
Last modified by hojtylli@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 10:52

Research of mathematics and statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has proved to be a stimulating research environment of several subjects of mathematical and statistical study, within which students through senior researchers constantly produce internationally high quality work. The active research is reflected in a variety of research activities: publications, meetings, societies etc. The department includes Rolf Nevanlinna Institute, which is an institute for applied research of mathematics and statistics.

The analysis and mathematical physics groups are parts of the centre of excellence Analysis and Dynamics (coordinated at the department). The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Inverse Problems Research is also coordinated at the department.

By reading the home pages of the research groups you may become acquainted with the research made in the department.



Conferences will be or have been organized in the University of Helsinki, if not otherwise stated.


Publication activities