Helsinki Stochastic Sauna Seminar  December 18  2014

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Helsinki Stochastic Sauna Seminar , December 18-19 2014. 

This is a traditional informal occasion for  PhD students and researchers,  to meet and discuss about  state-of-the-art stochastics, mathematical physics, and statistics. After the scientific part,  on thursday 18.12 everyone is welcome to join for a  traditional finnish sauna in Kotiharjun sauna. The event is organized jointly by Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Helsinki, the Department of Mathematics and System Analysis of Aalto University and the Finnish Graduate Doctoral Program in Stochastics and Statistics FDPSS.  All partecipants are invited to submit a talk, and in case there will be enough talks,  we  continue the program on friday 19.12  after the traditional winter swimming.


Confirmed Speakers:  Ehsan Azmoodeh, Elja Arjas, Christel Geiss, Antti Kupianen,   Mikko Stenlund.

Preliminary Schedule

  Thursday 18.12:   12.45-17.40  talks in Exactum, D123

                                     12.45-13.45   Antti Kupiainen      (Helsinki)                                

                                     14.00-15.00  Ehsan Azmoodeh   (Luxembourg) 'How many cumulants are needed for convergence towards N1 × N2 ?'

                                     15.00-15.30  Coffee Break

                                    15.30-16.15   Christel Geiss  (Jyväskylä)   'Simulation of backward SDEs with jumps using Wiener chaos expansions'

                                    16.30-17.00  Mikko Stenlund        (Helsinki)  'Ergodicity of a non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical system'  abstract

                                    17.10-17.40  Elja Arjas                  (Helsinki and Oslo)  'Bayesian inference for rank data'

 Social Program     18.00-20.00  sauna in  Kotiharjun sauna, Harjuntorinkatu 1 map  

                             20.30 -->   dinner   in Restaurant Sävel, Hämeentie 2

 Friday 19.12  

 Social Program: at 9.00, winter swimming in Ouritsaari  

 Scientific Program:    in   Exactum  D123

                               10.00-10.40  Louis Theran   (Aalto)

                               10.50 -11.20  Petteri Piiroinen   (Helsinki)  'Reflecting diffusions with rough coefficients in Lipschitz domains'

                               11.30-12.00   Stylianos Scarlatos (Aalto)  'Collisions technique for confidence-threshold voter models'

                               12.15- 12.45   Dario Gasbarra   (Helsinki)  'The current duration design for estimatin the time to pregnancy distribution: a nonparametric Bayesian perspective'

Organizers:        Dario.Gasbarra(at)   ,  Lasse.Leskela(at),  Antti.h.Kemppainen(at), Kalle.Kytola(at), Christian.Webb(at)

Important: the FDPSS can sponsor the travel and accomodation costs for Ph.D. students traveling from Finland, please contact for that  Professor Paavo Salminen <paavo.salminen(at)>

 Confirmed partecipants: Elja Arjas, Ehsan Azmoodeh , Dario Gasbarra, Christel Geiss, Olli Hellä, Juha-Antti Isojärvi, Konstantin Izyurov, Janne Junnila, Anni Laitinen, Jaakko Lehtomaa, Juho Leppänen, Lasse Leskelä,  Antti Kemppainen, Matti Kiiski, Antti Kupiainen,  Kalle Kytölä, Matteo Marcozzi, Ilkka Norros, Esa Nummelin, Harri Nyhrinen, Ari-Pekka Perkkiö, Petteri Piiroinen, Eero Saksman, Heikki Seppälä, Mikko Sillanpää, Stylianos Scarlatos, Simo Särkkä, Mikko Stenlund, Louis Theran, Joonas Turunen, Christian Webb

Registration: just send an e-mail to <dario.gasbarra (at)>  to be added to the list. 

When you register, please specify, whether you are joining for dinner after sauna.  A limited number of rooms will be available at the Helsinki and Aalto university guesthouse Töölö towers, please ask Dario if you need an accomodation. Note that  sauna and dinner are self-financed.


Some photos taken by Antti Kemppainen.

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