Workshop on Survey Statistics 2022 Speakers

Version 1.1 by rtlehton@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/16 06:59

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Keynote Speakers (confirmed)

Jean-François Beaumont (Statistics Canada)

Making inferences from non-probability samples through data integration (two lectures)

María del Mar Rueda (University of Granada)

Non-probability surveys: a revision of methods for inferenceTartu2022.pdf (lecture)
Speaker: Ramón Ferri-García (University of Granada)

Estimating in non-probability surveys with R (PC lab)
Instructor: Luis Castro-Martín (Andalusian School of Public Health)

Carl-Erik Särndal (Sweden)

Progress in survey science, yesterday, today, tomorrow (lecture)
Tribute to close associates no longer with us: Jean-Claude Deville, Jan Wretman 

Li-Chun Zhang (University of Southampton; Statistics Norway; University of Oslo)  

Introduction to the book "Graph Sampling"
Transforming population statistics: From census to fractional counting (two lectures)

Special Invited Papers

B. Cobo (University of Granada), M. Rueda (University of Granada), S. Pasadas (Institute for Advanced Social Studies), L. Castro (Andalusian School of Public Health), R. Ferri (University of Granada):

Estimation methods for integrating probability and non-probability survey samples

Luis Castro-Martín (Andalusian School of Public Health), María del Mar Rueda (University of Granada), Carmen Sánchez-Cantalejo (Andalusian School of Public Health), Ramón Ferri-García (University of Granada), Jorge Hidalgo Calderón (University of Granada), Andrés Cabrera (Andalusian School of Public Health):

Reweighting with machine learning techniques in panel surveys. Application to the Health Care and Social Survey

Country-specific Invited Speakers

As in previous events, the scientific program includes speakers invited from the BNU network countries. The invited speaker is expected to give a 45-minute lecture on a topic related to the main themes of the workshop.

Helle Visk (Statistics Estonia): Households and dwellings for register-based census: a graph-based approach

Henri Luomaranta (Statistics Finland): Nowcasting with STS surveys: the Machine Learning approach (abstract) and paper
Baiba Zukula (Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia) and and Jānis Jukāms (Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia): 
The Population Census 2021 in Latvia

Andrius Čiginas (Statistics Lithuania; Vilnius University): On design-based small area estimation

Oleksandr Gladun (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine): Censuses in Ukraine: past and perspective


Jacek Białek (University of Lodz): PriceIndicesScanner data – advantages, challenges, and their processing in the  package 

Round table discussion

Risto Lehtonen: Model-Assisted Estimation and Calibration Methods in Survey and Official Statistics Yesterday, Today and in the Future - Round Table discussion

Approved contributed papers

Evija Dundure and Biruta Sloka

Krista Lagus & Maria Valaste

Vilma Nekrašaitė-Liegė, Andrius Čiginas, Danutė Krapavickaitė

Risto Lehtonen, Ari Veijanen

K. Laine, M. Litova and T. Oikarinen

Kristi Lehto,  Imbi Traat

Donatas Šlevinskas

Ieva Burakauskaitė, Andrius Čiginas

Ovidijus Baškauskas, Danutė Krapavickaitė

Kaja Sõstra

R. Moskotina, M. Sydorov

A. Dzhoha, I. Rozora

Yana Bondarenko

Andris Fisenko

S. Purona-Sida

Rita Vanaga and Biruta Sloka

Ilze Brante and Biruta Sloka

Biruta Sloka

Milda Šličkutė-Šeštokienė


Last update 18 August 2022