Lehtonen, Risto

Version 124.2 by Risto Lehtonen on 2024/11/14 16:25



Risto Lehtonen






International Statistical Institute (ISI)

ISI (@IntStat) on Twitter International Statistical Institute

IASS - International Association of Survey Statisticians, a section of the ISI

Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Network on Survey Statistics

Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics 2023 - 21-25 August 2023 in Helsinki

Keynotes: Jan van den Brakel, Camelia Goga, Andrew Gelman, Jae-Kwang Kim

Tutkimus / Forskning / Research

Research database TUHAT

Google Scholar



Oppikirjat / Böcker / Textbooks

Lehtonen R. and Pahkinen E. (2004):
Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys.
Second Edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Pahkinen E. ja Lehtonen R. (1989): Otanta-asetelmat ja tilastollinen analyysi.

Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Network on Survey Statistics

Latest invited and contributed presentations

Lehtonen R. Yksityiskohtaisten taustatietojen käyttömahdollisuuksista kyselyaineistojen analyysissä. Suomen TIlastoseuran seminaari Verkkokyselyt: Käytäntö ja data-analyysi. Helsinki 10.9.2024. (slides)

Lehtonen R. Paradigmamuutoksista virallisessa tilastoinnissa kansainvälisesti ja Suomessa Helsinki 8.6.2023. (slides)

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) Model calibration and MRP methods for small area estimation: an empirical comparison. Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Workshop on Survey Statistics 2022, 23-26 August 2022, Tartu, Estonia.  (slides)

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) Model-assisted calibration and MRP methods for small area estimation: an empirical comparison. ITACOSM 2022 - 7th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology, 7-10 June 2022, Perugia, Italy. 

Lehtonen R. On balanced sampling and calibration estimation in survey sampling, 5th Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics, Örebro, June 2019. 

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) Small domain estimation with calibration methods, Italian Conference on Survey Statistics, ITACOSM2019 Conference, Florence, June 2019.

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) Small area estimation with calibration methods, 10ème Colloque Francophone sur les sondages, Lyon, October 2018.

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) A two-level hybrid calibration technique for small area estimation, Small Area Estimation Conference SAE2017, Paris, June 2017.

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) Calibration methods for domain and small area estimation, Summer School of the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics, Kyiv, August 2016.

Lehtonen R. (with A. Veijanen) Small area estimation by calibration methods, World Statistics Congress of the ISI, Rio de Janeiro, August 2015.

Latest publications

Lehtonen R. and Veijanen A. (2019) Hybrid calibration methods for small domain estimation. Statistica & Applicazioni (Statistics and Applications), XVII, 2, 201–235.

Maciej Beręsewicz, Risto Lehtonen, Fernando Reis, Loredana Di Consiglio, Martin Karlberg (2018) An overview of methods for treating selectivity in big data sources, 2018 edition. Luxembourg: Eurostat, Statistical Working Papers.

Lehtonen R. and Veijanen A. (2016) Estimation of poverty rate and quintile share ratio for domains and small areas. In: Alleva G. and Giommi A. (Eds.) Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. New York: Springer .

Härkänen T., Karvanen J., Tolonen H., Lehtonen R., Djerf K., Juntunen T. and Koskinen S. (2016) Systematic handling of missing data in complex study designs - experiences from the Health 2000 and 2011 Surveys. Journal of Applied Statistics 43, 15, 2772-2790.

Lehtonen R. and Veijanen A. (2016) Model-assisted methods to small area estimation of poverty indicators. In: Pratesi M. (Ed.) (2015). Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation. Chichester: Wiley.

Goldstein H., Lynn P., Muniz-Terrera G., Hardy R., O’Muircheartaigh C., Skinner C. and Lehtonen R. (2015) Population sampling in longitudinal surveys debate. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6, 447–475

Opetus / Undervisning / Teaching


Mini course on Small area estimation by calibration and model-assisted methods with applications, 8 May 2018, University of Pisa, Italy
Pdf materials (zipped folder) for students


Mini course: Small area estimation with a design-based perspective, 28 January 2017, Poznan University of Economics, Poland 

Mini course: Small area estimation by calibration and model-assisted methods with applications, 17 May 2017, University of Pisa, Italy


Mini course: ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN DATA BY SMALL AREA METHODS Reweighting estimates from European sample surveys, 18 May 2016, University of Pisa, Italy

Analysis of complex survey Data, spring 2016,


Survey Sampling, Autumn 2015

Research seminar in statistics, fall 2015 and spring 2016

Small Area Estimation, Spring 2015
Risto Lehtonen

Sosiaalitutkimuksen tilastolliset menetelmät, kevät 2015
Risto Lehtonen, Kimmo Vehkalahti, Pekka Pere, Jyrki Möttönen

Research seminar in statistics, fall 2014 and spring 2015
Juha Alho, Risto Lehtonen


Otantamenetelmät, syksy 2014
Risto Lehtonen 

Otanta-aineistojen analyysi, kevät 2014
Risto Lehtonen

Sosiaalitutkimuksen tilastolliset menetelmät, kevät 2014
Risto Lehtonen, Kimmo Vehkalahti, Pekka Pere, Jyrki Möttönen

Modelling hierarchically structured data with MLwiN software, spring 2014
Prof. Antero Malin (JY), Risto Lehtonen

Short Course: Panel surveys in social and economic research and the treatment of nonresponse, spring 2014
Prof. Ulrich Rendtel (Freie Universität Berlin), Risto Lehtonen

Research seminar in statistics, fall 2014 and spring 2015
Juha Alho, Risto Lehtonen


Topics in Survey Methodology and Survey Analysis, fall 2013 
Seppo Laaksonen, Risto Lehtonen, Kimmo Vehkalahti

Otantamenetelmät, syksy 2013
Risto Lehtonen

Pienalue-estimointi, kevät 2013
Risto Lehtonen

Sosiaalitutkimuksen tilastolliset menetelmät, kevät 2013
Risto Lehtonen, Kimmo Vehkalahti, Pekka Pere, Jyrki Möttönen

Research seminar in statistics, fall 2013 and spring 2014
Juha Alho, Risto Lehtonen

Oppikirjat / Böcker / Textbooks

Lehtonen R. and Pahkinen E. (2004):
Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys.
Second Edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Pahkinen E. ja Lehtonen R. (1989): Otanta-asetelmat ja tilastollinen analyysi.

Käsikirjat / Handböcker / Handbooks

Lehtonen R. and Veijanen A. (2009): Design-based Methods of Estimation for Domains and Small Areas. Chapter 31 in D. Pfeffermann and C. R. Rao (Eds.) Handbook of Statistics - Sample Surveys: Inference and Analysis, Volume 29B. The Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 219-250.

Verkko-opetus / Virtual undervisning / Virtual teaching

Virtual Laboratory in Survey Sampling VLISS
Web extension of Lehtonen and Pahkinen (2004) (Updated user interface)

CROS portal - Collaboration between Researchers and Official Statisticians

NTTS 2021 Conference 
New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics
92-11 March 2021 in Brussels

NTTS 2019 Conference
New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics
12-14 March 2019 in Brussels

NTTS 2017 Conference
New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics
14-16 March 2017 in Brussels

NTTS 2015 Conference
New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics
10-12 March 2015 in Brussels

NTTS 2013 Conference
New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics
5-7 March 2013 in Brussels

EMOS - European Master in Official Statistics

CROS Portal Collaboration between Researchers and Official Statisticians

Analysis of the future research needs for Official Statistics has been published by Eurostat (statistical office of the EU)

Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Network on Survey Statistics

BNU Website


Fifth Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics, BaNoCoSS 2019, 16-20 June 2019 in Örebro, Sweden

Workshop of Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics 2018, 21-24 August 2018 in Jelgava, Latvia

Workshop of Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics 2017, 21-24 August 2017 in Vilnius, Lithuania

Summer School on Survey Statistics Theory and Methodology 2016, 22-26 August 2016 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Fourth Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics, BaNoCoSS 2015, 24-28 August 2015, Helsinki

Workshop of Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network in Survey Statistics, 25-28 August 2014 in Tallinn, Estonia

Summer School on Survey Statistics Theory and Methodology 2013, 13-19 June 2013 in Minsk, Belarus

Workshop of Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics, 24-28 August 2012 in Valmiera, Latvia
Download Proceedings

Third Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics, BaNoCoSS2011, 13-17 June 2011 in Norrfällsviken, Sweden
Download Proceedings

Pienalue-estimointi / Skattningar på små områden / Small area estimation (SAE)

SAE 2018 - Small Area Estimation 2018, 16-18 June 2018, Shanghai, China

SAE 2017 Conference, Paris, France
SAE 2016 Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands 
SAE 2014 Conference, Poznan, Poland
SAE 2013 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
SAE 2011 Conference, Trier, Germany
SAE 2009 Conference, Elche, Spain
SAE 2007 Conference, Pisa, Italy
SAE 2005 Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland

Muita konferensseja / Andra konferenser / Additional conferences

Workshop on Small Area Methods and Living Conditions Indicators in European Poverty Studies in the Era of Data Deluge and Big Data, 8-10 May 2018, Pisa, Italy.

Francophone Survey Sampling Colloquium, 24-26 October 2018 in Lyon, France.

Laeken-indikaattorit / Laeken-indikatorerna / Indicators on poverty and social exclusion (Laeken Indicators)

AMELI Website Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators (EU FP7 research project)



Huone: 301
Osoite: PL 18 (Unioninkatu 35)
00014 Helsingin yliopisto
Puhelin: 050-5593346
Sähköposti: risto.lehtonen 'at' helsinki.fi
Vastaanottoajat: sop. mukaan (risto.lehtonen 'at' helsinki.fi)


Rum: 301
Adress: PB 18 (Unionsgatan 18)
00014 Helsingfors universitet
Telefon: 050-5593346
Epost: risto.lehtonen 'at' helsinki.fi
Mottagningstid: enl. överenskommelse (risto.lehtonen 'at' helsinki.fi)

Contact information

Room: 301
Address: P.O. Box 18 (Unioninkatu 35)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Telephone: +358-50-5593346
Email: risto.lehtonen 'at' helsinki.fi
Office hours: by appointment