G44

Preprint 447.
 J. Kinnunen and P. Lindqvist:
Definition and properties of supersolutions to the porous medium equation,
 2006, 32 pp,
 AMS Classification: 35K55

Preprint 446.
 J. Väisälä:
Quasihyperbolic geometry of domains in Hilbert spaces,
 2006, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 445.
 S. Costea:
Scaling invariant Sobolev-Lorentz capacity on R n,
 2006, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 31C15

Preprint 444.
 I. Holopainen, S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
p-capacity and p-hyperbolicity of submanifolds,
 2006, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Priamry 53C40, 31C12; Secondary 53C21, 31C45, 60J65

Preprint 443.
 P. Mattila and J. Verdera:
Convergence of singular integrals with general measures,
 2006, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 42B20

Preprint 442.
 J. Talponen:
On asymptotic transitivity in Banach spaces,
 2006, 16 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 46C15, 46B04; Secondary 46B03, 46B20

Preprint 441.
 J. Kinnunen, N. Marola and O. Martio:
Harnack's principle for quasiminimizers,
 2006, 18 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 49J52; Secondary 35J60, 49J27

Preprint 440.
O. Martio:
Boundary behavior of quasiminimizers and Dirichlet finite PWB solutions in the borderline case,
2006, 13 pp,
AMS Classification: Primary 31B25; Secondary 35J65

Preprint 439.
 K. Vehkalahti, S. Puntanen and L. Tarkkonen:
Effects of measurement errors in predictor selection of linear regression model,
 2006, 19 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 62J05, 62H25, 62H20, 91C05

Preprint 438.
 P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö and V. Latvala:
Minimizers of the variable exponent, non-uniformly convex Dirichlet energy,
 2006, 24 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 35J60; Secondary 26B30, 35B40, 35J25, 46E35

Preprint 437.
 J. Laitila:
Weighted composition operators on BMOA,
 2006, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B38; Secondary 30H05, 30D50

Preprint 436.
 P. J. Nieminen:
Compact differences of composition operators on Bloch and Lipschitz spaces,
 2006, 16 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B33; Secondary 30D45, 47B07

Preprint 435.
 J. Kontinen:
Logical characterization of the counting hierarchy,
 2006, 24 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 68Q19; Secondary 03C80, 03C85

Preprint 434.
H. Nyrhinen:
On large deviations of multivariate heavy tailed random walks,
2006, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60F10

Preprint 433.
 J. Taskinen:
Asymptotical behaviour of a class of semilinear diffusion equations,
 2006, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 35B40; Secondary 35K57, 35K45

Preprint 432.
 M. Engliš and J. Taskinen:
Deformation quantization and Borel's theorem in locally convex spaces,
 2006, 14 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 46A13; Secondary 53D55, 26B05, 47B35

Preprint 431.
 P. Pankka:
Slow quasiregular mappings and universal coverings,
 2006, 24 pp., AMS Classification: 30C65 (53C21, 58A12)

Preprint 430.
 Kimmo Vehkalahti, Simo Puntanen and Lauri Tarkkonen:
Estimation of reliability:
a better alternative for Cronbach's alpha,
 2006, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 62H25, 62H20, 91C05

Preprint 429.
 I. Prause:
A remark on quasiconformal dimension distortion on the line,
 2005, 12 pp., AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 428.
 J. Laitila:
Composition operators and vector--valued BMOA,
 2005, 14 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B33; Secondary 30D50, 46E40

Preprint 427.
 T. Sottinen and C. Tudor:
Parameter estimation for stochastic equations with additive fractional Brownian sheet,
 2005, 15 pp., AMS Classification: 60G15, G0H07, 60G35, 62M40

Preprint 426.
H. Nyrhinen:
Convex large deviation rate functions under mixtures of linear transformations, with an application to ruin theory,
2005, 16 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 60F10; Secondary 60G40

Preprint 425.
 V.M. Miklyukov:
On maps almost quasi-conformally close to quasi-isometries,
 2005, 26 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 26B35; Secondary 26B10

Preprint 424.
 C. Jost:
A note on the connection between Molchan-Golosov- and Mandelbrot-Van Ness representation of fractional Brownian motion,
 2005, 19 pp.,
 AMS Classification:60G15; 60G18

Preprint 423.
 Aleksi Vähäkangas:
Dirichlet problem at infinity for ${\cal A}$-harmonic functions,
 2005, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 58J32, 31C12, 31C45

Preprint 422.
 J. Väisälä:
Quasihyperbolic geodesics in convex domains,
 2005, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 421.
 P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö and V. Latvala:
Sobolev embeddings in metric measure spaces with variable dimension,
 2005, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 46E35; Secondary 28A78, 28A80, 42B20, 46E30

Preprint 420.
 K. Falk and P. Tukia:
A note on Patterson measures,
 2005, 11 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Priamry 30F40; Secondary 37F30, 37F35

Preprint 419.
 D. Kovtonyuk and V. Ryazanov:
Homeomorphisms with lower bounds for moduli,
 2005, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 418.
 I. Holopainen, U. Lang and A. Vähäkangas:
Dirichlet problem at infinity on Gromov hyperbolic metric measure spaces,
 2005, 36 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 58J32, 53C23, 31C45

Preprint 417.
 V.N. Dubinin and M. Vuorinen:
On conformal moduli of polygonal quadrilaterals,
 2005, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C85; Secondary 30C65

Preprint 416.
V. Gutlyanski\v i and O. Martio:
Boundary regularity of conformal maps with quasiconformal extension,
2005, 20 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C55,60

Preprint 415.
O. Dovgoshey:
From the disk to the Caratheodory domains,
2005, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30E10; Secondary 46J15, 46E25

Preprint 414.
V. Gutlyanski\v i and O. Martio:
On regularity of a quasiconformal mapping at a point of maximal streching,
2005, 8 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 413.
A. Rasila:
Multiplicity and boundary behavior of quasiregular maps,
2005, 10 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 412.
 O. Martio, V.M. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Wiman and Arima theorems for quasiregular mappings,
 2005, 29 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65, Secondary 31C12

Preprint 411.
 J. Laitila and H.-O. Tylli:
Composition operators on vector-valued harmonic functions and Cauchy transforms,
 2005, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Promary 47B33; Secondary 46E40, 46G10

Preprint 410.
 C. Jost:
A transformation formula for fractional Brownian motion,
 2005, 27 pp., AMS Classification: 60G15, 26A33, 60H05

Preprint 409.
H. Lindén:
Gromov hyperbolicity of conformal invariant metrics,
2005, 10 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30F45; Secondary 30C20

Preprint 408.
V. Suomala:
Local distribution of fractal sets and measures,
2005, 18 pp.,
AMS Classification: 28A75

Preprint 407.
H. Nyrhinen:
Power estimates for ruin probabilities,
2004, 21 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 60G40; Secondary 60F10

Preprint 406.
E. Nummelin:
A Perron-Frobenius theorem for cone-preserving linear operators in a vector space I: General results,
2004, 16 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 47B65; Secondary 47A67, 47A75

Preprint 405.
J. Bonet, M. Engliš and J. Taskinen:
Weighted $L^{\infty}$-estimates for Bergman projections,
2004, 23 pp.,
AMS Classification: 47B38, 46A13

Preprint 404.
 V. Heikkala, M.K. Vamanamurthy and M. Vuorinen:
Generalized ellipic integrals,
 2004, 30 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 33B15, 33C05; Secondary 30C62

Preprint 403.
 D. Kovtonyuk and V. Ryazanov:
To the theory of mappings with finite area distortion,
 2004, 11 pp.,
 AMS Classification 30C65

Preprint 402.
 V.A. Klyachin, A.V. Kochetov and V.M. Miklyukov:
Some elementary inequalities in gas dynamics equation,
 2004, 26 pp.,
 AMS Classification Priamry 35J60; Secondary 35Q35

Preprint 401.
 O. Martio, V. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
On quasiplanes in $R^n$ with codimension $> 1$,
 2004, 8 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C62, 30C65

Preprint 400.
 P. Mattila:
Measures with unique tangent measures in metric groups,
 2004, 11 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 28A 75; Secondary 28C10

Preprint 399.
 P. Pankka:
Quasiregular mappings from a punctured ball into compact manifolds,
 2004, 25 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 53C21, 58A12

Preprint 398.
 Yu. Kozachenko, T. Sottinen and O. Vasylyk:
Simulation of weakly self-similar stationary increment Sub{\phi}(\Omega)-prosesses: a series expansion approach,
 2004, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60G18, 60G15, 68U20, 33C10

Preprint 397.
J.W. Anderson, K. Falk and P. Tukia:
Conformal measures associated to ends of hyperbolic $n$-manifolds,
2004, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30F40; Secondary 37F30, 37F35

Preprint 396.
 O. Blasco, M. Lindström and J. Taskinen:
Bloch-to-$BMOA$ compositions in several complex variables,
 2004, 16 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondary 32A02, 32A18, 32A70

Preprint 395.
 T. Hyttinen and M. Viljanen:
Independence in local abstract elementary classes, part I,
 2004, 46 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 03C45, Secondary 03C52

Preprint 394.
O. Dovgoshey and O. Martio:
Singular functions and arc length,
2004, 15 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 26A30; Swcondary 51M25, 14H50

Preprint 393.
 T. Sottinen and C.A. Tudor:
On the equivalence of multiparameter Gaussian processes,
 2004, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 60G15, Secondary 60G30, 60H05

Preprint 392.
 J. Laitila:
Weakly compact composition operators on vector-valued BMOA,
 2004, 14 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 47B33, 30D50, 46E40

Preprint 391.
H. Bonsdorff:
On asymptotic properties of Bonus--Malus systems based on the number and on the size of the claims,
2004, 12 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60J05, 60J20

Preprint 390.
 J. Väisälä:
Broken tubes in Hilbert spaces,
 2004, 10 pp., AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 389.
 J. Väisälä:
Hyperbolic and uniform domains in Banach spaces,
 2004, 45 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65, 53C23

Preprint 388.
P. Harjulehto. P. Hästö and M. Pere:
Variable exponent Sobolev spaces on metric measure spaces,
2004, 25 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 46E35; Secondary 31B15

Preprint 387.
S.-L. Qiu and M. Vuorinen:
Some properties of the gamma and psi functions, with applications,
2004, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 33B15; Secondary 26B15, 26D15, 51M25

Preprint 386.
 J. Kontinen:
The hierarachy theorem for second order generalized quantifiers,
 2004, 18 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 03C80; Secondary 03C13, 03C85

Preprint 385.
J. Kinnunen and P. Lindqvist:
Summability of semicontinuous supersolutions to a quasilinear parabolic equations,
2004, 18 pp.,
AMS Classification: 35K55

Preprint 384.
M. Malmivuori:
Electric and magnetic Green's functions in a smoothly layered medium/general case,
2004, 50 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 35Q60, 47G10, 47G30; Secondary 35S05, 35C15, 46A32

Preprint 383.
V.M. Miklyukov, S.S. Polypanov and R.A. Tarapata:
Stabilization theorems for solutions of gas dynamics equation,
2004, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: 35L65, 30C62, 76N15

Preprint 382.
 O. Martio, V. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Removable singularities of ${\cal WT}$--differential forms and quasiregular mappings,
 2004, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65, 58A14

Preprint 381.
 J. Väisälä:
Gromov hyperbolic spaces,
 2004, 38 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 58C23

Preprint 380.
 J. Kontinen:
Definability of second order generalized quantifiers,
 2004, 21 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 03C80; Secondary 03C13, 03C85

Preprint 379.
O. Dovgoshey and O. Martio:
The arc length evaluations and Lebesgue decomposition,
2004, 11 pp.,

AMS Classification: 26A30)

Preprint 378.
 P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö and O. Martio:
Fuglede's theorem in variable exponent Sobolev space,
 2004, 10 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 46E35

Preprint 377.
 P.J. Nieminen and E. Saksman:
On compactness of the difference of composition operators,
 2003, 18 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 47B33, Secondar 30D55,47B07

Preprint 376.
H. Nyrhinen:
Hitting probabilities for heavy tailed random walks,
2003, 21 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 60G40, Secondary 60F10

Preprint 375.
 J. Kinnunen and P. Lindqvist:
Pointwise behaviour of semicontinuous supersolutions to a quasilinear parabolic equation,
 2003, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 35K55

Preprint 374.
 H. Haario, M. Laine, A. Mira and E. Saksman:
DRAM: Efficient adaptive MCMC,
 2003, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 65C05, 65C40

Preprint 373.
P. Tukia:
Teichmüller sequences on trajectories invariant under a Kleinian group,
2003, 43 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30F60, Secondary 30F40, 30C62

Preprint 372.
 S. Rickman:
Simply connected quasiregularly elliptic 4-manifolds,
 2003, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 57M12

Preprint 371.
 P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö and M. Pere:
Variable exponent Lebesgue spaces on metric spaces: The Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator,
 2003, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 42B25, 42B33

Preprint 370.
 K. Astala and L. Päivärinta:
Calderon's inverse conductivity problem in the plane,
 2003, 40 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 35R30, Secondary 35J15

Preprint 369.
 V. Ryazanov, U. Srebro and E. Yakubov:
Degenerate Beltrami equation and radial $Q$--homeomorphisms,
 2003, 34 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 368.
 I. Holopainen and P. Pankka:
A big Picard theorem for quasiregular mappings into manifolds with many ends,
 2003, 9 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 367.
 V. Ryazanov and E. Sevost'yanov:
To the theory of normal families of space mappings,
 2003, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 366.
 O. Dovgoshey, O. Martio, V. Ryazanov and M. Vuorinen:
On linear distortion of Hausdorff dimension,
 2003, 18 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 28A78

Preprint 365.
 P. Hästö and H. Lindén:
Isometries of the half-apollonian metric,
 2003, 10 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 53 M 15, 30F46

Preprint 364.
 P. Harjulehto and P. Hästö:
Lebesgue points in variable exponent spaces,
 2003, 9 pp.,
 AMS Classifiction: 46E35

Preprint 363.
 T. Blomster:
Stochastic equilibrium in financial markets,
 2003, 8 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 81B70

Preprint 362.
 P. Alestalo, D.A. Trotsenko and J. Väisälä:
Linear bilipschitz extension property,
 2003, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65, 46B20

Preprint 361.

M. Kuusela:
On large deviations of fixed points,
 2003, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60F10, 91B52

Preprint 360.
 M. Lassas, L. Päivärinta and E. Saksman:
Inverse Schrödinger scattering problem for random potentials in plane,
 2003, 63 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 35R30, 35P25, 82D30, 60J25

Preprint 359.
A.A. Gushchin and E. Valkeila:
Approximations and limit theorems for likelihood ratio processes in the binary case,
2003, 47 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60F05, 60F17, 60G30, 60G44, 62E20

Preprint 358.
G. Li and J. Yang:
Asymptotically linear elliptic systems,
2003, 26 pp.,
AMS Classification: 35J60; 35J20

Preprint 357.
Y. Hu and H. Nyrhinen:
Large deviations viewpoints for heavy tailed random walks,
2003, 13 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60F10

Preprint 356.
 M. Engli\v s, T. T. Hänninen and J. Taskinen:
Minimal $L^{\infty}$-type spaces on strictly pseudoconvex domains on which the Bergman projection is continuous,
 2003, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 32A10; Secondary 40E10, 32T15

Preprint 355.
O. Dovgoshey, O. Martio, V. Ryazanov and M. Vuorinen:
The Cantor set and representations of numbers,
2003, 17 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 11A67

Preprint 354.
 P. Harjulehto and P. Hästö:
A capacity approach to the Poincaré inequality and Sobolev imbeddings in variable exponent Sobolev spaces,
 2003, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 46E35

Preprint 353.
 P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö, M. Koskenoja and S. Varonen:
The Dirichlet energy integral and variable exponent Sobolev spaces with zero boundary values,
 2003, 15 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 46E35, 31C45, 35J65

Preprint 352.
 V. Heikkala and M. Vuorinen:
Teichm\"uller's extremal ring problem,
 2003, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C75, Secondary 31B15

Preprint 351.
 T. Hyttinen:
Random logarithm and homogeneity,
 2003, 31 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primarity 03C52, Secondary 03C60, 03C68

Preprint 350.
 A. Ignat'ev and V. Ryazanov:
On the boundary behavior of space mappings,
 2003, 11 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65, Secondary 30C75

Preprint 349.
P.V. Gapeev:
On arbitrage and Markovian short rates for fractional bond markets,
2003, 11 pp,,
AMS Classification: 91B28, 60G15

Preprint 348.
 S. Keith and T. Laakso:
Conformal Assouad dimension and modulus,
 2003, 36 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65, 53C24

Preprint 347.
 O. Martio and V. Miklyukov:
On existence and uniqueness of degenerate Beltrami equation,
 2003, 12 pp,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C62, Secondary 35J70

Preprint 346.
 I.V. Zhuravlev, A.Yu. Igumnov and V.M. Miklyukov:
On an implicit function theorem,
 2003, 9 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 26B35, Secondary 26B10

Preprint 345.
M. Malmivuori:
An inverse problem for time-harmonic electromagnetic currents in a smoothly layered medium,
2003, 37 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 35Q60, 78A46, 35R30, Secondary 46A32

Preprint 344.
 J. Kinnunen and O. Martio:
Potential theory of quasiminimizers,
 2003, 27 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 31C45, 49N60

Preprint 343.
 M. Kuusela:
On price equilibria of random economies,
 2003, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 91B52, 60F10

Preprint 342.
 H. Haario, E. Saksman and J. Tamminen:
Componentwise adaptation for MCMC,
 2003, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 65C05, 65C40

Preprint 341.
 P. Hästö:
The Apollonian metric and bilipschitz mappings,
 2003, 5 pp.,

Preprint 340.
H. Nyrhinen:
Large deviations with applications to insurance problems,
2003, 7 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60F10

Preprint 339.
 I. Holopainen and P. Pankka:
Mappings of finite distortion: Global homeomorphism theorem,
 2002, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 338.
 P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö, M. Koskenoja and S. Varonen:
Sobolev capacity on the space $W^{1,p(\cdot)}({\Bbb R}^n)$,
 2002, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 40E35, 31B15

Preprint 337.
Y. Mishura:
Fractional stochastic integration and Black-Scholes equation for fractional Brownian model with stochastic volatility,
2002, 19 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60G15, 60H30, 91B28

Preprint 336.
V. Gutlyanski\v i and O. Martio:
On regularity of quasiconformal curves,
2002, 20 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C55,60

Preprint 335.
 T. Sottinen and E. Valkeila:
On arbitrage and replication in the fractional Black--Scholes pricing model,
 2002, 13 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60F17, 60G15, 90A09;
 JEL Classification: C60, G10

Preprint 334.
 J. Kinnunen and N. Shanmugalingam:
Polar sets on metric spaces,
 2002, 25 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 31C45, 49N60

Preprint 333.
 J. Kinnunen and O. Martio:
Sobolev space properties of superharmonic functions on metric spaces,
 2002, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 31C45, 46E35

Preprint 332.
 A. Ignat'ev and V. Ryazanov:
Finite mean oscillation in the mapping theory,
 2002, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65, Secondary 30C75

Preprint 331.
F.G. Abdullayev and O.A. Dovgoshey:
General Bieberbach polynomials and point evaluations,
2002, 11 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 42C05, Secondary 30E10

Preprint 330.
 O. Martio, V. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Functions monotone close to boundary,
 2002, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 35J70, Secondary 30C62

Preprint 329.
 O. Martio, V. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Some remarks on an existence problem for degenerate elliptic systems,
 2002, 9 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 35J70, Secondary 30C62

Preprint 328.
 T. Sottinen:
On Gaussian processes equivalent in law to fractional Brownian motion,
 2002, 17 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 60G15, Secondary 60G30, 60h05

Preprint 327.
M. Lindström, E. Saksman and H.-O. Tylli:
Strictly singular and cosingular multiplications,
2002, 27 pp.,
AMS Classification: 47B47, 46B28

Preprint 326.
P. Nieminen and E. Saksman:
Boundary correspondence of Nevanlinna counting functions for self-maps of the unit disc,
2002, 20 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30D35, 30D50, Secondary 47B33

Preprint 325.
 A. Hohti:
Recursive synthesis and the foundations of mathematics,
 2002, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 03A05, Secondary 00A30

Preprint 324.
 R. Goebel:
Continuity of the cone functor,
 2002, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 54C35; Secondary 54G20, 54H99, 18D99

Preprint 323.
 D. Faraco:
Tartar conjecture and Beltrami operators,
 2002, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C62, 40J45, 35J45

Preprint 322.
 O. Martio, V. Ryazanov, U. Srebro and E. Yakubov:
Mappings of finite length distortion,
 2002, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 321.
 P. Harjulehto:
Sobolev extension domains,
 2002, 5 pp.

Preprint 320.
 T. J. Laakso:
Look-down equivalence without BPI equivalence,
 2002, 11 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 28A80; Secondary 28A75, 46E35

Preprint 319.
 J. Väisälä:
Locally bilipschitz maps of roughly dense sets,
 2002, 16 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65; 46B20

Preprint 318.
 O. Martio, V. Ryazanov, U. Srebro and E. Yakubov:
On boundary behavior of $Q$-homeomorphisms,
 2002, 12 pp,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 317.
 Yu. Kozachenko, T. Sottinen and O. Vasylyk:
Weakly self-similar stationary increment processes from the space ${\rm SSub}{\varphi}(\Omega)$,
 2002, 14pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 60G07, Secondary 60G70

Preprint 316.
 O. Martio, V.M. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Relative distance and boundary properties of nonparametric surfaces with finite area,
 2002, 18 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 31C45, Secondary 53A10

Preprint 315.
 O. Martio, V. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen:
Generalized Wiman and Arima theorems for n--subharmonic functions over cones,
 2002, 29 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C65, 31C45

Preprint 314.
 T. Sugawa and M. Vuorinen:
Some inequalities for the Poincaré metric of plane domains,
 2002, 20 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 30F45; Secondary 30A10

Preprint 313.
 Yurii N. Lin'kov:
Large deviations in testing of models with fractional Brownian motion,
 2002, 14 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60F10, 62M07, 91B70

Preprint 312.
P. \v Semrl and J. Väisälä:
Nonsurjective nearisometries of Banach spaces,
2001, 11 pp.,
AMS Classification: 46B04

Preprint 311.
H.-O. Tylli:
Exotic algebra norms on quotient algebras of the bounded linear operators,
2001, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 47L10, 46B28, 46H35

Preprint 310.
E. Nummelin:
MC's for MCMC'ists,
2001, 39 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60J05, 65C05

Preprint 309.
V. Gutlyanski\v i and O. Martio:
Conformality of a quasiconformal mapping at a point,
2001, 15 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 308.
 J. Kinnunen and E. Saksman:
Regularity of the fractional maximal function,
 2001, 8 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 42B25, 46E35, 31B15

Preprint 307.
 H. Nyrhinen:
Joining large deviations under bounds of random vectors,
 2001, 22 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60F10

Preprint 306.
 J. Hirschorn:
Random gaps under CH,
 2001, 11 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 03E05, Secondary 03E40, 03E50, 28E15

Preprint 305.
J. Malý:
Lectures on change of variables in integral,
2001, 46 pp.

Preprint 304.
P. Tukia:
Limits of Teichm\"uller mappings on trajectories,
2001, 42 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30C62, Secondary 30C75, 30F60

Preprint 303.
 T. Blomster and K. Dzhaparidze:
On Cobb-Douglas dynamical exchange economies,
 2001, 29 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 91B70, 91B62, 62P20

Preprint 302.
 T. Sottinen and E. Valkeila:
Fractional Brownian motion as a model in finance,
 2001, 16 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 60F17, 60G15, 90A09

Preprint 301.
 A. Hellsten, T. Hyttinen and S. Shelah:
Potential isomorphism and semi-proper trees,
 2001, 16 pp., AMS Classification: 03E05, 03C55

Preprint 300.
E. Nummelin:
Entropy and equilibrium II: Calibration of microeconomic models,
2001, 21 pp.,
AMS Classification: 90A14, 60F15

Preprint 299.
 J. Kinnunen and O. Martio:
Nonlinear potential theory on metric spaces,
 2001, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 46E35, 31C35

Preprint 298.
 I. Holopainen, N. Shanmugalingam, and J.T. Tyson:
On the conformal Martin boundary of domains in metric spaces,
 2001, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 31C35; Secondary 31C45, 30C65

Preprint 297.
T. Lehtonen and E. Nummelin:
Large deviations for sectorial economies,
2001, 27 pp.,
AMS Classification: 90A14, 60F15

Preprint 296.
V. Hakulinen:
Passive advection and the degenerate elliptic operators $Mn$,
2001, 59 pp.,
AMS classification: Primary 35J70, 35K65; Secondary 35Q35, 76F25

Preprint 295.
 I. Holopainen and N. Shanmugalingam:
Singular functions on metric measure spaces,
 2001, 21 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 31C45; Secondary 30C65

Preprint 294.
 Yu. Kozachenko, T. Sottinen and O. Vasylyk:
Path space large deviations of a large buffer with Gaussian input traffic,
 2001, 12 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 60K25; Secondary 60F10, 60G15

Preprint 293.
 O. Martio and V. Ryazanov:
One-point compactification of generalized spaces,
 2001, 4 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 57N65; Secondary 57M40, 55N15

Preprint 292.
 Tomi J. Laakso:
Tangent cones of certain spaces admitting Poincaré inequality,
 2001, 10 pp., AMS Classification: Primary 28A80, secondary 46E35, 30C65, 28A75

Preprint 291.
 P. Harjulehto:
Maximal inequality in $(s,m)$-uniform domains,
 2001, 14 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 46E35

Preprint 290.
 I. Holopainen:
Asymptotic Dirichlet problem for the $p$-Laplacian on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds,
 2001, 9 pp., AMS Classification: Primary 58J60; Secondary 53C20, 31C12

Preprint 289.
J. Väisälä:
Isometric approximation property of unbounded sets,
2001, 13 pp.,
AMS Classification: 46C05, 460, 30C65

Preprint 288.
 O. Martio, V. Ryazanov, U. Srebro and E. Yakubov:
BMO-quasiconformal mappings and $Q$-homeomorphisms in ${\Bbb R}^n$,
 2001, 23 pp.,
 AMS Classification: Primary 20C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 287.
H. Nyrhinen:
Large deviations and the Gärtner-Ellis theorem for the sequences of random variables,
2001, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60F10

Preprint 286.
S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh:
Criteria for univalent, starlike and convex functions,
2001, 20 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C45, 30C55

Preprint 285.
R. Kaila:
On almost sure elimination of generalized quantifiers,
2001, 68 pp.,
AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C10, 03C80, 03C75, 05C80

Preprint 284.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy, S. Naik and M. Vuorinen:
Elliott's identity and hypergeometric functions,
(Prprint 284, 2001, 22 pp.)
AMS Classification: 33C05, 33C75

Preprint 283.
V. Gutlyanskii and T. Sugawa:
On Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal mappings,
2001, 18 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 282.
 V. Gutlyanskii, O. Martio, T. Sugawa and M. Vuorinen:
On the Degenerate Beltrami Equation,
 2001, 32 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C55,60

Preprint 281.
H.--O. Tylli:
Duality of the distance to closed operator ideals,
2001, 15 pp.,
AMS Classification: 47L20, 46B28

Preprint 280.
V.V. Petrov:
On the growth of sums of independent random variables,
2001, 7 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60F15, 60F05

Preprint 279.
 Li Gongbao and O. Martio:
Approximation and stability of Perron solutions in nonlinear potential theory,
 2001, 7 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 31C45, 35J70, 35J65

Preprint 278.
 V.Ya. Gutlyanskii, O. Martio and M. Vuorinen:
On conformal differentiation in space,
 2001, 19 pp.,
 AMS Classification: 30C55,60

Preprint 277.
E. Nummelin:
Principles of stochastic equilibrium theory II: The principle of minimum entropy,
2001, 6 pp.,
AMS Classification: 90A14, 60F15

Preprint 276.
 Li Gongbao and O. Martio:
Stability and higher integrability of derivatives of solutions in higher obstacle problems,
 2001, 10 pp.,
 AMS Classicication: 35J65, 35B65

Preprint 275.
 P. Harjulehto:
Sobolev extension domains on metric spaces of homogeneous type,
 2001, 12 pp., AMS Classification: 46E35

Preprint 274.
V. Gutlyanskii, O. Martio and M. Vuorinen:
On Hölder continuity of quasiconformal maps with VMO dilatation,
2000, 12 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C65, 30V60

Preprint 273.
E. Nummelin:
Principles of stochastic equilibrium theory I: The law of large numbers and the principle of large deviations,
2000, 38 pp.,
AMS Classification: 90A14, 60F15

Preprint 272.
O. Dovgoshev:
On the $N$--th root asymptotic behavior of orthonormal polynomials,
2000, 21 pp.,
AMS Classifiction: 42C05

Preprint 271.
T. Huuskonen and J. Väisälä:
Hyers--Ulam constants of Hilbert spaces,
2000, 9 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 46B20; Secondary 46C05

Preprint 270.
S. Asmuss and A. Lahtinen:
On the shape--preserving quadratic histosplines,
2000, 16 pp.,
AMS Classification: 65D07, 41A15

Preprint 269.
 Z.M. Balogh, I. Holopainen and J.T. Tyson:
Singular solutions, homogeneous norms, and quasiconformal mappings in Carnot groups,
 2000, 23 pp., AMS Classicifation: Primary 22E30, 40A80;
 Secondary 30C65, 35J60, 31C45

Preprint 268.
G. Li and H.--S. Zhou:
Multiple Solutions to $p$--Laplacian Problem with Asymptotic Nonlinearity as $u^{p-1}$ at infinity,
2000, 17 pp., AMS Classification: 35J60, 49J40

Preprint 267.
R. Kaila:
On almost sure elimination of numerical quantifiers,
2000, 11 pp.,
AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C30, 03C80, 03C75, 05C80

Preprint 266.
S. Shelah and J. Väänänen:
A note on extensions of infinitary logic,
2000, 10 pp.,
AMS Classification: 03C75, 03C95

Preprint 265.
K. Dzhaparidze, P. Spreij and E. Valkeila:
Information processes in filtered experiments,
Part II: explicit representations and examples,
2000, 27 pp.,
AMS classification: 60G07, 60H30, 62B15, 94A17

Preprint 264.
 K. Dzhaparidze, P. Spreij and E. Valkeila:
Information processes in filtered experiments,
Part I: general concepts,
 2000, 25 pp.,
 Ams classification: 60G07, 60H30, 62B15, 94A17

Preprint 263.
 P. Harjulehto:
Traces and Sobolev extension domains,
 2000, 14 pp., AMS Classification: 46E35

Preprint 262.
V. Derkach:
On indefinite generalized interpolation,
2000, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30E05, 47A48, 47B50, 46E22

Preprint 261.
Y. Mishura and E. Valkeila:
On arbitrage in the mixed brownian--fractional brownian market model,
2000, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60G15, 91B70, 60H06

Preprint 260.
J. Väisälä:
Isometric approximation property in euclidean spaces,
2000, 27 pp.,
AMS Classifiction:46C05, 30C65

Preprint 259.
J. Kinnunen and V. Latvala:
Lebesgue points for Sobolev functions on metric spaces,
2000, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 46E65, 31C15

Complete list of reports 1 - 258

Preprint 258.
 Tomi J. Laakso:
Plane with $A{\infty}$--weighted metric not bilipschitz embeddable to $R^n$,
 2000, 7 pp., AMS Classification: Primary 30C62, Secondary 54E40, 43A85, 28A80

Preprint 257.
 O. Martio and V. Ryazanov:
Factors of Euclidean spaces and generalized manifolds,
 2000, 12 pp., AMS Classification: 57N65, 57M40, 55P40

Preprint 256.
Ch. Bishop, V.Ya. Gutlyanski\v i, O. Martio and M. Vuorinen:
On conformal dilatation in space,
2000, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C55,50

Preprint 255.
E. Nummelin:
Large deviations of random vector fields with applications to economics,
2000, 46 pp.,
AMS Classification: 90A14, 60F15

Preprint 254.
J. Vuolle--Apiala:
On certain extensions of a rotation invariant Markov process,
2000, 10 pp.,
AMS Classification: 60J25

Preprint 253.
A. Hohti:
An infinitary version of Sperner's lemma,
2000, 9 pp.,
AMS Classification: 57N20, 55M20, 54F45

Preprint 252.
V.A. Derkach, S. Hassi, M.M. Malamud and H.S.V. Snoo:
Generalized resolvents of symmetric operators and admissibility,
2000, 51 pp.,
AMS Classification: 47A10, 47A57, 47B25, 47A55, 47B15

Preprint 251.
P. Tukia and X. Wang:
Discreteness of subgroups of $SL(2,{\rm C})$ containing elliptic elements,
2000, 5 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30F40, 20H10

Preprint 250.
D.E. Edmunds and R. Hurri--Syrjänen:
Sobolev inequalities of exponential type,
2000, 30 pp.,
AMS Classification: 46E35, 46E30, 26D10

Preprint 249.
J. Taskinen:
On the continuity of the Bergman and Szegö projections,
1999, 17 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 46E10, Secondary 42A50, 46A13, 46E15, 30H05

Preprint 248.
E.A. Karatsuba:
On the asymptotic representation of the Euler gamma function by Ramanujan,
1999, 21 pp,
AMS Classification: 33B15, 41A10, 42A16

Preprint 247.
P. Alestalo, D.A. Trotsenko and J. Väisälä:
Isometric approximation,
1999, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification:

Preprint 246.
 I. Holopainen and P. Koskela:
Volume growth and parabolicity,
 1999, 12 pp., AMS Classification: 58G30, 53C20, 31C12

Preprint 245.
 I. Holopainen:
Harmonic functions and volume growth of fingerless ends,
 1999, 13 pp., AMS Classification: 58G30, 53C20, 31C12

Preprint 244.
S. Makhmutov:
$\alpha$-normal functions and Yosida functions,
1999, 9 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 30D35; Secondary 30D50, 30D45

Preprint 243.
V.L. Oleinik:
Tight-binding approximation on the lemniscate,
1999, 13 pp.,
AMS Classification: 47B31, 39A11, 30C10, 39A70

Preprint 242.
S. Makhmutov and M. Tjani:
Composition operators on some Möbius invariant Banach spaces,
1999, 24 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 47B38; Secondary 30D45, 30D50

Preprint 241.
R. Kaila:
Zero--one laws for sparse random structures with generalized quantifiers,
1999, 17 pp.,
AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C80, 05C80

Preprint 240.
 J. Heinonen and S. Rickman:
Geometric branched covers between generalized manifolds,
 1999, 53 pp., AMS Classification: 57M12

Preprint 239.
 H. Junnila:
Embeddings of weakly compact sets and $*$-paired Banach spaces,
 1999, 14 pp., AMS Classification: 46B20. 46E15, 54C35, 54D30

Preprint 238.
H. Hedenmalm and E. Saksman:
Carleson's convergence theorem for Dirichlet series,
1999, 21 pp.,
AMS Classification: 42A20 (42C99, 46E20, 11K99)

Preprint 237.
H. Nyrhinen:
Finite and infinite time ruin probabilities in a stochastic economic environment,
1999, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 60G40, Secondary 60F10

Preprint 236.
P. Järvi:
On the zeros and growth of quasiregular mappings,
1999, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C65

Preprint 235.
R. Kaila:
Convergence laws for very sparse random structures with generalized quantifiers,
1999, 24 pp.,
AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C80, 03C75, 03C10, 05C80

Preprint 234.
A. Hohti:
Locales, the Locally Fine Construction and Formal Spaces,
1999, 17 pp.,
AMS Classification 54B10, 54E15

Preprint 233.
A. Hohti, M. Hu\v sek, J. Pelant:
The Locally Fine Coreflection and Normal Covers in the Products of Partition-complete Spaces,
1999, 15 pp.,
AMS Classification: 54B10, 54E15

Preprint 232.
R. Kaila:
On the number of extensions on random structures,
1999, 22 pp.,
AMS Classification: 03C13, 05C80

Preprint 231.
U. Srebro and E. Yakubov:
On folding solutions of the Beltrami equation,
1999, 8 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 230.
V.Ya. Gutlyanski\v i, O. Martio and M. Vuorinen:
On weak Lipschitz condition for quasiconformal maps,
1999, 14 pp.,
AMS Classification: 30C55,60

Preprint 229.
E. Saksman:
The local mapping properties of the Hilbert transform,
1999, 26 pp.,
AMS Classification: Primary 44A15, 30E99, Secondary 30D55, 45E99

Preprint 228.
 T. Sottinen:
Fractional Brownian motion, random walks and binary market models,
 1999, 10 pp., AMS Classification: 60F17, 60G15, 90A09

Preprint 227.
 A. Koponen and K. Luosto:
Definability of group theoretic notions,
 1999, 18 pp., AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C20, 20A15

Preprint 213.
 Tomi Laakso:
Lipschitz mappings with no bilipschitz tangents in spaces with decent calculus,
 1999, 4 pp.

Preprint 210.
 J. Luukkainen:
Topologically, quasiconformally or Lipschitz locally flat approximation of embeddings,
 1999, 36 pp., AMS Classification: 57N35, 30C65

Preprint 202.
 L. Hella and J. Nurmonen:
Vectorization hierarchies of some graph quantifiers,
 1998, 21 pp., AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C80

Preprint 201.
 Y. Mishura and E. Valkeila:
An isometric approach to stochastic integrals,
 1998, 15 pp., AMS Classification: 60H05, 60G15,60J65

Preprint 199.
 I. Holopainen:
A sharp $L^q$-Liouville theorem for $p$-harmonic functions,
 1998, 14 pp., AMS Classification: 58G30, 53C20, 31C12

Preprint 198.
 J. Luukkainen:
The density topology is maximally resolvable,
 1998, 2 pp., AMS Classification: 54A25, 28A05

Preprint 197.
 A.A. Gushchin and E. Valkeila:
On statistical experiments converging to exponential limits,
 1998, 18 pp., AMS Classification: 62B15, 62A99

Preprint 193.
 S. Illman and M. Kankaanrinta:
Some basic results for real analytic proper $G$-manifolds,
 1998, 14 pp., AMS Classification: 57S20, 58A07

Preprint 192.
 S. Illman and M. Kankaanrinta:
A new topology for the set ${\rm C}^{\infty,G}(M,N)$ of $G$-equivariant smooth maps,
 1998, 28 pp., AMS Classification: 57S20, 58Sxx, 58D10

Preprint 186.
 A. Novikov and E. Valkeila:
On some maximal inequalities for fractional Brownian motions,
 1998, 9 pp, AMS Classification: 60G15, 60G40, 60H99

Preprint 185.
 V. Ryazanov and M. Vuorinen:
On Belinskii conformality in a prescribed set of points,
 1998, 12 pp., AMS Classification: 30C62

Preprint 182.
 A. Dow, H. Junnila and J. Pelant:
More on weak covering properties of weak topologies,
 1998, 19 pp., AMS Classification: 54C35, 46B20, 54E20, 54D30

Preprint 180.
 T.J. Laakso :
Ahlfors $Q$--regular spaces with arbitrary $Q$ admitting weak Poincaré inequality ,
 1998, 7 pp., AMS Classification: 46E35, 28A75, 30C65

Preprint 178.
 J. Bonet and J. Taskinen :
The subspace problem for weighted inductive limits revisited,
 1998, 10 pp., AMS Classification: 46E10, 46A04/08/13, 46M40, 30H05, 32A99

Preprint 177.
 K. Peltonen :
An elementary point of view to Eliashberg's classification of contact structures on $S^3$,
 1998, 14 pp., AMS Classification: 53C15, 55R55, 57M12, 57M25, 57R15

Preprint 175.
 O. Martio, V.M. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen :
Critical points of $A$--solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations ,
 1998, 17 pp., AMS Classification: 35J60

Preprint 174.
 A. Yu. Solynin and M. Vuorinen :
Estimates for the hyperbolic metric of the punctured plane and applications ,
 1997, 25 pp., AMS Classification: 30C62, 33C05, 26D15, 11F99

Preprint 171.
 J. Bricmont, A. Kupiainen and J. Taskinen :
Stability of Cahn-Hilliard fronts,
 1997, 28 pp., AMS Classification: 35B40, 35K55

Preprint 169.
 K. Luosto:
Ramsey theory is needed for solving definability problems of generalized quantifiers,
 1997, 16 pp., AMS Classification: 03C80; 05D10

Preprint 168.
 S. Ponnusamy and F. R\o nning:
Integral transforms of functions with the derivative in a halfplane,
 1997, 10 pp., AMS Classification: 30C45; 33C05

Preprint 167.
 J. Luukkainen :
Lipschitz and quasiconformal approximation of homeomorphism pairs,
 1997, 35 pp., AMS Classification: 57N55; 30C65, 57R12

Preprint 159.
 A. Halko and S. Shelah :
On strong measure zero subsets of $^{\kappa}2$ ,
 1997, 10 pp., AMS Classification: 03E15, 04A15

Preprint 150.
 J.M. Turull Torres :
A semantic characterization of relational machines and the effects of homogeneity ,
 1997, 21 pp., AMS Classification: 68P15, 03C13, 03D10

Preprint 148.
 I. Holopainen :
Volume growth, Green's functions, and parabolicity of ends,
 1997, 23 pp., AMS Classification: 58G30, 53C20, 31C12

Preprint 147.
 S. Shelah and P. Väisänen :
On the number of $L{\infty \omega1}$-equivalent, non-isomorphic models ,
 1997, 37 pp., AMS Classification: Primary 03C55, Secondary 03C75, 03E05

Preprint 146.
 J.M. Turull Torres :
Untyped queries, untyped reflective machines and conditional quantifiers ,
 1997, 29 pp., AMS Classification: Primary 68P15, 03C13, Secondary 03C75, 03D10

Preprint 145.
 M. Kankaanrinta :
Equivariant real analytic approximations ,
 1997, 15 pp., AMS Classification: 57S20

Preprint 134.
 G. Arone and M. Kankaanrinta :
A Functorial Model For Iterated Snaith Splitting With Applications To Calculus Of Functors ,
 1996, 33 pp., AMS Classification: 55P99

Preprint 133.
 I. Norros, E. Valkeila and J. Virtamo :
An Elementary Approach To A Girsanov Formula And Other Analytical Results On Fractional Brownian Motions ,
 1996, 16 pp., AMS Classification: 60G15, 60G30, 62M09

Preprint 130.
 O. Martio, V. Ryazanov, M. Vuorinen :
$BMO$ And Injectivity Of Space Quasiregular Mappings ,
 1996, 16 pp., AMS Classification: Primary 30C65; Secondary 30C75

Preprint 128.
 L. Grafakos and J. Kinnunen :
Sharp Inequalities For Maximal Functions Associated To General Measures ,
 1996, 9 pp., AMS Classification: 42B25

Preprint 126.
 L. Hella and H. Imhof :
Enhancing Fixed Point Logic With Cardinality Quantifiers ,
 1996, 17 pp., AMS Classification: 03C13, 03C80

Preprint 125.
 K. Luosto :
Hierarchies Of Monadic Generalized Quantifiers ,
 1996, 24 pp., AMS Classification: 03C80; 03C13, 05D10

Preprint 123.
 O. Martio, V.M. Miklyukov, M. Vuorinen :
Morrey's Lemma On Riemannian Manifolds ,
 1996, 23 pp., AMS Classification: 26B35, 58C05, 58C07

Preprint 122.
 V. Ya. Gutlyanski\v i, O. Martio, V.I. Ryazanov, M. Vuorinen :
On Local Injectivity And Asymptotic Linearity Of Quasiresgular Mappings ,
 1996, 29 pp., AMS Classification: 30C65, 30C75

Preprint 121.
 J. Taskinen :
Compact Composition Operators On General Weighted Spaces ,
 1996, 14 pp., AMS Classification: 47B38, 47B07, 47B10, 30H05

Preprint 120.
 J. Luukkainen and E. Saksman :
Every Complete Doubling Metric Space Carries A Doubling Measure ,
 1996, 4 pp., AMS Classification: 28A12; 54F45

Preprint 118.
 S.-L. Qiu and M. Vuorinen :
Duplication Inequalities for the Ratios of Hypergeometric Functions ,
 1996, 21 pp., AMS Classification: 33C05, 30C62; 11F99, 26D15

Preprint 116.
 S.-L. Qiu and M. Vuorinen :
Landen Inequalities for Hypergeometric Functions ,
 1996, 22 pp., AMS Classification: 33C05, 33B15; 26D05

Preprint 115.
 K. Dzhaparidze, P. Spreij and E. Valkeila :
On Hellinger Processes for Parametric Families of Experiments ,
 1996, 18 pp., AMS Classification: 60A10,62E10

Preprint 112.
 Juha Nurmonen :
Counting modulo quantifiers on finite structures ,
 1996, 24 pp., AMS Classification: 03C13,03C80

Preprint 107.
 A.V. Melnikov and E. Valkeila :
A New Look on the Method of Stochastic Approximation ,
 1996, 37 pp., AMS classification: 62L20, 60H30

Preprint 105.
 V.Ya. Gutlyanski\v i, O. Martio, V.I. Ryazanov, M. Vuorinen:
On Convergence Theorems for Space Quasiregular Mappings,
 1996, 19 pp., AMS classification: 30C55,60

Preprint 103.
 S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen:
Univalence and Convexity Properties for Confluent Hypergeometric Functions,
 1996, 20 pp., AMS classification: 30C45, 33A30

Preprint 101.
 Jouko Väänänen:
Unary Quantifiers on Finite Models,
 1996, 25 pp., AMS classification: 03C80, 03C13

Complete list of reports 1 - 258