
Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/02/04 07:06

Biomathematics Seminars

Our seminars are very informal, where many questions are asked, new ideas are tried on the blackboard, and free discussion is encouraged. All seminars are in English. The program is updated continuously, look out for new titles. Time and place of the seminars when held on campus: Wednesdays 10:15 - 12, Exactum C124. 

All interested are warmly welcome!

In 2020 and in 2021, the seminars are held online, typically on Tuesdays (exceptions below). In part, we join the seminars of the International Initiative for Theoretical Biology; program, abstracts and zoom links via the IITE website. For the rest of the seminars, the zoom meeting ID is 672 5945 2093.

Fall 2021

14 September 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Jacob D. O’Sullivan (Queen Mary), The emergent macroecology of Lotka-Volterra metacommunities

28 September 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Mathew Leibold (University of Florida): Linking process to pattern in community assembly in diverse metacommunities

5 October 2021, 2.15pm

Mikko Koivu-Jolma (University of Helsinki): Infective prey leads to a partial role reversal in a predator-prey interaction

12 October 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Laura Dee (Colorado Boulder)

19 October 2021, 2.15pm

Cecilia Berardo: How the evolution of density-dependent handling times changes our conclusions on the coexistence of multiple predator species feeding on one and the same prey

26 October 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Rachel Germain (UBC)

2 November 2021, 2.15pm

Eugenia Franco: Renewal equations for measure-valued functions of time describing physiologically structured populations

9 November, 7pm

IITE seminar by Robert D. Holt (University of Florida)

16 November 2021, 2.15pm

Sami Lehtinen (University of Jyväskylä): Mechanistic derivation of functional responses with adaptive feeding behaviour

CANCELLED, rescheduled to 30 November; the seminar originally planned for 30 November will be in January

23 November 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Jeremy W. Fox (University of Calgary)

30 November 2021, 2.15pm

Sami Lehtinen(University of Jyväskylä): Mechanistic derivation of functional responses with adaptive feeding behaviour

7 December 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Ehud Meron (Ben-Gurion)

14 December 2021, 3.15pm

Jonas Wickman (Michigan State University): A general theoretical framework for trait-based eco-evolutionary dynamics: Population structure, intraspecific variation, and community assembly

(note the time! 1h later than normal because of the big time zone difference)

Spring 2021

12 January 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Camille Carpentier

22 January 2021, 2:15pm

Eugenia Franco: One dimensional reduction of an abstract renewal equation describing population dynamics (note: FRIDAY)

26 January 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Stephen Ellner (Cornell)

2 February 2021, 2.15pm

Mikhail Shubin (THL): Modelling COVID-19 outbreak in Finland during COVID-19 outbreak in Finland: Applying epidemiological models in practice

9 February 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Thomas Koffel (Michigan State University)

16 February 2021, 2.15pm

Cecilia Berardo: Coevolution of the reckless prey and the patient predator

23 February 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by James O'Dweyer (University of Illinois)

2 March 2021, 2.15 pm

Åke Brännström (University of Umeå): Adaptive dynamics for spatially structured populations

9 March 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Géza Meszéna (Eötvös University Budapest)

11 March 2021, 2.15pm

Hildegard Uecker (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology): CANCELLED, re-scheduled for 25 May

16 March 2021, 2:15pm

Sami Lehtinen: Ecological and evolutionary consequences of predator-prey role reversal

23 March 2021, 6pm

IITE seminar by Theresa Ong (NOTE THE TIME: 6pm)

6 April 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by György Barabás (Eötvös University)

13 April 2021, 2:15pm

Peter Czuppon (University of Munster): Stochasticity during early epidemic dynamics: probability of establishment, initial growth rate and the epidemic size at its first detection

20 April 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Priyanga Amarasekare (UCLA)

27 April 2021, 2.15pm

Barbara Gentz (University of Bielefeld): An intuitive approach to quantifying noise-induced transitions

4 May 2021, 4pm

IITE seminar by Masato Yamamichi (Brisbane) NOTICE THE TIME: 4pm

11 May 2021, 2.15pm

Yuhua Cai: Long-term coexistence in a metacommunity: competition-colonization trade-off, ownership effects, environmental fluctuations - CANCELLED and re-scheduled to 8 June

18 May 2021, 10.15am

Eugenia Franco: Self-similar solutions to coagulation equations with a source (NOTICE the unusual time & IITE seminar in  the evening of the same day)

18 May 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Cinzia Soresina (University of Graz) 

25 May 2021, 2.15pm

Hildegard Uecker (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology ): Evolutionary rescue and human health

1 June 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Chuliang Song (McGill University)

8 June 2021, 2.15pm

Yuhua Cai: Long-term coexistence in a metacommunity: competition-colonization trade-off, ownership effects, environmental fluctuations

15 June 2021, 7pm

IITE seminar by Neo Martinez (Indiana University)

29 June 2021, 7 pm

IITE seminar by Rafael D'Andrea (Stony Brook University)

Fall 2020

13 October 2020, 7pm

IITE seminar by V. Karatayev

20 October 2020, 5.15pm

Alexandru Hening (Tufts University, USA): Stochastic coexistence theory and the competitive exclusion principle (note: exceptional time)

27 October 2020, 7pm

IITE seminar by A. de Roos

3 November 2020, 2.15pm

Hanna ten Brink (Eawag, Switzerland): The causes and consequences of ontogenetic niche shifts on eco-evolutionary dynamics

9 November 2020, 7pm

IITE seminar by S. Schreiber (note: Monday)

17 November 2020, 2.15pm

Tadeas Priklopil (University of Lausanne, Switzerland): Metacommunities, fitness and gradual evolution

24 November 2020, 7pm

IITE seminar by S. Allesina

1 December 2020, 10.15 am

Pierre Gabriel (University of Versailles): Long-time asymptotic behavior of growth-fragmentation equations

8 December 2020, 7pm

IITE seminar by Nadav Shnerb

15 December 2020, 3.00pm

Cinzia Soresina (University of Graz): On the bifurcation structure of the Shigesada–Kawasaki–Teramoto model for competing species

Spring 2020

In this semester, we substitute the seminars with the course Operator semigroups with applications in biology by Barbara Boldin

Fall 2019

25 September 2019

Eva Kisdi
Adaptive dynamics of pathogens and their hosts

2 October 2019

Sami Lehtinen
Allee effect and evolutionary extinction in a mechanistic predator-prey model

9 October 2019

Lei Niu
Chaotic attractors in the four-dimensional Leslie-Gower competition model

16 October 2019

Eva Kisdi
When being picky broadens the taste: Joint evolution of immigration strategies and local adaptation

22 October 2019

No seminar: The First Nordic Biomathematics Days, 22-23 October

30 October 2019

No seminar: departmental colloquium by Odo Diekmann

6 November 2019

Mats Gyllenberg
Difference and differential equations in population biology: History and modelling
(abstract: pdf)

13 Nov-18 Dec 2019

Book reading seminar, Karl Sigmund: The calculus of selfishness

Spring 2019

30 January 2019

Eva Kisdi
Local vs distant action and the infective dose of pathogens

6 February 2019

Stefan Geritz
Adaptive correlations between seed size and germination time

13 February 2019

Cecilia Berardo
Mechanistic derivation of the functional response in predator-prey models: existence and uniqueness of the quasi-equilibrium

20 February 2019

Lei Niu
A special case of the stochastic Lotka-Volterra model

27 February 2019

Yuhua Cai
Environmental noise classification and the effects on population dynamics

20 March 2019

No seminar: thesis defence of Marcelo Hartmann

27 March 2019

Andrew Reynolds (Rothamsted Research, UK)
Toward a “thermodynamics” of collective behaviour: insect swarms as a case study

3 April 2019

Gael Raoul (Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France)
The Kirkpatrick-Barton model and spatially structured sexual populations (abstract: pdf)

10 April 2019

Arianna Marchionne
Modelling past abrupt climate changes

17 April 2019

Marina Ferreira
Particle-based models with volume-exclusion constraints and applications to biology (abstract: pdf)

Fall 2018

12 September 2018

Eva Kisdi
Bayes' theorem and the Fermi paradox

20 September 2018

Rossana Vermiglio (University of Udine, Italy)
Polynomial Chaos expansions and stability of linear uncertain delay differential equations: a numerical approach for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis


Davide Liessi (University of Udine, Italy)
Stability of periodic solutions of delay equations: from Floquet theory to pseudospectral collocation

Note the unusual date! Thursday 20 Sept 10-12 in C124

26 September 2018

Cecilia Berardo
Adaptive evolution of a functional response with prey-density dependent handling time

3 October 2018

Lei Niu
Global dynamics for discrete-time models of three competing species

10 October 2018

Yuhua Cai
The effect of environmental fluctuations on the evolution of the settling process in a chemostat

17 October 2018

Eugenia Franco
Models of growth and fragmentation for aerosol dynamics

22 October 2018


31 October 2018

cancelled (the speaker is stuck abroad with a cancelled flight)

7 November 2018

Jyri Ollikainen
Population dynamical embedding of iterated games of different lengths

14 November 2018

Sami Lehtinen
Ecological bistability and evolutionary cycling of timidity of the prey

21 November 2018

Enpei Zhang
Stability analysis of a prey-predator model with maturation time

Spring 2018

17 January 2018

Yuhua Cai
Invasion and persistence of a population in a random environment

24 January 2018

Philipp Getto (TU Dresden, Germany)
Stem cell population dynamics as differential equations with state-dependent delay

31 January 2018

Lei Niu
ODE models of three competing species with linear nullclines

7 February 2018

no seminar (conference in Turin)

14 February 2018

Stefan Geritz
Density dependent diffusion and pattern formation

21 February 2018

Eugenia Franco
Reformulating a PDE model for droplet dynamics as a delay equation

27 February 2018

Andrea Pugliese (University of Trento, Italy)
Epidemiological models structured by parasite load and immune level

14 March 2018

Cecilia Berardo
Mechanistic derivation and evolution of a functional response with prey-density dependent handling time

21 March 2018

Francesca Scarabel
Numerical bifurcation analysis of equations with infinite delay

28 March 2018

Ruili Fan
The evolution of pathogens in a model with explicit within- and between-host dynamics

11 April 2018

no seminar (conference in Leicester)

18 April 2018

Enpei Zhang
Evolution of maturation time in a delayed Gause model

25 April 2018

Margherita Galli
Vaccination strategies in epidemic models with loss of immunity

2 May 2018

No seminar, Analysis and Dynamics Day

Fall 2017

20 September 2017

Mats Gyllenberg
Dynamics of the multi-type Ricker model

27 September 2017

Eva Kisdi
Evolutionary suicide of prey: Matsuda and Abrams' model revisited

4 October 2017

Lei Niu
Permanence, impermanence and invasion in models of competition

11 October 2017

Elina Numminen
The epidemics of a wild plant pathogen obey the laws of graph theory

18 October 2017

Margareta Segerståhl
Major transitions in evolution: an under-explored area of biological dynamics?

1 November 2017

Antti Honkela
Bayesian inference of dynamical Gaussian process models of gene transcription and expression

8 November 2017 

Torsten Lindström (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Cycles and multiple attractors explained in terms of saturation effects for mixotrophy

22 November 2017

John McNamara (University of Bristol, UK)
The importance of individual differences for evolutionary game theory and the evolution of cooperation

29 November 2017

Sami Lehtinen
Understanding the Venus flytrap through mathematical modelling

13 December 2017

Ezio Venturino (University of Turin, Italy)
Two resources for one population: the case of wild herbivores in natural parks

Spring 2017

25 January 2017

Lei Niu
On heteroclinic cycles of competitive maps via carrying simplices

1 February 2017

No seminar, Oikos conference

8 February 2017

Eva Kisdi
Adaptive dynamics of saturated polymorphisms

15 February 2017

Francesca Scarabel
ODE approximation of equations with infinite delay

22 February 2017

Mats Gyllenberg
Invasion into dimorphic populations under Atkinson-Allen dynamics

1 March 2017

Matti Pirinen
Fine-scale genetic population structure revealed by hidden Markov models and unsupervised clustering

15 March 2017

Sami Lehtinen
Size-based prey selectivity in Venus flytrap

22 March 2017

Kalle Parvinen (University of Turku)
The effect of spatial heterogeneity on evolution in spatial models

29 March 2017

Jarno Vanhatalo
Assessing the current and future conservation and management status of Baltic grey seal population with Bayesian state space models

5 April 2017 

no Biomathematics seminar (Modelling Biological Evolution 2017 conference in Leicester), but Lutz Fromhage's talk at 3pm in Viikki, Biocenter 3, room 2402

12 April 2017

Troy Day (Queen's University, Canada)
Can we use game-theoretic ideas to design evolution-proof drugs?

19 April 2017 

Cecilia Berardo (University of Turin, Italy)
Modeling prey cooperation and predator learning interactions

26 April 2017 

Anna Suomenrinne-Nordvik
The functional response in a prey-predator system with active prey group defence

3 May 2017 

Ruili Fan
Virulence management in a model with explicit within- and between-host dynamics

17 May 2017 


18 May 2017 

Eugenia Franco:
Measures in infinite dimensional spaces
Thursday 11-12am in C124

24 May 2017  

Bob Holt (University of Florida)
Reflections on Apparent Competition: a 40 year Anniversary
Note the unusual time: Wednesday 4-5pm in C124

Fall 2016

14 September 2016

Barbara Boldin (University of Primorska, Slovenia)
An extension of the classification of evolutionarily singular strategies in Adaptive Dynamics

21 September 2016

Nicolas Bacaer (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, UMMISCO, France)
Some population models in a random environment

28 September 2016

Sergei A. Nazarov (St Petersburg University & Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems,
Russian Acad. Sci.)
A one-dimensional model of branching arteries

5 October 2016

Francesca Scarabel
Periodic solutions of a special class of nonlinear renewal equations: Numerical and analytical investigations

12 October 2016

no seminar in Kumpula; we go to Mikael Fortelius' talk in Viikki,
Biocenter 3, Telkänpönttö (=room 2402), 3pm

19 October 2016

Eva Kisdi
An inverse approach to evolutionary suicide

24 October 2016


2 November 2016

Lei Niu
On the dynamics of competitive systems and applications

9 November 2016

Vladimir Kozlov (Linköping University, Sweden)
Permanency of age-structured population model on several temporally variable patches

16 November 2016

Ping Yan (two 45 min talks)
(1) Global stability of a Gause-type predator-prey model with quiescence
(2) An open question related to strengthened Carleman's inequality

23 November 2016

Helene Weigang
Coevolution of patch-type dependent emigration and patch-type dependent immigration

30 November 2016

KaYin Leung (Stockholm University)
Unseen but not unimportant: the role of asymptomatic and presymtomatic transmissions in an epidemic

7 December 2016

Brittany Rose
Evolution of pathogen mutation probabilities

14 December 2016

Yuhua Cai
Resident-invader dynamics of similar strategies in a random environment

Spring 2016

20 January 2016

Paolo Gidoni (International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy)
An introduction to crawling motility and quasi-static modelling

27 January 2016

Daoxiang Zhang (Anhui Normal University, China)
Turing patterns in a predator-prey model

3 February 2016

Shingo Iwami (Kyushu University & JST PRESTO, Japan)
Evolution of seasonal influenza viruses in a strain space: A hybrid dynamical system approach

5 February 2016

Francois Massol (University of Lille)
Evolution of dispersal in spatially and temporally variable environments: life cycles and informed dispersal
Fri 11-12 in D123, note the unusual day!

10 February 2016

Matilda Backholm (Aalto University)
Tiny worm tangles

17 February 2016

Chun Fang
Dominated splitting and invariant manifolds theorem in Banach spaces

24 February 2016

Mikhail Shubin
Bayesian models for the swine flu epidemic

2 March 2016

Daoxiang Zhang (Anhui Normal University, China)
Numerical simulation of dispersion in oscillating flow with heterogeneous wall reactions

16 March 2016

Chun Fang
Entropy and horseshoe in a Banach space

23 March 2016

Yuhua Cai
An introduction to multi-type linear birth-and-death processes in a random environment

6 April 2016

Eva Kisdi
Dispersal polymorphism in stable habitats

13 April 2016

Stefan Geritz
A diffusion paradox under the microscope

20 April 2016

No seminar: Analysis and Dynamics Days

27 April 2016

Helene Weigang
Co-evolution of patch-type dependent emigration and immigration

4 May

Jouko Väänänen
Dependence logic and biology

Fall 2015

9 September 2015

Julia Sánchez Sanz
A numerical method for analyzing linear stability in structured population models

16 September 2015          

Stefan Geritz
The effect of noise and delays on the behaviour of a population: The need to be specific about the underlying mechanisms

23 September 2015

Mats Gyllenberg
Mathematical epidemiology: Delay formulation vs compartmental models

1 October 2015

Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba (Tor Vergata University of Rome)
Inference in the early stages of an epidemic
notice the unusual time: Thursday 1 October 1-2pm in D123

7 October 2015

Helene Weigang & Francesca Scarabel
Paper discussion: A New Approach to the Generation Time in Matrix Population Models, by F Bienvenue & S. Legendre, AmNat 185 (2015) 834–843.

14 October 2015

Chun Fang
On the dynamics of non-hyperbolic minimal sets for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems

21 October 2015


28 October 2015

Fengying Wei (Fuzhou University)Stochastic permanence of an SIQS epidemic model with saturated incidence and independent random perturbations

4 November 2015

Otso Ovaskainen (Dept. Biosciences)
A cooking book approach for the mathematical analysis and simulation of spatial-temporal point processes

11 November 2015

Ruili Fan
Virulence management: the evolution of virulence in two models with recovery

18 November 2015

Francesca Scarabel
Some ideas to test the approximation of periodic solutions of delay equations

25 November 2015

Tom Rosenström
Evolution of negative emotions and depression

2 December 2015

Vadim Kulikov
Cognitive semantics, dynamical systems and autoencoders

9 December 2015

Helene WeigangThe evolution of patch-type dependent immigration and local adaptation

Spring 2015

14 January 2015:

Mats Gyllenberg
When is a population model representable by a system of ordinary differential equations?

21 January 2015:

Roland Zimm
Theoretical Evo-Devo: Modelling evolutionary dynamics of animal development

28 January 2015:

Yi Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Carrying simplex and heteroclinic cycles for competitive mappings
Transversality for cyclic negative feedback systems

(two 45 min talks)

4 February 2015:

Elina Numminen
Climate induces seasonality in pneumococcal transmission

11 February 2015:

Mikhail Shubin
Bayesian modelling of the swine flu epidemic

18 February 2015:

Chun Fang
Perturbation theory for strongly tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems

25 February 2015:

John Nagy (Arizona State University)
Nothing in cancer biology makes sense except in the light of evolution

11 March 2015:

Sebastian Schreiber (University of California, Davis, US)
Should I stay or should I go? An SDE perspective on the ecology and evolution of dispersal in variable environments

18 March 2015:

Tadeas Priklopil (IST Austria)
Evolution of decision rules in stopping game problems

25 March 2015:

Yuhua Cai
An application of the zero set of the solution of a parabolic equation

1 April 2015:

Francesca Scarabel
Delay equations: how to study them with numerical software for ODEs

15 April 2015:

Eva Kisdi
Dispersal polymorphism in stable habitats

22 April 2015:

Ari Koistinen (SYKE)
Watershed Simulation and Forecasting System of Finnish Environment Institute

29 April 2015:

Helene Weigang
Evolution of local adaptation and immigration: An introduction

Fall 2014

3 September 2014:

Dawei Yang (Soochow University, China)
Typical three-dimensional vector fields and Palis conjectures

10 September 2014:

Venkateshan Kannan (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Towards theory and algorithm for rigorous discretization in applications of information theory

17 September 2014:

Mats Gyllenberg
Christians, pagans, and the black death

1 October 2014:

Hans Metz (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
The geometry of macro-evolution: linking the elements of a post-modern synthesis

8 October 2014:

Stefan Geritz
Evolved correlations between seed size and germination time

15 October 2014:

Francesca Scarabel
An introduction to pseudospectral methods for delay differential equations

22 October 2014:


29 October 2014:

Yuhua Cai
The asymptotic behavior of a stochastic SIS epidemic model

5 November 2014:

Rossana Vermiglio (University of Udine, Italy)
Numerical stability of linear coupled delay equations/delay differential equations, with application to the Daphnia model

12 November 2014:

Ruili Fan
Apoptosis in virus infection dynamics models

19 November 2014:

Matan Shenhav (Department of Biosciences)
A ranged metacommunity model utilizing the niche model generated food webs and
the allometric scaling laws of the metabolic theory of ecology

26 November 2014:

Chun Fang
Ergodic properties of tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems and a related result for scalar parabolic equations

3 December 2014:

Ping Yan
Uniqueness of limit cycles for three-dimensional competitive dynamical systems

10 December 2014:

Helene Weigang
The evolution of immigration strategies

Spring 2014

15 January 2014:

This seminar is rescheduled due to sickness. Instead, Chun Fang continues presenting Roth and Schreiber 2013 JMB.

22 January 2014:

Fengying Wei (Fuzhou University, China)
Global asymptotic stability of stochastic nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra models with infinite delay


Yuhua Cai (Fuzhou University, China)
Existence, uniqueness and stability of the solution to neutral stochastic functional
differential equations with infinite delay under non-Lipschitz conditions

29 January 2014:

Yukihiko Nakata (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Structured metapopulation epidemic model with infection during transportation


Philip Getto (TU Dresden, Germany)
Differential equations with state dependent delay and stem cell maturation

5 February 2014:

Thomas Hovestadt (University of Würtzburg, Germany)
Informed dispersal: From concepts to mechanisms

12 February 2014:

Peter Thomas (Case Western University, USA)
On the asymptotic phase of stochastic oscillators

26 February 2014:

Matthew Osmond (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Crossing a fitness-valley without the help of Mendel

12 March 2014:

Jaakko Toivonen
Adaptive dynamics on an environmental gradient that changes over a geological time-scale

19 March 2014:

Eva Kisdi
From the breeders' equation to adaptive dynamics

25 March 2014:

Juha Alho
Modelling Incidence of Nuptiality, 13-14 in room BK106 

AND the regular seminar of the week: 

26 March 2014:

Samuli Siltanen
Four-dimensional X-ray tomography

9 April 2014:

Tadeas Priklopil
Simple models of sequential search

16 April 2014:

Helene Weigang
The evolution of condition-dependent immigration

23 April 2014:

Ping Yan
Determination of several coefficients in nonlinear Lotka-Volterra systems (part 2)

30 April 2014:

two talks, 10:15-11 and 11:15-12
Taneli Pusa
Forgiveness in the stochastic iterated prisoner's dilemma


Mikko Sillanpää
Estimation of heritability using Bayesian mixed model without convergence problems

7 May 2014:

Andy Reynolds (Rothamsted Research, UK)
Realising Lévy walks as composite correlated random walks
*** AND ***
Hierarchical random walks in trace fossils and the origin of optimal search behaviour

14 May 2014:


Fall 2013

11 September 2013:

Mats Gyllenberg
Mechanistic modelling, functional response, and natural selection

25 September 2013:

Stefan Geritz
Group defense and the evolution of the predator's functional response

2 October 2013:

Helene Weigang
The evolution of condition-dependent immigration: An introduction

9 October 2013:


16 October 2013:

Tero Aittokallio & Jing Tang (FIMM)
TIMMA - a mathematical model for predicting combinations of
druggable targets to block cancer survival pathways

23 October 2013:


30 October 2013:

Ilmari Karonen
Numerical solutions of differential equations with widely varying time scales

6 November 2013:

Tadeas Priklopil
Sequential search in biology

13 November 2013:

Andy Reynolds (Rothamsted Research, UK)
The Lévy walk paradigm: patterns and processes

20 November 2013:

Ping Yan
An inverse problem for a tridiagonal competitive system

27 November 2013:

Claus Rueffler
Does organismal complexity favor the evolution of diversity?

4 December 2013:

Jukka Corander
Reconstruction of population history using Bayesian models for genetic drift

11 December 2013:

Dawei Yang (Jilin University, China)

Spring 2013

23 January 2013:

Mikhail Shubin
MCMC and other stochastic computational methods in statistics: the Eternal War with Infinity

30 January 2013:

Elina Numminen
Combining phylogenetic and epidemiological understanding to assess probabilities of direct transmission
between pairs of individuals, when most of the individuals are unobserved - a study on informativeness of information

6 February 2013:

Thomas Vallier
Bootstrap percolation on the grid and G(n,p)

13 February 2013:

Laura Roditi (Cornell University)
Multi-level selection analysis of a microbial social trait

20 February 2013:

Thanate Dhirasakdanon
Evolution of virulence for diseases with both horizontal and vertical transmissions

6 March 2013:

Géza Meszéna (Eötvös University, Budapest)
Mathematical niche theory

13 March 2013:

Ilmari Karonen
Evolution of polymorphism in a heterogeneous landscape

20 March 2013:

Florence Débarre (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
Social evolution in structured populations of finite size

27 March 2013:

Ping Yan
Determination of several coefficients in a nonlinear Lotka-Volterra system

3 April 2013:

Chun Fang
Non-hyperbolic minimal sets for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems

10 April 2013:

Helene Weigang
Evolution of dispersal under a fecundity & dispersal-ability trade-off

24 April 2013:

Tero Aittokallio (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland) - CANCELLED

15 May 2013:


Fall 2012

12 September 2012:

Elina Numminen
Living in the past - a filtering approach for detailed reconstruction of transmission events of an epidemic 

on the same day:

12 September 2012:

Joint seminar with the Mathematical Physics group, at 14.15 in C123
Piero Olla (Cagliari University): Branching Brownian motion with anomalous diffusion

19 September 2012:

Reinhard Bürger (University of Vienna)
The effects of genetic linkage and gene flow on local adaptation

26 September 2012:

Hans Metz (University of Leiden)
Conflict between alleles and modifiers in the evolution of genetic polymorphisms

3 October 2012:

Ken H. Andersen (Technical University of Denmark)
Assembly of food-webs of size-structured populations with applications for fisheries management

8 October 2012, 4pm:

Simon Levin (Princeton University)
Complex Adaptive Systems and the Challenge of Sustainability 
in addition to the Wednesday schedule, notice the unusual time and place! Monday 4-5pm in Auditorium CK112

10 October 2012:

Piret Avila (University of Tallinn)
A stochastic super-exponential growth model for world population dynamics

17 October 2012:

Eva Kisdi
Trade-offs, coexistence and evolutionary branching: constructing and unfolding
degenerate singularities in adaptive dynamics

31 October 2012:

Lutz Fromhage (University of Jyväskylä)
Cooperation, cuckoldry, cannibalism: a theoretical perspective on mating systems

7 November 2012:

Ilmari Karonen
Omniparametric simulation of spatial population models

14 November 2012:


21 November 2012:

Mikhail Shubin
How to simulate flu? Using computational methods to study the influenza epidemic in Finland 2009

28 November 2012:

Matthew Osmond (McGill University)
Using adaptive dynamics to predict evolution and extinction in changing environments

5 December 2012:

Jaakko Toivonen
Evolution and extinction in heterogeneous space with a slowly changing environment

12 December 2012:

Ping Yan
Some new results in the Nicholson-Bailey model

Spring 2012

18 January 2012:

Robert Service
A filtering problem for multiple renewal processes

25 January 2012:

Eva Kisdi
Group-based assortative mating, magic traits and speciation (or not)

1 February 2012:

Helene Weigang (University of Vienna)
The evolution of division of labor in an explicit ecological context

8 February 2012:

Elina Numminen
Results from the ABC inference on microepidemics with discussion on the selection of summary statistics

15 February 2012:

Thanate Dhirasakdanon
Adaptive dynamics of horizontal and vertical disease transmission

22 February 2012:

Erik Sjöland (Aalto University)
Exploring DNA methylation: A fast approximative Singer-Engström-Schönhuth-Pachter algorithm

23 February 2012:

Fabio Dercole (Politecnico di Milano)
Generalized Boundary Equilibria (GBE): The transition between persistence and nonsmooth-fold scenario in Filippov systems 
Note the unusual place and time: CK 107 and Thursday 10-12

14 March 2012:

Chun Fang
A relation between dominated splitting and hyperbolicity

21 March 2012:

Ping Yan
Dynamics of tridiagonal predator-prey systems

28 March 2012:

Olof Leimar (Stockholm University)
Feature saltation and the evolution of mimicry

4 April 2012:

Tadeas Priklopil
Mate choice as an optimal stopping problem

18 April 2012:

BIOMATHEMATICS DAY. Program and venue: pdf

25 April 2012:

Olli Tahvonen (Dept. of Forest Sciences)
Optimal harvesting of age- and size-structured populations

2 May 2012:

Tom Britton (Stockholm University)
Random networks and epidemics (abstract: pdf)

9 May 2012:

Andrzej Jarykowski (Jagellonian University)
Network models in epidemiology: Agent-based simulation of outbreaks of
multidrug-resistant bacteria in hospitals and of influenza in societies

23 May 2012:

Tatyana Turova (University of Lund)
Random graphs models and their applications in neuroscience

Fall 2011

14 September 2011:

Robert Service
Independent particle fields conditioned on null observations

21 September 2011:

Robert Service
Independent particle fields conditioned on null observations (part 2)

28 September 2011:

Jaakko Toivonen
A population model with density dependent diffusion

5 October 2011:

Stefan Geritz
Group defence and the predators' functional response

12 October 2011:

Elina Numminen
Inference on microepidemics: I am doing it without longitudinal data

19 October 2011:

Chun Fang
Dominated splitting for linear skew-product flows

26 October 2011:

Mats Gyllenberg
Spectral analysis of Volterra equations
Part 2 of this talk will be given on 8 November (Tuesday) 10.15-12.00 in D123

2 November 2011:

Xuxin Yang
Multiple solutions for impulsive differential equations with Dirichlet boundary value conditions

9 November 2011:

Ping Yan
Asymptotic stability for a periodic eco-epidemiological model

16 November 2011:

Mats Björklund (University of Uppsala)
The ecology of speciation: founder effects revisited

23 November 2011:

Thomas Vallier
Degree sequence on dynamical random graphs

30 November 2011:


7 December 2011:

Thanate Dhirasakdanon
Perturbation analysis of "invasion implies substitution" results

14 December 2011:

Tadeas Priklopil
Chaotic dynamics of gene frequencies in condition-dependent mating systems

Spring 2011

19 January 2011:

Xuxin Yang
Permanence of a logistic-type impulsive equation with infinite delay

26 January 2011:

Thanate Dhirasakdanon
Kolmogorov’s differential equations and positive semigroups on first moment sequence spaces
re-scheduled to 16 February

2 Febuary 2011:

Peter Jagers (Chalmers University of Technology)
Populations lingering around their carrying capacity

9 Febuary 2011:

Lasse Ruokolainen (Dept. Biosciences)
The importance of adaptive consumer movement on the dynamics of metacommunities

16 Febuary 2011:

Thanate Dhirasakdanon
Kolmogorov’s differential equations and positive semigroups on first moment sequence spaces

23 Febuary 2011:

Robert Service
Yaglom limits and quasi-stationary distributions for Markov population processes

2 March 2011:

Chun Fang
On the structure of a class of omega-limit sets

9 March 2011:


16 March 2011:

23 March 2011:

Eva Kisdi
Evolution of pathogen virulence: The curse of the pharaoh revisited

30 March 2011:

Fabio Dercole (Politecnico di Milano)
The ecology of exploited fish stocks: Consequences of technological innovation on stock quality and persistence (abstract: pdf)

6 April 2011:

Josef Hofbauer (University of Vienna)
Evolutionary game dynamics

13 April 2011:

Xuxin Yang
Existence of solution for anti-periodic boundary value problems for second order differential equations with impulses

20 April 2011:

Tadeas Priklopil
Mating decisions as an optimal stopping problem

27 April 2011:

Hans Metz
Adaptive dynamics of disease strains with partial cross-immunity

4 May 2011:

Ping Yan
On the number of limit cycles for three dimensional replicator systems

9 May 2011:

Sander van Doorn (University of Bern)
Transitions between male and female heterogamety caused by sex-antagonistic selection
exceptional place and time: Monday 14.15, in D340

11 May 2011:


18 May 2011:

Bálint Nagy (College of Dunaújváros, Hungary)
Bifurcation diagrams of circadian rhythm models
note exceptional place: C124

25 May 2011:

Barbara Szomolay (Imperial College, London)
Adaptive responses to dosing protocols in biofilms: a mathematical model
exceptional time and place: 13.15pm, in C124

30 May 2011:

Johanna Rämö
On finite simple groups of Lie type
exceptional time and place: Monday 14.15pm, in D123

20 June 2011:

Thomas Vallier (University of Lund)
Bootstrap Percolation on the Random Graph Gn,p (abstract: pdf)
exceptional time and place: Monday 14 - 16pm, in D123

Fall 2010

15 September 2010:

Eva Kisdi
Dispersal and offspring size-number strategies in heterogeneous environments

20 September 2010:

Mayuko Nakamaru (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
The evolution of dispersal under disturbance in a colony-based model
NOTE EXCEPTIONAL TIME: MONDAY 15.00-15.45; usual room D123

22 September 2010:

Ilmari Karonen
Modelling evolution using individual-based simulations

29 September 2010:

no seminar (Pre-NordForsk conference in Sweden)

6 October 2010:

Pieter Trapman (Stockholm University)
The growth of the infinite long-range percolation cluster and an application to spatial epidemics (abstract: pdf)

13 October 2010:

Chun Fang
Floquet theory for nonautonomous tridiagonal competitive-cooperative equations

20 October 2010:

Xiaoli Liu
Malaria in Finland

27 October 2010:

Bob Kooi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Ecological modelling, adaptive dynamics and bifurcation analysis

3 November 2010:

Elina Roto
Exploring bacterial populations: the paradox of pneumococci

10 November 2010:

Petr Ondracek
Evolutionary dynamics of fast-slow resource-consumer structured metapopulation model

17 November 2010:

Jaakko Toivonen
An adaptive trade-off between seed size and germination time

24 November 2010:


1 December 2010:

Tadeas Priklopil
On invasion boundaries and unprotected coexistence

8 December 2010:

Akira Sasaki (Kyushu University)
A theoretical study for the phylodynamics of influenza A virus

Spring 2010

13 January 2010:

Minus van Baalen (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Evolution in host-pathogen interactions and other systems: What is the relevant unit of adaptation?

20 January 2010:

Petr Ondracek
Fast-slow cycles of population dynamics and the evolution of density-dependent dispersal

27 January 2010:

Thanate Dhirasakdanon (Arizona State University)
Analysis of a hybrid discrete/continuous-time model of infectious diseases in salamander population with ephemeral larval habitats

3 February 2010:

Robert Service
Point processes on symmetric spaces

10 February 2010:

Andre de Roos (University of Amsterdam)
The effect of ontogenetic asymmetry in net-biomass production on ecological communities

17 February 2010:

Ping Yan
Global asymptotic stability of probability distribution solutions of nonautonomous master equations

24 February 2010:

Tadeas Priklopil
Evolutionary branching of a magic trait

3 March 2010:

Margarete Utz
Variability within families and the evolution of body condition dependent dispersal

17 March 2010:

Eva Kisdi
Epigenetic heritability

24 March 2010:

Bas Kooijman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Dynamic Energy Budget theory for metabolic organisation
Summary, slides, supporting material:
Background on DEB theory:

31 March 2010:

Robert Service
Invasion of non-equilibrium environments

7 April 2010:

Eva Kisdi
Coevolution of hosts and parasites

21 April 2010:

Shinji Nakaoka (University of Tokyo)
Mathematical models for immune cell growth and differentiation

28 April 2010:

Xiaoli Liu
An eco-epidemiological model in two competing species

5 May 2010:

Ido Filin
Target size and optimal life history when individual growth and energy budget are stochastic

18 May 2010:

Len Thomas (University of St. Andrews)
Distinguishing between candidate models of density dependence in grey seal populations

Fall 2009

16 September 2009:

Mats Gyllenberg
Equations with infinite delay: Blending the abstract and the concrete

23 September 2009:

Siru Varvio
Phylodynamics, virulence and evolutionary epidemiology of a bug

30 September 2009:

Yi Wang
Carrying simplex in competitive dynamical systems

7 October 2009:

Ilmari Karonen
Living on the edge: trimorphic spatial coexistence on two resources

14 October 2009:

Stefan Geritz
Adaptive dynamics and resident-invader dynamics

21 October 2009:

Yi Wang
Recent progress in competitive dynamical systems

28 October 2009:

BIOMATHEMATICS DAY: Program and venue: pdf.

2 November 2009:

Rupert Mazzucco (IIASA, Austria)
Speciation and the evolution of dispersal strategies on environmental gradients
Note unusual place and time! Monday 12:15 - 13:00 in the Dept meeting room

4 November 2009:

Rupert Mazzucco (IIASA, Austria)
The influence of boundary conditions on evolutionary branching

11 November 2009:

Petr Ondracek 
Prey-predator fast-slow cycles in a structured metapopulation model

18 November 2009:

Sebastien Lion (Royal Holloway University of London)
Evolution and the genetic and demographic spatial structuring of populations (abstract: pdf)

25 November 2009:

Phil Harrison (Dept. Ecology)
Bayesian state-space modelling of metapopulation dynamics in the Glanville fritillary butterfly
LAST-MINUTE CANCELLATION: the seminar has to be cancelled now but will be given in spring

2 December 2009:

Wilfried Gabriel (Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich)
When is reversible phenotypic plasticity advantageous? (abstract: pdf)

9 December 2009:

Kimmo Eriksson (Mälardalen University)
Mathematical modeling of cultural evolution

16 December 2009:

Barbara Boldin
HIV co-receptor switch as a consequence of viral evolution in a heterogeneous environment

Spring 2009

21 January 2009:

Eva Kisdi
Superinfections and adaptive dynamics of pathogen virulence revisited: A critical function analysis

28 January 2009:

Tom de Jong (University of Leiden)
Understanding conflict is important for life history

4 February 2009:

Ido Filin
A diffusion-based approach to stochastic individual growth and energy budget,
with consequences to life-history optimization and population dynamics

18 February 2009:

Stefan Geritz
A theory of endogenous preference adaptation

25 February 2009:

Ilmari Karonen
On cluster approximations of cellular automata

4 March 2009:

Alex Best (University of Sheffield)
Trade-offs and the evolution of hosts and parasites

11 March 2009:

Odenna Shagizbaeva
Analysis of DNA replication process on the example of budding yeast Saccharamyces cerevisiae

18 March 2009:

Tadeas Priklopil
Branching of a magic trait

25 March 2009:

Biomathematics Day: full day seminar starting at 9:30 in D123. Program and venue: pdf.
Prior registration by email to eva.kisdi [funny character]

1 April 2009:

Vincent Jansen (Royal Holloway University of London)
The evolution of dispersal in metapopulations

22 April 2009:

Ping Yan
Dynamics of three-dimensional competitive and competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra systems

29 April 2009:

Otso Ovaskainen (Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences)
Invasion dynamics and the evolution of dispersal in heterogeneous environments

6 May 2009:

Barbara Boldin
Introducing a population into a steady community: the critical case, the centre manifold and the direction of bifurcation

13 May 2009:

Radek Erban (University of Oxford)
Stochastic modelling of reaction-diffusion processes in biology (abstract: pdf)

14 May 2009:

Radek Erban (University of Oxford)
From individual to collective behaviour of unicellular organisms (abstract: pdf)
Note the unusual place and time! Thursday 9.15-10 in B120

Fall 2008

17 September 2008:

Chun Fang
Dimension of stable sets and scrambled sets in positive finite entropy systems

24 September 2008:

Hanna Kokko (Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences)
On population consequences of behaviour and why they matter: Which sex does what, and why?

1 October 2008:

Karl Hadeler (University of Tübingen, Germany and Arizona State University)
Forward and backward problem of traveling fronts
(this lecture is part of a 5-lecture series, see the full program)

8 October 2008:

Hans Metz (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
When does evolution optimize?

15 October 2008:

Petr Ondracek
Models of density-dependent dispersal in structured metapopulations

22 October 2008:

Stefan Geritz
Evolutionary branching of vector-valued strategies

29 October 2008:

George van Voorn (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
Global bifurcation analysis of ecological models (abstract in pdf)

5 November 2008:

Robert Service
Banach spaces and combinatorics

12 November 2008:

Otso Ovaskainen (Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences)
Can species interactions be inferred from patterns of co-occurrence? - and other inverse problems in mathematical biology

19 November 2008:

Frank Ball (University of Nottingham, UK)
Vaccination and intervention strategies for epidemics among a population of households

20 November 2008:

Frank Ball (University of Nottingham, UK)
A general model for epidemics with two levels of mixing
Note the unusual place and time! Thursday 11-12 in C129

26 November 2008:

Karin Hårding (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Epidemiology of a lethal disease, in harbour seals and in simplified metapopulation models (abstract in pdf)

3 December 2008:

Gunter Neumann (University of Århus, Denmark)
The inverse yield-rate relation stabilizes coexistence

10 December 2008:

Margarete Utz
A metapopulation model for the effects of body condition on dispersal behaviour

17 December 2008:

Samuel Alizon (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Nesting within-host and epidemiological dynamics to study the evolution of infectious diseases

Spring 2008

16 January 2008:

György Barabás (Eötvös University, Hungary)
Coexistence on continuous resource distributions in the Lotka-Volterra model
(note unusual time: Wednesday 14:15 - 16 in C130)

22 January 2008:

Barbara Boldin (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Superinfections can induce evolutionarily stable coexistence of pathogens

5 Febuary 2008:

Hans Metz (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
Relating the effective population sizes of adaptive dynamics and random genetic drift

12 Febuary 2008:

Éva Kisdi
Evolution of virulence: evolutionary branching in a single infection model

19 Febuary 2008:

Ion Petre (Åbo Akademi)
A mathematical model for the eukaryotic heat shock response

26 Febuary 2008:

Ping Yan
Disease-induced oscillations between two competing species

4 March 2008:

Hans Metz (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
The geometry of macro-evolution

11 March 2008:

Jostein Starrfelt (Division of Ecology)
Parent-offspring conflict and dispersal

18 March 2008:

Diana Preoteasa
Ecology and evolution of symbiosis in metapopulation

1 April 2008:

Hanna Eskola (University of Turku)
Timing of reproduction in a mechanistic model

15 April 2008:

Stefan Geritz
Difference inclusions and evolutionary chains

6 May 2008:

Thomas O. Svennungsen (University of Oslo)
Optimal egg rejection with external cues