An introduction to microlocal analysis with applications to inverse problems, summer 2016

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:36

Teacher: Gunther Uhlmann 

Scope: 1+1cr. 1 for attending lectures + 1 for solving exercise problems




Microlocal analysis, which is roughly speaking local analysis in 
phase space, has its roots in the classical methods of geometrical optics. 
In this minicourse we will introduce several basic concepts like wave 
front set, pseudodifferential operators and Fourier integral operators and 
apply them to study several inverse problems arising in different 
applications like X-ray tomography, seismic imaging, photoacoustic and 
thermoacoustic tomography, and electrical impedance tomography, also 
called Calderòn's problem.


Basics of Fourier and Functional analysis. Basics of Sobolev spaces.


  • Solutions uploaded! 

Teaching schedule

Thursday 18.8., Friday 19.8., Monday 22.8. and Tuesday 23.8. from 13-15 in room D123.

Course material

Lecture notes by Jere Lehtonen

Lecture notes

PDE notes

Melrose & Uhlmann: An Introduction to Microlocal Analysis 


Send E-mail to Teemu Saksala (teemu.saksala(a)



partial solutions

Course feedback

Course feedback can be given at any point during the course. Click here.