Tilastotieteen jatkokoulutusseminaari syksy 2013 ja kevät 2014
Research seminar in statistics, fall 2013 and spring 2014
The seminar offers a discussion forum for researchers and post-graduate students in statistics. The programme consists of presentations of invited speakers. The seminar is open to all interested people.
Venue: Unioninkatu 37 Seminaarihuone 1
Wed. 6.11. at 15-17: Prof. Juha Heikkinen (Metla):
Using auxiliary data to allocate sampling - experiences from forest inventories
Wed. 20.11. at 15-17: Prof. Juha Alho (HY):
Updated demographic forecasts in macroeconomic modeling
Venue: Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40) room 14:
Wed. 22.1. at 15-17: PhD Jukka Lassila (Etla): Pensions in Finland: assessing alternative reform proposals
Wed. 19.2. at 15-17: Prof. Ulrich Rendtel (Freie Universität Berlin):
The Fade-Away Effect in panel surveys: Results from EU-SILC countries
Publication: Rendtel U. (2013). The fade–away effect of initial nonresponse in panel surveys:
Empirical results for EU–SILC. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Venue: SSKH (Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan, Snellmaninkatu 12) room 210:
Wed. 19.3. at 15-17: Researcher Maria Valaste (Kela and HY):
Adjustment for covariate measurement error
Wed. 23.4. at 15-17: (note change)
Tara Junes (Statistics Finland):
Mixed-mode survey method: case study of Consumer Survey 2012
Credit points
For seminar presentation, post-graduate student earns 2 ECTS credit points.
Post-graduate students are encouraged to registrate.
Prof. Juha Alho
Prof. Risto Lehtonen