Geometries and models - an introduction, spring 2012

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:36

Geometries and models - an introduction, parts 1 and 2, spring 2012


Tapani Hyttinen


Part 1: 5 cu
 Part 2: 5 cu


Advanced studies

We take a look at the connections between the classical analysis of projective geometries
 and the study of stable but otherwise quite arbitrary structures.


Matemaattinen logiikka (at least the first half of it), Agebra I and Lineaarialgebra I and II.
 Courses like Malliteoria, A short introduction to classification theory and Algebra II help.


Weeks 3-9 (part 1) and 11-18 (part 2), Thursday 13-15 in room B322, Friday 14-16 in room B321.

Easter holiday 5.-11.4.


Lecture notes

Here are lecture notes of a course on model theory.

Here are lecture notes of a course on classification theory.

From here one can find lecture notes of Algebra II by K. Suominen.


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