Demographic Analysis (78001)

Last modified by jamlehti@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:35

Demographic Analysis

Juha Alho, Professor of Social Statistics

The description of the evolution of human populations can be given in terms of simple book-keeping equations, in which births, deaths and migration determine, how population size changes from one period to the next. The course considers the most central descriptive statistics that are used to describe the changes, especially their estimation by age and gender from grouped data. No previous knowledge of demographics is assumed.

The course is aimed at students who are in the beginning of Subject Studies in Statistics, but it is also suitable for students with other majors, and for doctoral students in other fields, such as economics, sociology, or social policy. It is assumed that the students know the basics of Statistics (one year's worth of studies).

A central part of the course are hands-on computations using R. No previous knowledge of R is necessary, but it certainly helps. Data available from the internet (e.g. from the pages of Statistics Finland)  will be used.

Abbreviated lecture notes will be provided in instalments for those registered.

Preliminary content

1. Introduction

2. Concepts of Population and Data Sources

3. Lexis-diagram and the Classification of Events

4. Standardization

5. Poisson Rgression

6. Time Series Models and Forecasts

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