Statistical Inverse Methods, spring 2021

Last modified by aipentti@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/09 08:24

Course page for Statistical Inverse Methods — Tilastolliset inversiomenetelmät

Advanced Course, 5 credits, PAP303, spring 2021, periods 3 and 4

Course is held in virtually on Zoom. Lectures are on Mondays at 10:15, and exercise sessions on Mondays at 14:15.

Lecturer: Antti Penttilä, you can contact me by e-mail, antti.i.penttila (a t), or room D310 in Physicum.

Lectures and schedule
  • 18.01. Introduction
  • 25.01. Statistical inference
  • 02.02. Statistical tests
  • 08.02. Linear model
  • 15.02. Linear model, nonlinear model
  • 22.02. ---TRAVELING, NO LECTURE---
  • 01.03. Nonparametric methods, multivariate methods
  • 15.03. Multivariate methods
  • 22.03. Bayesian inference
  • 29.03. Monte Carlo -methods
  • 12.04. Markov Chain Monte Carlo
  • 19.04. Markov Chain Monte Carlo, artificial neural networks
  • 26.04. Artificial neural networks
  • 03.05. ---NO LECTURE---
Course material

The course handout follows previous years but is refined during the course. Latest version is distributed here, but be aware that I can update the material while we advance in the lectures.

Latest SIM'2021 handout (updated 26-04-2021)

Example Jupyter notebooks on MCMC with emcee library, and neural networks with Keras library: MCMC.ipynb (MCMC.pdf) and ANN.ipynb (ANN.pdf).

Exercise sessions

If you are unable to attend to exercise sessions, you can send your answers to me (antti.i.penttila (a t) BEFORE the start of the weekly exercise session.

Supplementary data: two-variable.datlinear-model-data-1.datweighted-linear-model-data.datlinear-model-data-2a.datlinear-model-data-2b.datlinear-model-data-3.datdataRed.datasteroid_density.datMN-data-1.datMN-data-2.datMN-data-3.datspectra.datnew-spectra.datC-types.datS-types.datX-types.dat

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