Harmonic analysis and square functions, fall 2015

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:40

Harmonic analysis and square functions, fall 2015


Teacher: Henri Martikainen 

Scope: 5 op

Type: Advanced studies

Teaching: Weeks 44-50, Monday and Friday 14-16 in room B321. First lecture on Monday October 26th.

Topics: Dyadic methods in harmonic analysis, boundedness properties of square functions, Tb type theorems, applications of square functions.

We will cover techniques which are of fundamental importance in the modern research of singular integrals and square functions.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge on measure theory, Lebesgue integration and Lp-spaces, as covered e.g. in the courses "Mitta ja integraali" and "Reaalianalyysi I".

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Teaching schedule

Weeks 44-50, Monday and Friday 14-16 in room B321.

Course material

Lecture notes, updated Wednesday 25 November: LectureNotes_25Nov2015


No registration needed, just come to the first lecture. 


Exercises will be collected and then graded by Emil Vuorinen.

Passing the course (if you want the 5 credits) is based on doing enough of the exercises; details are written on the first exercise set.


Course feedback

Course feedback can be given at any point during the course. Click here.