f. Tags/Tagit

Last modified by Anniina Kuusijärvi on 2024/02/20 17:46

Page in Finnish: Avainsanat/tagit

Note: Tag section is part of the renewed, new version of Kotka. When navigating from "old" Kotka to tags for the first time or after a while, Kotka will ask you to sign in again, even though you are already signed in to old Kotka.


Tags are a way of grouping specimens for example to make that group of specimens easier to find in search. A specimen can have zero, one or many tags. Tag is less explicit than a collection.

For example, tag can be used to group together:

  • Specimens from a certain expedition ('Expedition to South Georgia Island, January 1995')
  • Specimens donated by someone ('Coll J. Doe')
  • Specimens used in a research project or publication
  • Specimen digitised in a certain project

Anyone can create a tag. First create a new tag with a descriptive name. Then connect specimens to the tag. Afterwards, specimens belonging to a single tag can be easily searched.

Adding a tag

Tag form can be found in Kotka top menu bar, under Tags→ Add tag. On the form, you need to fill in the following information (mandatory fields are marked with purple)

  1. Owner of record: Team or organisation that owns the tag record and can edit the information.
  2. Tag type: Is it basic tag or a project tag (see below)
  3. NameName of the tag, Kotka validates that this must be unique. Mandatory in English, can be given also in Finnish and Swedish.
  4. Person(s) resposibleName of the person(s) responsible for the tag and its metadata. Enter names in format "lastname, firstname" and separate multiple names with a semicolon ;
  5. Description: Free text description for the tag, so that also other users know what is is about and what it is meant for. Mandatory in English, can be given also in Finnish and Swedish.

For a project tag you also need to fill in things related to access and benefit sharing (related to e.g. Nagoya protocol and monitoring of utilisation of genetic resources):

  1. Research funding source: Who/which organisation funded the project
  2. Research funding recipient: Name of the person or organisation who received the funding.
  3. Research funding duration: Give a duration for the funding, as dates from and to, e.g. 1.1.2019-31.12.2022
  4. Research collaborator(s): Names of institution(s) or people collaborating in the project
  5. Benefits derived and shared: description and explanation for any monetary or non-monetary benefits that arose from the project and how they were shared.

(Planned: internal and technical tag types)

Using tags for specimens and organisations

Once you have created a tag, it can be used to tag specimens. On the specimen web forms, tag names are used and they can be filtered by starting to type the name of the tag. In Excel templates, unique tag identifiers are used (in short form, e.g. GX.1234). (Note that tags used to be called "datasets" in Kotka, and the column name in the Excel template is still called MYDatasetID.)

In addition to specimens, tags can also be used to tag organisations on the organisation form. For example Luomus botanic gardens use this for marking active seed exchange partner organisations.

There may be some delays before a tag that has just been added, can be used for specimens or organisations on the web forms. Please contact kotka(at)luomus.fi if a tag is not available to use even on the following day.

Browsing and searching tags

Tags can be browsed and searched from the Kotka top menu bar, under Tags→ All. Tags can be filtered by the unique identifier, tag name, name of the person responsible and tag description. More filtering options are found from the filtering icon for each filter field. The search is not case sensitive.