Imputointimenetelmät/Imputation Methods, spring 2015
Imputointimenetelmät/Imputation Methods, spring 2015
Targets and general points on imputation _ Yleistä ja tavoitteet
This course gives an introduction to imputation methods, that is, when missing or deficient values are replaced with 'as good as possible proxies.' The course material is mainly in English but the Finnish can be used if the attendees wish. The course consists of six events, three hours each, so that they include both the theory (basics of surveys, imputation methods) and applications with very real data with missing values. A lot of methods are tried and some are observed more successful than some others. The report of the attempted methods is the basis to get the credits from the course. We use mainly SAS but some methods of SPSS are also tested. In any case, To understand something about SAS is useful but all support is given during the trainings, that is, very ready-made codes are given. Naturally, basic knowledge i statistical methods are required but many things such as statistical distribution measures, linear regression and logistic/probit regression are explained and thus learned well enough to impute. The material will be sent by email for the registrants, but the main training data file will be downloaded here.
The course is going to be held in Period 3 on Wednesday's from 16.15 til 18.35/18.45 depending on the possible break or not, see below.
The number of the credits is five but if more work is done, more credits are possible, until seven. The introduction material in Finnish with English dictionary in its annex can be found from my free web book:
Tämä kurssi on imputointimenetelmistä, jossa mennään oikeaan käytäntöön. Surveymetodiikan kurssilla emme kovinkaan paljon ehtineet tätä osaa käsitellä vaikka kirjassani (ks. kotisivultani nettiosoite) on melko laaja selostus metodologiasta. Siis kannattaa katsoa ennen ja kurssin aikanakin sitä. Teen varsinaisen kurssimateriaalin englanniksi mutta jotain puhun suomeksi. Kurssi tulee melko pitkälle suoritetuksi tekemällä harjoitukset, alkaen ihan yksinkertaisista ja jatkaen kohti monimutkaisempia jotka saattavat käytännön elämässä olla parempia. Joskus yksinkertainen metodi on riittävä. SAS-koodit siis annetaan mutta SPSS:n melko automaattista imputointia verrataan omiin tuloksiin kurssin loppupuolella.
Time schedule (KE = WEDNESDAY) _ Kurssin aikataulu ja paikka
KE 16:00 - 19:00 14.01.2015 ALEKSANDRIA ALEKS K133
KE 16:00 - 19:00 21.01.2015 ALEKSANDRIA ALEKS K133
KE 16:00 - 19:00 28.01.2015 ALEKSANDRIA ALEKS K133
KE 16:00 - 19:00 04.02.2015 ALEKSANDRIA ALEKS K133
KE 16:00 - 19:00 11.02.2015 ALEKSANDRIA ALEKS K133
KE 16:00 - 19:00 25.02.2015 ALEKSANDRIA ALEKS K133
The lecture material thus will be sent mainly to each registrant but here you can find something as well.
for those who have no idea about the software
that can be used in SPSS too.
Did you forget to register? Please contact tilasto-info[at]