Last modified by tvikberg@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 09:59

Mathematical methods in biology


Osa 1. 57381
 Osa 2. 57382
 Osa 3. 57383
 Osa 4. 57384


Syventävä opinto.


Mathematical methods in biology, fall 2007 to spring 2008


This course gives a highly practical introduction to mathematical concepts and methods applied in the life sciences. We learn mathematics through solving problems of biological interest, with emphasis on applicable skills and hands-on experience.

The full course consists of four parts (each can be taken separately):
 (1) Fundamentals (construction of simple models and basic calculus)
 (2) Probability theory (handling stochastic phenomena, groundwork for statistics)
 (3) Vectors and matrices (applied to population dynamics, quantitative genetics and statistics)
 (4) Dynamical systems (techniques to analyse models of population growth, reaction kinetics, etc.)

The course is specifically tailored for biology students and assumes no background in mathematics. Both undergraduates and graduate students are welcome. Prior registration is not necessary.


Yksi osa 3 op.