Organizing data on LMU network drives

Last modified by mmolin@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/24 07:07

To make some order on the LMU disks, we've created folders named by your university user accounts, and organized them alphabetically.

NOTE: university user account is the one you use to log in to university computers, Flamma, Office365. Your folder must have the same name as that account. If you log in as "hajaalin", your data goes to "h\hajaalin".

LMU disk












You'll find these folders on L\LMU_active1 and L:\ LMU_active2. All user data on LMU network disks must be stored in these folders to allow us easily find data belonging to inactive users. 

Points to keep in mind:

  • Please note that the target folder must be named by your university user account. For example LMU_active1\Users\k\kimmo would not have been correct but it should be lmu_active1\users\t\tanhuanp
  • Usually the folders are ready for you but if they are not, you should create a folder for yourself using these rules