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Introduction to statistics, fall 2012
Introduction to statistics, fall 2013
Modelling hierarchically structured data with MLwiN software, spring 2014
Otanta-aineistojen analyysi, kevät 2012
Otanta-aineistojen analyysi, kevät 2014
Otantamenetelmät, syksy 2013
Pienalue-estimointi, kevät 2013
Regressioanalyysin jatkokurssi (osat I ja II), syksy 2011
Short Course: Panel surveys in social and economic research and the treatment of nonresponse, spring 2014
Surveymetodiikka (Survey methodology), syksy 2011
Tilastotieteen jatkokurssi (osa 1 ja osa 2), kevät 2013
Tilastotieteilijän SAS-työkalut, syksy 2013
Topics in Survey Methodology and Survey Analysis, fall 2013
Tilastotieteen proseminaari ja tutkielmaseminaari, syksy 2008 kevät 2010
Tilastotieteen proseminaari ja tutkielmaseminaari, syksy 2009 kevät 2010
Johdatus tilastolliseen päättelyyn, kesä 2015
History of Mathematics, summer 2016
Introduction to Logic I and II, summer 2016
Logik I, våren 2013
Topologia II, kevät 2015
Adaptive dynamics, spring 2016
Algebraic topology II, spring 2016
Bayesian inference with OpenBugs
Bayesian inversion, spring 2016
Bayesian theory with applications, spring 2016
Bioinformatics and phylogenetic inference
Cluster analysis
Complex analysis II, spring 2016
Computability theory, spring 2016
Functional analysis, spring 2016
Geometry of curves and surfaces, spring 2016
Introduction to descriptive set theory, spring 2016
Mått- och integrationsteori, våren 2016
Quasiconformal mappings in the plane, spring 2016
Riemannian geometry, spring 2016
Schramm-Loewner evolution (Introduction to mathematical physics), spring 2016
Set theoretical forcing, spring 2016
Sobolev spaces, spring 2016
Statistical population genetics, Spring 2016
Stochastic methods in physics and biology, spring 2016
The History of the Semantic Tradition, spring 2016 (first period only + A FEW MORE MEETINGS 2ND PERIOD)
Todennäköisyyslaskenta I, kevät 2016
Topology I, spring 2016
BMO functions, spring 2017
Complex dynamics, spring 2017
Computational methods for Integral Equations
Convex Optimization, Spring 2017
Degree theory and branched covers
Differentiaaliyhtälöt I, kevät 2017
Elementary algebraic number theory, Kevät 2017
Elements of Set Theory:
Elliptic partial differential equations, spring 2017
Integral Equations, Spring 2017
Introduction to Gaussian fields and multiplicative chaos, spring 2017
Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamics, Kevät 2017
Introduction to bifurcation theory: Differential equations, dynamical systems and applications II, spring 2017
Introduction to mathematical physics, spring 2017
Inverse problems, spring 2017
Model theory, spring 2017
Modelling health care interventions
Nonparametric and Robust Methods
On Logical Consequence
Partial Differential Equations II, spring 2017
Spatial modelling and Bayesian inference, Spring 2017
Spatial modelling and Bayesian inference
Spatial models in ecology and evolution, spring 2017
Statistical population genetics_
Stochastic analysis I, spring 2017
Stochastic analysis II, spring 2017
Stochastic population models, spring 2017
Evolution and the theory of games, fall 2014
Algebraic structures I, fall 2015
Algebraic structures II, fall 2015
Analys I, hösten 2015
Applications of matrix computations, fall 2015
Bioinformatic data analysis: Phylogenetic clustering, Spring 2016
Brownian motion, fall 2015
Computational statistics, fall 2015
Fourier analysis, fall 2015
Genome-wide association studies
Homotopy theory, fall 2015
Introduction to algebraic topology, fall 2015
Introduction to continuous logic, fall 2015
Introduction to differential geometry, fall 2015
Introduction to dynamical systems and chaotic systems, fall 2015
Introduction to number theory, fall 2015
Logic toolbox for mainstream mathematicians, fall 2015
Markovian modelling and Bayesian learning, fall 2015
Mathematical modelling, fall 2015
Mathematics of infectious diseases, fall 2015
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
Phylogeny inference and data-analysis, fall 2015
Probability theory I, fall 2015
Probability theory II, fall 2015
Real analysis II, fall 2015
Statistical methods in public health, fall 2015
Tilastollinen päättely II, 2015-2016
Applications of matrix computations, fall 2016
Computational statistics, fall 2016
Finite model theory, fall 2016
Fourier analysis, fall 2016
Geometric measure theory, fall 2016
Gränsvärden och Differentialkalkyl, hösten 2016
Harmonic analysis, fall 2016
Integralkalkyl och serier
Introduction to Open Quantum Systems
Introduction to bifurcation theory: Differential equations, dynamical systems and applications I, fall 2016
Introduction to mathematical biology, fall 2016
Malliavin calculus, fall 2016
Partial differential equations I, fall 2016
Probability theory I, fall 2016
Probability theory II, fall 2016
Ramsey theory, fall 2016
Spectral theory, fall 2016
Topological transformation groups, fall 2016
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