Tulevia seminaareja

Last modified by hojtylli@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 10:52

Tulevia seminaareja - Kommande seminarier - Forthcoming seminars


Maanantai / Måndag / Monday

Tiistai / Tisdag / Tuesday

14-16 C124 Geometric and Functional Analysis seminar / Astala - Holopainen - Pankka - Saksman - Tylli - Zhong

25.9. Wen Wu (South China University of Technology): Hankel determinant of certain automatic sequences

Keskiviikko / Onsdag / Wednesday

10-12 C124 Biomathematics seminar / Geritz - Gyllenberg - Kisdi
25.04.2018 Margherita Galli: Vaccination strategies in epidemic models with loss of immunity

12-14 C124 Logic seminar / Hyttinen - Kennedy
17.10.2018 Fausto Barbero: Regular and irregular fragments of IF logic

14-16  D123 Math-Phys

16-17 CK112 The Departmental Colloquium

Torstai / Torsdag / Thursday

12-14 C124  Geometric and Functional Analysis seminar / Astala - Holopainen - Pankka - Saksman - Tylli - Zhong

18.10.2018.  Ole Brevig (NTNU Trondheim): Sharp norm estimates for composition operators on the Hardy space of Dirichlet series

14-16 C124, Stochastic models seminar / Izyurov - Norros - Saksman

Perjantai / Fredag / Friday

14-16 Harmonic Analysis & PDE seminar / Hytönen - Korte










Alla vanhojen seminaarien tietoja menneiltä vuosilta - voinevat olla siellä edelleen....?









Maanantai / Måndag / Monday


12-14 Pinni B0020 (Tampere): Finite model theory seminar

Vera Koponen: Simple homogeneous structures



10-12 wed d123

3 September 2014:

Dawei Yang (Soochow University, China)

 Typical three-dimensional vector fields and Palis conjectures

10 September 2014:

Venkateshan Kannan (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)

 Towards theory and algorithm for rigorous discretization in applications of information theory

17 September 2014:

Mats Gyllenberg

 Christians, pagans, and the black death

1 October 2014:

Hans Metz (University of Leiden)

 The geometry of macro-evolution: linking the elements of a post-modern synthesis

8 October 2014:

Stefan Geritz

 Evolved correlations between seed size and germination time

15 October 2014:

Francesca Scarabel


22 October 2014:


29 October 2014:

Yuhua Cai


5 November 2014:

Ruili Fan


26 November 2014:

Chun Fang


3 December 2014:

Ping Yan


10 December 2014:

Helene Weigang


16-18 B321 Vakuutusmatematiikan seminaari / Nyrhinen

Jaakko Lehtomaa: Paksuhäntäisten riskien luokittelu luonnollisen skaalan avulla

14-16 BK106 Advanced Topics in Set Theory / Kennedy & Eerola

We will read some papers on generic absoluteness, starting with


14-16 B120 Inverse problems seminar /

Hyvönen - Krupchyk - Lassas - Päivärinta

Hanming Zhou (University of Washington): T

he inverse problem of the local ray transform.

14-16 C131 Study group on "Dimers and growth processes" / Kytölä

14-16 C124 Mathematical Physics Seminar

Ivan Khaymovich  (Aalto Helsinki): Large deviation principle, fluctuation relations, and multifractality

 of wave functions

13-14 CK112 FMS Colloquium

Harald Helfgott (École Normale Supérieure - Paris): The ternary Goldbach conjecture

Abstract:   The ternary Goldbach conjecture (1742) asserts that every odd number greater

than 5 can be written as the sum of three prime numbers. Following the pioneering work of

Hardy and Littlewood, Vinogradov proved (1937) that every odd number larger than a constant C

satisfies the conjecture. In the years since then, there has been a succession of results reducing C ,

 but only to levels much too high for a verification by computer

up to C to be possible (C > 10^1300). (Works by Ramare and Tao have solved the

corresponding problems for six and five prime numbers instead of three.)

My recent work proves the conjecture. We will go over the main ideas in the proof.

*h5. 15-16 D123 SMY Colloquium / Astala

14-16 D123 The Center of Excellence in Analysis and Dynamics

Antti Knowles (ETH, Zurich): Random Matrices and Universality

Abstract: The first part of the course is devoted to an overview of random

matrices, where I review the most important models, discuss some applications,

and state the key questions. In the second part, I outline the recent proof of the Wigner-Dyson-Mehta universality

conjecture by Erdos, Yau, and collaborators.

16-18 Aalto U322 Aalto Stochastics Seminar

14-16 CK111 Topics in PDEs and Nonlinear Geometric Analysis / Iwaniec

This course will cover various topics in linear and nonlinear partial differential equations with

applications in quasiconformal mappings as well as variational problems in nonlinear elasticity.

Some classical results in these areas will be presented, but new applications and recent

developments will also be kept in mind. Anyone with an interest in complex and harmonic

analysis should feel themselves welcome at these lectures.

9-11 C129 Dyadic analysis and weights / Hytönen

The course will concentrate on two main themes: applying dyadic techniques to different

types of questions in real analysis and weighted L^p spaces. Both "classical" and recent results

 related to weighted L^p spaces will be presented.

10-16 B321 Matematiikan LUK seminaari

10.15.-10.40. Hanna Joronen: Jatkuva-aikaiset Markovin ketjut ja nukleotidisubstituutio.

10.45.-11.10. Antero Vainio: Kohinanpoisto opetetun sanaston avulla.

11.15.-11.40. Suvi Telivuo: Ketjumurtolukuja ja asteikkoja musiikissa


13.05.-13.30. Niilo Tikka: Portfolion optimointi.

13.35.-13.55. Joonas Jälkö: Beeta- ja binomijakaumista.

14.15.-14.40. Iiris Härkönen: Chii-toiseen jakauma.

14.45.-15.10. -

15.15.-15.40. Niko Tapanainen: Cauchyn tulo.



Tiistai / Tisdag / Tuesday

11-12 C222 Postdoc Seminar

Henrik Kettunen: Electromagnetics with negative material parameters

14-16 C123 Geometrisen analyysin seminaari / Holopainen & Saksman

Mikko Parviainen: Regularity for nonlinear stochastic games

Abstract: The first part of the course is devoted to an overview of random matrices, where I review the most important models, discuss some applications, and state the key questions. In the second part, I outline the recent proof of the Wigner-Dyson-Mehta universality conjecture by Erdos, Yau, and collaborators.

Keskiviikko / Onsdag / Wednesday

12-14 C124 Logiikan seminaari / Hyttinen & Väänänen

Andy Arana (Urbana): Purity and content

Torstai / Torsdag / Thursday

12-14 C124, Functional Analysis seminar/Astala & Tylli

Lauri Hitruhin: On point-wise distortion for mappings of exponential distortion

15-17 C129 Stokastisten mallien seminaari / S. on stochastic models / Norros & Saksman

Eero Saksman:  Are prime numbers  random?

16-17 B321 Opiskelijoiden seminaari / Elefante - Mirka

Zenith Purisha: TBA

Perjantai / Fredag / Friday

14-16 Pinni B0020 Finite model theory seminar in Tampere

Johanna Stumpf: The expressive power of modal logic with inclusion atoms 


Carrying Simplex and Heteroclinic Cycles for Competitive Mappings" and the other is "Transversality for Cyclic Negative Feedback Systems

M3 (M234)




Numerical Computation of Complex Geometric Optics Solutions

Image reconstruction techniques for 4D magnetic particle imaging