Surveymetodiikka, syksy 2016

Last modified by selaakso@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 07:10

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Lecturer Luennoitsija

Seppo Laaksonen

Introduction Johdantoa

The course of this fall is possible to follow in English as well. On the other hand, a Finnish speaking participant can use my free e-Book 'Surveymetodiikka. Aineiston kokoamisesta puhdistamisen kautta analyysiin  ' that covers most course material as well and includes a dictionary Finnish to English; you find the website and the instructions to download the book from my university website above. The course itself does not include the entire book material but the details of the course content are to be known during the course. 

A special material: I am writing the survey methodology book in English as well. I intend to submit this draft to the registered participants, one chapter by each email. I hope that you will give your comments all the time, including technical and theoretical points. The current content is below:

  1. Introduction to surveys and survey terms
  2. Questionnaire designing and survey modes
  3. Sampling principles and missingness mechanisms
  4. Design effects at sampling phase
  5. Sampling design data file
  6. Missingness, its reasons and treatment
  7. Weighting adjustments due to unit missingness
  8. Special cases in weighting
  9. Statistical editing
  10. Introduction to statistical imputation
  11. Imputation methods for single variables
  12. Summary and key tasks of survey data cleaning
  13. Basic survey data analysis using survey instruments  

The same content will be in the course but it does not include everything. Or some chapters will not be considered in all details, e.g. chapters 4, 7, 8, and 11. The order of chapters in the course is not exactly as above. Chapter 13 at least will be considered enough early since the last trainings are on basic survey data analysis, not including most difficult things.

The first two chapters are obviously easiest to follow by 'almost non-statisticians.'

The course will be held in six weeks beginning from the first full week of September (the first is 7th Sept), the lectures are on Wednesdays 16-19 and the trainings on Thursdays so that you can choose one of the two alternative times, either 14.:15-15:45 or 16:15-17:45 or even both. These times are flexible. I really hope that you can participate enough well, since the training report can be completed mainly during these training times. The lectures are in Porthania P673, but the training locations are the two computer classes, see from the WEBOODI.  

Welcome to this course that is mandatory for students of social statistics but very useful for all who wish to learn the basic concepts and tools of survey methodology. This field is needed in most empirical studies/ research in all sciences (social, behavioral, heath, economic, micro economic, politics, etc). Statistical software with SPSS and SAS are much used in this course but one of these software’s is enough to be used. All data are real, mainly concerning the European Social Survey (ESS) that has been finalized now for seven rounds since 2002, and the PISA which files are available for five rounds since 2000.

If you will have time, please go to look at the website of the European Social Survey that we will open in the training session. You can search for the questionnaire and copy it into your folder. I think that everyone needs a specific folder for the training, and sub-folders if needed respectively. These can be created whenever you have time to do it. The instructions are given in trainings if not done. Do not use any too complex folder name.

Please do not hesitate to ask from me about the course: Seppo.Laaksonen@Helsinki.Fi.

Kurssi on siis tänäkin vuonna mahdollista seurata myös englanninkielellä vaikka suomenkieltä käytetään myös, ja erityisesti kahdenvälisessä kommunikoinnissa ja harjoituksissa, ja myös luento-osuudessa. Kirjaani kannattaa tutustua jo etukäteenkin erityisesti kahden ensimmäisen liitteen osalta. Kirjan imurointiohjeet ovat sivullani. Lähetän myös uuden englanninkielisen kirjani luonnoksia heille jotka ovat rekisteröityneet kurssille, yksi kappale kerrallaan, ensimmäinen juuri ennen kurssin alkua. Olisi siis mukava jos saisin tähän kommentteja aina kun niitä tulee mieleen. Harjoituksissa käytetään mieluiten yhtä ohjelmistoa. Aloittelijalle SPSS on helppo oppia ilman suurta etukäteisharjoitteluakin. Jos haluaa, voi myös käyttää SAS:ia. Excel voi olla avuksi joskus. R ei ole kaikissa asioissa hyvä, koska tämä kurssi ei ole vahvasti matemaattis-tilastotieteellinen vaan asioiden ymmärtämis- ja käyttökurssi. Lisäksi R on huono muutamien ominaisuuksiensa takia. Rapoitn voi tehdä Wordillä.Tätä varten annan mallin eli englanniksi templaten jo ensi kerralla. Kurssin alussa on yleensä paljon perusasiaa eli kannattaisi olla aidosti paikalla. Näyttää siltä että saan joihinkin harjoituksiin toisenkin henkilön eli viime vuonna väitelleen Maria Valasten.

Tervetuloa kaikkien empiiristen aiheiden opiskelijat ja tutkijat. Tavoitteena on saada haltuun uusin tieto surveyden alueelta mitä tarvitaan melkein kaikilla empiirisillä tutkimusaloilla aloilla muuallakin kuin yhteiskuntatieteissä. Huomaa että survey kattaa myös väestö- ja muiden rekisterien aineksia. Harjoitusten aineistot ovat todellisia, pääasiassa European Social Surveystä (ESS) ja Pisasta..

Exam and Credits

The exam will be held after those 6 weeks. The first event is 19th October from 16 to 19 in P673; I hope that you will send tell me by email your participation two days before the exam (thus on Monday 17th).. If you will pass it reasonably well and submit your training report, you will earn 8 credits. The course can be made partially with five credit at minimum but it is possible to do more trainings and earn 11 credits maximally.

Kurssin perusasioiden hallinnalla ansaitsee 8 opintopistettä. Jollet halua omaksua koko materiaalia, on mahdollista jättää joitain kohtia väliin ja ansaita viisi, kuusi tai seitsemän opintopistettä. Lisätöillä voi määrää nostaa 11:een. Yksityiskohdat näistä selviävät harjoitusten yhteydessä.


I will upload here the short versions of the book.

The first is hereSurvey_Methodology_Introduction.pdf

This the shortened chapter 2.


Chapter 3 that is much shorter than the real one (a new version with some revisions 22 Sept)


Chapter 4 shortened

Survey_Methodology_design effect.pdf

Chapter 5 here is short


Chapter 13 is now available in a short form


Chapter 6:


Chapter 7 is for adjusted weights but this is a very short version


Next Chapter 8 with special weights, very short:

Survey_Methodology_Special weights.pdf

Now we go to statistical editing that is not difficult in this form bu might be in practice (but everything is hopefully nice as our photo.


Before imputation methods it is good to decide whether to impute or not

Survey_Methodology_Imputation Introduction.pdf

Now we are ready to go to Imputation methodology; one again it is shortened

Survey_Methodology_Imputation methods.pdf

This a short summary of key tasks in surveys; all comments welcome on all material


Pisa data both in SPSS and SAS is here as a zipped form. Please open and look. Now its revised so that Analysis weight is included.

The bibliography for surveys is here

Research articles dealing with surveys.pdf

The map with grids from the grid based sampling survey. The grids are 250mx250m and the information from the grid data base of Statistics Finland.


These are exiting results from the World Value Survey for Russia.and Poland on Happiness 1990-Happiness



Register to the course / Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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