
Last modified by adm_ea@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:54

Admins: add rooms as resources

It is possible to add rooms like seminar rooms or even lab places as resources in Open IRIS. This gives the opportunity to have a good overview over the booking schedule, get usage statistics and regulate the access. 

To add rooms as resources it is beneficial to create a new provider containing all rooms as resources. This makes it easier to filter for specific rooms. After creating the new resources it is possible to add restrictions to the booking of some or all rooms. The possibilities are the same as for all resources. For room booking, it could be necessary to to restrict the times when the room is bookable, the group of users who is allowed to book the room, add booking approvals, allow or prevent repeated bookings or to set how far in advance rooms can be booked among others. Like all resources, rooms are bookable by all users who have access and if no restrictions apply. In the description of the room you can specify the type of room or write some information about the capacity and equipment. 

demo_create a new room.pngdemo_create a add-on room.png

It is also possible to use Add-ons for shared equipment between the rooms like portable projectors or flip charts.

Users: book rooms 

To book a room you first need to find the right one. This is easiest at either SCHEDULER.TIMELINE or SCHEDULER.LIST(TIME). In both views you get all resources shown with their timeline. If all rooms are of an extra provider it would be easiest to filter for this provider. Now all listed rooms will be displayed. As usual you can mark your favorite resources (including rooms) with the star symbol. You can filter for all your favorite resources by clicking on the yellow star symbol in the top next to the key symbol. 

demo_timeline for room.png

Open the details window of a room (by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol) to get more information about a room or contact the administrator. Useful tools to get an overview of the availability of a resource are SCHEDULER.TIMELINE and SCHEDULER.LIST(TIME). Both contain timelines for each room as well as several tools to adjust it. It is possible to show the timeline in a 12 or 24 hours format and either for only a day, a week or the whole month. The “x” symbol means that the timeslot is not bookable (mostly because it is already elapsed). Additionally, the colors give some information: The background color yellow is only used for the current day while the background color blue is used for the weekends. The other weekdays are indicated in white or grey. A booking in green is approved, a booking in purple is pending, and your own approved bookings are shown in blue. If no booking approval is needed all bookings appear directly in green or blue. Rooms are booked the same way as any other resources. Whether they can be booked directly or via request and who is able to book them depends on the settings.