List of colloquiums
The Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of University of Helsinki
Date | Speaker | Title |
(9-12/2021 chaired by Lauri Oksanen) | ||
17.12.2021 | Peter Hintz (ETH Zürich) | Cancelled (postponed to spring) |
24.11.2021 | Kari Auranen (University of Turku and National Institute for Health and Welfare) | Efficacy and effectiveness of case isolation and quarantine during a growing phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Finland |
26.10.2021 | Hanne Kekkonen (Delft University of Technology) | Statistical guarantees for inverse problems |
29.9.2021 | Julie Rowlett (Chalmers University) | The strength of diversity |
(1-5/2021 chaired by Sangita Kulathinal) | ||
26.5.2021 | Mikko J. Sillanpää (University of Oulu) | Interaction search in high-dimensional regression models with |
28.4.2021 | Per Kragh Andersen (University of Copenhagen) | Multi-state models for recurrent events |
31.3.2021 | Kaie Kubjas (Aalto University) | Geometry of nonnegative rank |
24.2.2021 | Xavier de Luna (Umeå University) | Covariate balancing for robust estimation of causal effects of |
27.1.2021 | Neil Sheldon (Teaching Statistics Trust, UK) | Statistics: what we say and what we mean |
(9-12/2020 chaired by Juha Kontinen) | ||
16.12.2020 | Matti Järvisalo (University of Helsinki) | Satisfiability, redundancy, and proofs |
25.11.2020 | Sangita Kulathinal (University of Helsinki) | Mathematical challenges in selected statistical problems |
28.10.2020 | Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen University) | Symmetry and Similarity |
30.9.2020 | Dario Gasbarra (University of Helsinki) | Algebraic Stein operators for polynomials of Gaussian random variables |
(1-5/2020 chaired by Tuomo Kuusi) | ||
27.05.2020 | Aleksandr Logunov (Princeton University) | Nodal sets and Quasiconformal mappings |
29.04.2020 | Weinan E (Princeton University) | A Mathematical Perspective of Machine Learning |
26.02.2020 | Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen (University of Helsinki) | On transcendence measures |
29.01.2020 | Mikko Salo (University of Jyväskylä) | Inverse problems for partial differential equations |
(5-12/2019 chaired by Mats Gyllenberg) | ||
18.12.2019 | Jarno Vanhatalo (University of Helsinki) | Ecological risk assessment in the Arctic Marine areas |
27.11.2019 | Timo Koski (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) | On probabilistic sufficient cause models of interaction |
30.10.2019 | Odo Diekmann (Utrecht University) | Twin semigroups and delay equations |
25.9.2019 | Åsa Hirvonen (University of Helsinki) | Playing games on metric spaces |
15.5.2019 | Bengt Holmström (MIT) | The Purpose and Perils of Money Markets – A Contract Theoretic Perspective |
(1-4/2019 chaired by Juliette Kennedy) | ||
17.4.2019 | University Lecturer Ritva Hurri-Syrjänen (University of Helsinki) | On Sobolev-type inequalities and beyond |
27.3.2019 | Olli Martio (University of Helsinki) | Modulus of a Path Family |
27.2.2019 | Mats Gyllenberg (University of Helsinki) | On models of physiologically structured populations and their reduction to ordinary differential equations |
30.01.2019 | Jani Lukkarinen (University of Helsinki) | Mathematical puzzles in kinetic theory |
(9-12/2018 chaired by Ritva Hurri-Syrjänen) | ||
19.12.2018 | Associate Professor Jani Virtanen (University of Reading) | Toeplitz determinants and their applications in mathematical physics |
28.11.2018 | Professor Agnieszka Kalamajska (University of Warsaw and Polish Academy of Sciences) | Strongly nonlinear multiplicative inequalities |
31.10.2018 | Lecturer Tuomas Sahlsten (The University of Manchester) | How to find a criminal from a city of millions? |
26.9.2018 | Senior Lecturer Petteri Harjulehto (University of Turku) | Generalized Orlicz spaces and related variational problems |
(1-5/2018 chaired by Konstantin Izyurov) | ||
30.05.2018 | Professor Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHÉS and University of Geneva) | |
25.04.2018 | Professor Matti Lassas (University of Helsinki) | |
28.03.2018 | University lecturer Hans-Olav Tylli (University of Helsinki) | |
27.02.2018 | Professor Tatiana Nagnibeda (University of Geneva) | |
31.01.2018 | Acting Professor Juha Kontinen (University of Helsinki) | |
20.12.2017 | Professor Stefan Teufel (University of Tübingen) | |
29.11.2017 | Assistant Professor Jarno Vanhatalo (University of Helsinki) | |
25.10.2017 | Professor Charles M. Newman (Courant Institute & New York University) | |
27.9.2017 | University Lecturer Ilkka Holopainen (University of Helsinki) | |
(1-5/2017 chaired by Pekka Pankka) | ||
31.5.2017 | Professor Pauliina Ilmonen (Aalto University) | |
26.4.2017 | Professor Mario Bonk (UCLA) | |
29.3.2017 | Professor Nageswari Shanmugalingam (University of Cincinnati) | |
22.2.2017 | Professor Mikko Salo (University of Jyväskylä) | |
25.1.2017 | Professor Juan Souto (CNRS / Université de Rennes I) | s |
14.12.2016 | Assistant Professor Konstantin Izyurov (University of Helsinki) | Conformal invariance in probability and statistical mechanics |
30.11.2016 | Professor Kai Rajala (University of Jyväskylä) | Uniformization of non-smooth surfaces |
19.10.2016 | Associate Professor Pekka Pankka (University of Helsinki) | From Picard to Rickman: An excursion to quasiregular mappings |
28.9.2016 | Professor Kristian Seip (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) | On the growth of the Riemann zeta function |
22.6.2016 | Fields Medalist, Professor Cédric Villani (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris) | Synthetic Ricci curvature -- when Monge, Boltzmann and Riemann get together |
(1-5/2016 chaired by Ilkka Holopainen) | ||
25.5.2016 | Professor David Cruz-Uribe (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa) | |
27.4.2016 | Professor Xiao Zhong (University of Jyväskylä) | |
30.3.2016 | Professor (emer.) Pertti Mattila (University of Helsinki) | |
24.2.2016 | Research Professor Ilkka Norros (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd) | |
27.01.2016 | Professor Pekka Koskela (University of Jyväskylä) | |
(9-12/2015 chaired by Jari Taskinen) | ||
16.12.2015 | Professor Jeremy Tyson (University of Illinois) | Bi-Lipschitz embeddings and differentiation |
25.11.2015 | Professor Jesper Lützen (University of Copenhagen) | Laurent Schwartz' Danish Connection |
28.10.2015 | Professor Nathanael Berestycki (University of Cambridge) | Recent developments in Liouville quantum gravity |
30.09.2015 | Professor Kaisa Nyberg (Aalto University) | Improving Accuracy of Statistical Cryptanalysis |
(1-5/2015 chaired by Matti Lassas) | ||
27.05.2015 | Professor Juha Oikkonen (Univ. of Helsinki) | What is there in improving university level math courses? |
29.04.2015 | Professor Jouko Mickelsson (University of Helsinki) | K Theory and Physics |
25.03.2015 | Professor Spyridon Alexakis (University of Toronto) | The impossibility of periodic motion in general relativity |
25.02.2015 | Professor Kalle Kytölä (Aalto University) | Conformally invariant scaling limits |
28.01.2015 | Professor Samuli Siltanen (University of Helsinki) | Inverse Problems in Human Speech |
(10-12/2014 chaired by Mats Gyllenberg) | ||
17.12.2014 | Timo Koski (KTH, Stockholm) | Arthur Cayley, Independent Causation and Rothman's Pie |
26.11.2014 | Odo Diekmann (Utrecht University) | Delay Equations |
29.10.2014 | Boban Velickovic | Forcing axioms and their use in mathematics |
01.10.2014 | Johan Stén (VTT) | Anders Johan Lexell - a Finnish comet of the Enlightenment |
28.05.2014 | Professor Heikki Haario (Lappeenranta University of Technology) | Talk on uncertainty quantification of weather and climate models |
23.04.2014 | University lecturer Juliette Kennedy (University of Helsinki) | Turing, Gödel, Formalism Freeness and Inner Models of Set Theory |
26.03.2014 | Assistant Professor Camilla Hollanti (Aalto University) | Algebraic Number Theory meets Wireless Communications |
26.02.2014 | Professor Erik Aurell (KTH, Stockholm) | Inference for large-scale Potts models using pseudolikelihood |
29.01.2014 | Assistant Professor Teemu Roos (University of Helsinki) | Complexity in Statistical Inference |
(9-12/2013 chaired by Tuomas Hytönen) | ||
18.12.2013 | Stefanie Petermichl (Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) | Hankel operators and their generalisations in Real Analysis |
27.11.2013 | Juha Alho (University of Helsinki) | How long can we live? Statistical perspectives on longevity |
30.10.2013 | Valtteri Niemi (University of Turku) | Classes of garbling schemes |
25.09.2013 | Tuomo Kuusi (Aalto University) | Potential estimates and nonlinear partial differential equations |
20.02.2013 | Per Christian Hansen (Technical University of Denmark) | Image deblurring with Krylov subspace methods |
30.01.2013 | Andres Villaveces (National University of Colombia) | Model theory, becoming more geometric? |
28.11.2012 | Jean-Pierre Eckmann (University of Geneva) | Atoms, Nuclei and 3D triangulations |
31.10.2012 | Professor Kaisa Matomäki (Turku University) | Additive problems involving primes |
26.09.2012 | Professor Alexander Engström (Aalto University) | Polytopes from subgraph statistics |
(1-5/2012 chaired by Jouko Mickelsson) | ||
23.05.2012 | Professor Peter Jones (Yale University) | Product Formulas for Measures and Applications to Analysis and Geometry |
25.04.2012 | Professor Jukka Corander | How has our understanding about bacterial evolution evolved during the genomic era? |
28.03.2012 | Associate professor Tuomas Hytönen | How much, or little, is necessary for (harmonic) analysis? |
29.02.2012 | Doctor Esko Keski-Vakkuri | D-branes and dualities |
25.01.2012 | Professor Matti Lassas | Cloaking, Invisibility, and Inverse Problems |
14.12.2011 | University Lecturer Jari Taskinen | Wheeltappers, compact sets and sobolev embeddings |
30.11.2011 | Professor Mika Seppälä (University of Helsinki and Florida State University) | Algebraic Curves, Riemann Surfaces, and their Jacobians |
26.10.2011 | Professor Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington, Seattle) | Inverse geometry |
28.09.2011 | Professor Tom Körner (Cambridge University) | Why is Analysis 101 so hard? |
25.05.2011 | Professor Gaven J. Martin (Massey University, New Zealand) | Quasiregular Mappings, Curvature & Dynamics |
27.04.2011 | Professor Pentti Saikkonen | Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Autoregressive Models with Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity |
30.03.2011 | Professor Kari Astala | Holomorphic motions |
23.02.2011 | Professor Jouko Väänänen | Logic and set theory |
26.01.2011 | Professor Peter Lindqvist | The Infinity-Laplace Equation |
15.12.2010 | Professor Kari Vilonen (Northwestern University) | The microlocal codimension three conjecture |
24.11.2010 | Professor Antti Kupiainen | Renormalization - from Magic to Mathematics |
27.10.2010 | Professor Michael Lacey (Georgia Institute of Technology) | Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series: Past, Present and Future |
29.09.2010 | Professor Jukka Corander | Have I Seen You Before? Principles of predictive classification revisited |
15.09.2010 | Professor Menachem Magidor (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) | Some reflections on the Continuum Hypothesis |
(1-4/2010 chaired by Kari Astala) | ||
28.04.2010 | Professor Eero Saksman | On random geometry |
31.03.2010 | Professor Jean Bricmont (Université catholique de Louvain) | From the microscopic to the macroscopic world |
24.02.2010 | Professor Karen Smith (University of Michigan + University of Jyväskylä) | Thresholds of Singularities |
27.01.2010 | Professor Juha Kinnunen (Helsinki University of Technology - Aalto University) | On a theorem of Beckenbach and Rado for subharmonic functions |
(9-12/2009 chaired by Eero Saksman) | ||
09.12.2009 | University lecturer Tapani Hyttinen | Finding fields |
25.11.2009 | Professor Maarit Järvenpää | How to turn a needle? |
28.10.2009 | Professor Jani Onninen | Deformations of finite (total) conformal energy and the nitsche conjecture |
30.09.2009 | Professor Matti Jutila | The role of Hardy's function in the theory of Riemann's zeta function |
(1-6/2009 chaired by Lassi Päivärinta) | ||
03.06.2009 | Professor Mats Gyllenberg | Population dynamics, delay equations and semigroups |
29.04.2009 | Professor Jouko Mickelsson | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: the operator residue, the trace and the fredholm index |
25.03.2009 | Professor Yuval Peres (Microsoft research and University of Washington) | Visual mathematics - the case of fair allocations |
25.02.2009 | Professor Samuli Siltanen | Inversion methods for three-dimensional medical x-ray imaging |
28.01.2009 | Professor Elja Arjas | Randomness, probability and learning: some simple illustrations and ideas |