Vallier, Thomas

Version 45.1 by vallier@helsinki_fi on 2013/11/20 18:05

Thomas Vallier

Post Doctoral researcher


Contact information

Room: B409
 Address: P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b)
 FI-00014 University of Helsinki
 Telephone: +358 9191 51 51 1

You can also send me an email at:

I am a post doctoral researcher in statistics and probability specialized in the field of random graphs. I received my PhD at the department of mathematics and statistics, University of Lund under the supervision of Tatyana Turova.

I currently work in the group of Biomathematics, at the department of mathematics and statistics, University of Helsinki.


7. Transition of the degree sequence in the random graph model of Cooper Frieze and Vera, Stochastic models,  29 I3, 341-352 (2013).

6. Bootstrap percolation on G(n; p), Annals of Applied Probability, 22 Number 5, 1989-2047 (2012), with
Svante Janson, Tomasz Luczak and Tatyana Turova.

5. On the degree of a fixed vertex in some growing networks, Statistics and Probability Letters, 81 673-677 (2011),

with Mathias Lindholm.

4. Merging Percolation on Zd and Classical Random Graphs : Phase Transition, RandomStructures and Algorithms, 36 I2, 185-217 (2010),

with Tatyana Turova.

3. Random Graphs Models and their Applications, PhD Thesis in Mathematics, 2008 : 7, LUTFMA-1028-2007, ISSN 1404-0034, ISBN 978-91-628-7378-3.

2. Robustness of Preferential Attachment under Deletion of Edges, Stochastic Models, 23 265-276 (2007).

1. Merging Percolation and Random Graphs : Phase Transition in Dimension 1, Technical Report, (2006),

with Tatyana Turova.


(University of Helsinki)

(Previous University)

Erdös Number: 2

Erdös Lap Number: 3 with the proof


6th place at the random run 2013 ... and in front of Andrzej Rucinski who kindly accepted to sign the mug I received for that performance.

Notic that there is only one such mug in the whole world.


I'm still waiting for the day when the Olympique Lyonnais (OL) will win the Champions' League... "next year, they will win it next year".

Also supporter of the proud Pompey, winner of the cup 2008.

When I play football, it looks more or less like that: thanks korpen.



Married with children.

I have 4 children and my wife is researcher in fluid mechanics.