Surveymetodiikka, syksy 2015

Last modified by selaakso@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 07:02

Survey Methodology / Surveymetodiikka, syksy 2015Icons-flag-gb.png

Lecturer Luennoitsija

Seppo Laaksonen

Introduction Johdantoa

The course of this fall is possible to follow in English as well. This means that the the basic material is given as a power point format in English. On the other hand, a Finnish speaking participant can use my free e-Book 'Surveymetodiikka. Aineiston kokoamisesta puhdistamisen kautta analyysiin  ' that covers all course material as well and includes a dictionary Finnish to English; you find the website and the instructions to download the book form my website above . The course itself doe not include the entire book material but the details of the course content are to be known during the course. 

The course will be held in six weeks beginning from the second week of September, the lectures are on Wednesday 16-19 and the the trainings as informed here as soon as known. 

Welcome to this course that is mandatory for students of social statistics but very useful for all who wish to learn the basic concepts and tools of survey methodology. This field is needed in most empirical studies/ research in all sciences (social, behavioral, heath, economic, etc). . Statistical software with SPSS and SAS are much used in this course. All data are real, mainly concerning the European Social Survey that has been finalised now for six rounds since 2002, and the PISA which files are available for  five rounds since 2000.


Please do not hesitate to ask from me about the course: Seppo.Laaksonen@Helsinki.Fi.

Kurssi on siis tänä vuonna mahdollista seurata myös englanninkielellä vaikka suomenkieltä varmaankin käytetään myös, ja erityisesti kahdenvälisessä kommunikoinnissa ja harjoituksissa. Kirjaani kannattaa tutustua jo etukäteenkin erityisesti kahden ensimmäisen liitteen osalta osalta. Kirjan imurointiohjeet ovat sivullani.

Tervetuloa kaikkien empiiristen aiheiden opiskelijat ja tutkijat. Tavoitteena on saada haltuun uusin tieto surveyden alueelta mitä tarvitaan melkein kaikilla emiirisillä tutkimusaloilla aloilla muuallakin kuin yhteiskuntatieteissä. Harjoitusten aineistot ovat todellisia, pääasiassa European Social Surveystä ja Pisasta.


Lectures and trainings Opetusajat

The course includes 6 lecturing sessions, each about three academic hours, On Wednesdays beginning 16:15. The first event is on the 9th September in the Porthania room P673. The course also includes trainings in a computer class, beginning on the 10th September about two hours each beginning at 16:15 in the Snellmaninkatu 12, the SSKH IT-SAl (the ground floor). Since there will be too many participants expected to come, a new alternative is 2 hours later in the same place. This may begin already 18:00 if possible.

Kurssin luennot pidetään kuutena keskiviikkona alkaen 9.9. klo 16.5 Porthanian kuudennessa kerroksessa P673:ssa. Kuten sanottu, teen materiaalit englanniksi mutta kirjaani kannattaa käyttää mikä on laajempi kuin luentomateriaali, ja suomeksi. Kurssin läpikäynti edellyttää riittävää harjoituksissa mukana oloa ja ohjatusti tehtävien harjoitusten tekoa ja niiden raportointia ohjeiden mukaan. Ohjeet annetaan ensimmäisellä kerralla 10.9. klo 16-18 tai 18-20 Svenska Social- ocho kommunalhöhskolan IT-salissa. Harjoituksia on sen jälkeen torstaisin mutta paikka voi vaihdella kuten luentopaikkakin. 

The following times and locations are booked for the course:   

Lectures: P673: 9.9.; 16.9.; 30.9,; 7.10.;14.10.

Porthania IV (PIV): 23.9.

Trainings:Harjoitukset tietokoneluokassa

SSKH IT-SAL 10.9.;17.9.: 24.9.: 1.10,; 15-10..

P226: 8.10.

The second training data file is from the Pisa 2012. Please look at this zipped file. The is fairly good meta data and hence everything could be quite well understood. This is a SPSS file but if you wish to change it into another format, you just save this file in that format. It is possible that some meta data may disappear.

Here are some instructions in Finnish on using survey instruments in tabulation and modelling; I think that these can be understood by non_Finnish speaking as well. The statistical modelling part may be more difficult.

Harjoituksiin otanta-asetelmaa.pptx

Here is a special example on using a filter for income question


Survey MOnkey question example

Monkey TV.pdf

Special example from the Iraq war 2003-2006

Iraq war.pdf

Exam Loppukokeen ensimmäinen kerta, muut yleistenteissä:

PIV (Porthania) Wednesday 21.10. 16-19.

Register to the exam.


Lecture materials as pdf. Part A is on concepts, including examples that help in trainings as well


The material B is focused on questionnaire designing and survey modes


The material C is focused on sampling designs, not all details included in the course but basics as well as possible


The material D is on missingness and survey data analysis that is useful in the last training tasks.


The material E is on reweighting or adjustments for unit nonresponse. The last 15 pages are not included in the course exam.


The material F is on statistical editing and imputation. The latter part will not be included in the course in details but basic ideas are useful to understand.


This last part includes a summary with survey steps or phases. No details are included; you can see these from Parts A to F.



Register to the course / Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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