Master's Degree Programme in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Master's Degree Programme in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
As the lecturers are active and internationally recognized researchers, teaching is based on the most recent research. You will study in a welcoming and informal yet research-intensive atmosphere. The degree programmes are flexible and you can match the studies to your academic interests. While writing your Master’s thesis during the final year of your study, you will have an excellent opportunity to participate in current research projects running at the department. A Master of Science degree at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics forms a solid foundation for PhD studies.
Specialization areas
Your preference in the following specialization areas will be asked in your application. Your motivation letter is an admission criteria, together with the quality of your previous studies and grades.
In addition to specialization areas listed below, we have specialization areas with teaching mainly in Finnish: Algebra and topology, Insurance and finance mathematics, Stochastics.
You can also get Master´s Degree in Applied Mathematics, specialization area Statistical Machine learning by combining studies in statistics, mathematics and studies of machine learning from the Department of Computer Science.
Applied analysis largely focuses on inverse problems (theoretical and computational), having important applications and implementations in interpreting the data obtained from various measurements in science and engineering. Industrial mathematics is an important application area.
Biomathematics focuses on modeling ecological and evolutionary processes by a variety of approaches, most importantly ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations, stochastic processes, adaptive dynamics, and game theory.
Mathematical analysis has deep traditions in Helsinki. During recent years, the most celebrated results have been obtained in nonlinear potential theory, nonlinear partial differential equations, conformal geometry and quasiregular mappings.
Mathematical logic focuses on set theory, set-theoretic model theory, model theory, finite model theory, dependence and independence logic, second order logic, philosophical logic, as well as the history of logic and foundations and philosophy of mathematics.
Mathematical physics concentrates on mathematical understanding of quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. In those fields, powerful new methods were developed around the concepts of renormalization and universality. These concepts subsequently entered many areas of physics and mathematics, such as the theory of dynamical systems and “chaos”.
Research group in Applied analysis
Research group in Biomathematics
Research group in Mathematical analysis
Research group in Mathematical logic
Research group in Mathematical physics
Application deadline
Application period begins: 2 December 2013
Application deadline: 31 January 2014 at 16:15 Eastern European Time (GMT+2).
Rights to apply
To be eligible to apply You need to hold a Bachelor or equivalent degree in a suitable field, or have the degree completed before 31 July 2014. In addition, you must have completed a total of at least 60 ECTS compatible credits in mathematics and/or statistics. Relevant Bachelor's degrees include, in addition to mathematics and statistics, science and engineering degrees completed at universities and other institutions of higher education.
Admission criteria
Admission will be based on the academic record, scope, and quality of previous studies in mathematics, English proficiency, and a motivation letter. More information here.
Motivation letter
A letter of motivation should state why you want to study in the Master's Degree Programme in Bayesian statistics and decision analysis. You need to provide a short curriculum vitae as a part of the letter of motivation.
Proficiency in English
You need to be proficient in English language when applying to the programme. Your earlier degree can work as a certificate in some cases: If you have studied at a Finnish university and your degree includes compulsory studies in English, you fulfill the language requirements. Also if your earlier degree is instructed in English in EU or EEA Countries, or in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the U.S.A., you may be exempted from the language test. Otherwise you need to submit a language test score. Language requirements can be found here.
Applicants to the University of Helsinki can take a language test either in English, Swedish or Finnish as their specified foreign/second language, arranged by Language Services. More information here.
Entry examination
There will be no entry examination. Student selection is based on the application papers.
How to prepare application
Instructions on how to prepare your application are given on the international admission page of University of Helsinki. The page contains a link to an online application service where you will fill in an online registration form. In addition you will need to submit an application form with the required enclosures by regular mail.
Contact details
The Student Affairs Office of the Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 44 (Jyrängöntie 2)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Email: ml-neuvonta(at)
Phone: +358-9-191 50066 or +358-9-191 50065
Office open: Mon-Fri 10-15
The Student Affairs Office of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Email: mathstat-info(at)
Phone: +358-9-191 51502
Fax: +358-9-191 51400
Office open: Mon-Fri 9-15
Room: C329
For more information about the Master's Degree contact Hannu Honkasalo