Survey Sampling /Otantamenetelmät, syksy 2015

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/02/04 07:05

Survey Sampling /Otantamenetelmät, syksy 2015


Risto Lehtonen



Type and Credits

Intermediate level course
Exam (6 cu) or exam plus (optional) practical/theoretical homework (2 cu), total 8 cu

Advanced level course
Exam (6 cu) plus (compulsory) practical/theoretical homework (2 cu), total 8 cu


Lectures and PC classes 24 hours, homework


The course covers topics in modern survey sampling including basic sampling methods (simple random sampling, systematic sampling, PPS sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling), the estimation of finite population parameters, and data analysis under various sampling designs. Case studies (mainly in social and health sciences and official statistics) are presented. Computational tools (SAS, SPSS, R) are introduced and applied for real data sets. The course is of applied type.

When completing the course, students are expected to be familiar with main approaches, methods and computational tools in survey sampling methodology and becoming capable to apply the methods in typical real-world analysis situations. Basic knowledge in statistical inference, data analysis and statistical computation (SAS, SPSS, R) would help successful participation.

Target group

The course is intended to fit for students majoring or graduating in statistics and for Master level and post-graduate (doctoral) students in quantitative studies in applied sciences incl. social and behavioural sciences and economics (e.g. REMS). As an applied type course, the course also would fit well for statisticians and researchers in research institutes and elsewhere.


II period

Lectures & PC training sessions: Tuesday at 15-19, first lecture 27 October, final lecture 8 December

Venue: Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan (SSKH) IT-sal, City Centre campus, address: Snellmaninkatu 12

Exam: Wednesday 9 Dec. at 15:00-17:00 Snellmaninkatu 12  - SSKH room 209  ***NOTE CHANGE***

Moodle platform

Access to slides, supplemental materials, program codes, data sets etc.
NOTE: Moodle problem resolved successively (26 Nov.)
NOTE: A valid user account for UH computer system is required.

Textbooks and selected articles

Lehtonen R. and Pahkinen E. (2004). Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys. Second Edition. Chichester: Wiley. (Selected chapters)
e-book: Dawsonera Helka

Lehtonen R. and Djerf K. (2008). Survey sampling reference guidelines. Luxembourg: Eurostat Methodologies and Working papers.
Download here

Supplemental materials

UCLA - SAS Topics Survey Data Analysis

Web materials

VLISS-virtual laboratory in survey sampling

Register for the course/Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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