Partial differential equations I, fall 2016

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:41

Partial differential equations I, fall 2016


Teacher: Xiao Zhong

Scope: 10 cr

Type: Advanced studies

Teaching: Weeks 36-42 and 44-50, Tuesday 10-12 in room B120 and Thursday 10-12 in room D123.

Topics: This course is an introduction to Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). It covers four important linear equations: transport equation, Laplace's equation, heat equation and wave equation. The purpose of this course is to introduce some techniques and methodologies in the mathematical treatment of PDEs.

Prerequisites: Differentiaaliyhtälöt I ja II, Vektorianalyysi I ja II


The first lecture is on Tuesday 6.9. and the first exercise class is on Thursday 15.9.

Teaching schedule

Weeks 36-42 and 44-50, Tuesday 10-12 in room B120 and Thursday 10-12 in room D123. Two hours of exercise classes per week.


There will be two examinations of 2,5 hours, one at the end of each period. The maximum of each exam is 24 points, and to pass the course one has to get the minimum of 8 points in each exam. Bonus points from solutions of exercises: 25 % of problems solved = 1 point, 35 % = 2 points, 45 % = 3 points, 55 % = 4 points, 65 % = 5 points, 75 % = 6 points, to be added to the results of examinations.

The first exam will be on Thursday 27.10. from 12:15 to 14:45 in Exactum. The exam room will be announced on the exam date by the auditoriums (A111, B123 and CK112).

For those who can not make to the exam on 27.10, here is another chance for the exam: Wednesday 02.11 from 16:00 to 18:30 in Exactum. The exam room will be announced on the exam date by the auditoriums (A111, B123 and CK112).

Results of Exam 1.

The second exam will be on Thursday 15.12 at 16:00-18:30 in Exactum. The exam room will be announced on the exam date by the auditoriums (A111, B123 and CK112).

For those who can not make to the exam on 15.12, here is another chance for the exam: Mon 19.12 at 11:00-13:30 in Exactum. The exam room will be announced on the exam date by the auditoriums (A111, B123 and CK112).

For those who need extra one-hour exam time, the exam time is Thursday 15.12 at 15:00-18:30 or Monday 19.12 at 11:00-14:30. Please kindly register to me.

Results of Exam 2.


Course material

L. C. Evans: Partial Differential Equations, Springer, 2010.


Did you forget to register? What to do?



Exercise classes










Xiao Zhong 

Course feedback

Course feedback can be given at any point during the course. Click here.