
Last modified by asaekman@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 10:51

Logic courses

Below is a list of logic courses and a preliminary plan for how often they are taught.

Aineopintotason kursseja / Bachelor level courses

  • Johdatus logiikkaan 1 (5 op) ja Johdatus logiikkaan 2 (5 op) (luennoidaan joka syksy)
    Introduction to logic I & II (online every spring)
  • Joukko-opin alkeet / Elements of set theory (10 cr) (luennoidaan joka tai joka toinen vuosi/taught every one to two years)

Advanced courses

  • Mathematical logic (10 cr, core course of the logic course package, taught every fall)
  • Courses taught every second or third year (if possible)
    • Axiomatic set theory (10 cr)
    • Model theory (10 cr)
    • Recursion theory/Computability theory (10 cr)
    • Finite model theory (10 cr)
    • Dependence logic (10 cr)
    • Complexity theory (10 cr)
  • Courses taught more seldom
    • Classification theory (10 cr)
    • Non-elementary model theory (5cr)
    • Descriptive set theory (5 cr)
    • Large cardinals 1 and 2 (5+5 cr)
    • Strong logics (5 cr)
    • History of logic (5 cr)
    • Introduction to continuous logic (5 cr)
    • Introduction to quantum computation (5 cr)
    • Dependence logic II (10 cr)
    • Models of arithmetic (10 cr)
    • Topics in quantum computation (5 cr)
    • Topics in set theory (5 cr)
    • Reaing course in the Hilbert program

For a master's degree in logic you should also include courses from areas outside logic, strongly recommended are Algebra II, Topology II and Real analysis.

There is also logic teaching arranged by the degree programmes in philosophy. For inclusion of these in your degree, discuss with your academic mentor.

Lecture notes

Some lecture notes from past courses can be found here.

Also, all interested are welcome to attend the logic seminar on Wednesdays, where the Helsinki logicians and occasional visitors present their research. Even if you don't understand the details of the talks, the seminar is a good opportunity to see what research looks like in several areas of logic.

Teaching schedule (past and present, and preliminary future plans)

Spring 2025 (preliminary)

  • Introduction to logic I and Introduction to logic II
  • Elements of set theory I and Elements of set theory II
  • Classification theory

Fall 2024 (preliminary)

  • Johdatus logiikkaan I ja Johdatus logiikkaan II
  • Mathematical logic
  • Model theory
  • Finite model theory
  • Topics in logic (may possibly be moved to the spring)

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2014

Spring 2014

Fall 2013

Spring 2013

Fall 2012

Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Spring 2011

Fall 2010

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Past courses