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Version 33.1 by 14zunde on 2024/02/13 07:40

Editing the Wiki

This page contains a few instructions for the Parvum Lexicon Stemmatologicum Wiki hosted at the University of Helsinki.

First of all: remember to log in. If you are not logged in, you can search and read the Wiki, but you will not be able to edit anything.

Adding a new entry

1. Go the the main page, PLS, so that the new page becomes a child of this page rather than of another page, lower in the hierarchy.

2. Click "Create" in the top bar of the screen.

3. Select "Blank Page".

4. Type the name of the page in the "New page" field.

5. Start writing the text (or paste it from another application). See "Inserting links" and "Adding images" for further advice.

6. See "Structure of entries" below for advice on writing an entry.

7. Click "Preview" in order to check the layout of the page.

8. Click "Save".

Editing an existing entry

1. Select the entry from the list on the main page by clicking on it.

2. Click "Edit" in the upper right bar of the screen.

3. Start editing the text. In order to have full control of the text, we recommend that you select "Wiki Markup" in the line above the text field. See "Inserting links" and "Adding images" for further advice.

4. Click "Preview" in order to check the layout of the edited page.

5. If you believe that the entry is ready for the final revision before version 1.0, please add a triangle sign after the headword, ▵.

6. Click "Save". Note that your name will be listed in the very first line of the entry ("last edited by ..."), even if you have done nothing more than adding a comma. For this reason, we recommend that the initials of the author(s) should be listed at the end of each entry, even short ones.

1. Select the "Wiki Markup" view from the menu line above the text field.

2. Add internal links by enclosing the word(s) in square brackets. After a vertical bar, add the headword of the entry, remembering to include the triangle (if there is one), for example:

Type this: In the entry on [stemmata|stemma ▵], the author argues that ...
 It will be displayed as: In the entry on stemmata, the author argues that ...

Note that this encoding allows you to use a different form from the term in the Wiki.

3. If you want to add an external link, just add it after the vertical bar:

Type this: This lexicon is a [Wiki|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki] about ...
 It will be displayed as: This lexicon is a Wiki about ...

4. Authors should be added at the very end of the entry, using their initials only, after the head line "Author/Authors", for example:

Type this: [AC|Contributors]
 It will be displayed as: AC

This links to the page for all contributors to the lexicon.

Adding images and guidelines for image style

1. Check that you do not infringe copyright by adding the image. If it is a graph you have made yourself, it should be fine. That also applies to scans of publications which are in the public domain.

2. We recommend that images follow these guidelines:

  • File format: .jpg for photographs and .svg for line art
  • Maximal width of image: 1000 pixels
  • Resolution of scanned images: 300 dpi (avoid too large files)
  • Font: Sans-serif, preferably the Arial font, 11 point, unless you use very specific characters in the text so that there should be similar characters in the text and the illustrations
  • Line thickness: 0.25 pixcels, 100 % black
  • Colours: Use web safe colours

3. Click "Add" in the upper right bar of the screen.

4. Select "Attachment".

5. Add your image - you may simply drag-and-drop it into the window.

6. Check your page (in the "Wiki Markup" view) to see that the illustration has been positioned correctly. In this view, it will be referenced by its file name with an exclamation mark immediately before and immediately after.

7. Click "Save".

Structure of entries

1. Each entry should include

       i) a concise definition of the term or concept in question

       ii) a list of references ("Reference"/"References")

       iii) a list of parallel terms in English EN (unless the term is in English), German DE, French FR, Italian IT, and, when relevant, Latin LAT ("In other languages"); in some cases, Latin is used everywhere

       iv) the initial(s) of the author(s) ("Author"/"Authors"); see "Inserting links" above for how this should be done.

Only nontrivial contributions should be credited with initials. Other contributions can be retrieved by clicking "View change" in the top line.

2. An entry may also include

       v) one or more illustrations

       vi) one or more examples

Illustrations and examples should be part of the definition and placed before the list of references.

Note that all textual examples should be translated into English.

3. The headings "Reference"/"References", "In other languages" and "Author"/"Authors" should use the 'Heading 4' format.

Fonts and special characters

1. The lexicon uses the font Arial. This is a sans-serif font with an impressive selection of characters from the Unicode Standard. If writing an entry in another application (to be pasted into the Wiki), we recommend using this font.

2. If you need characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane in Unicode, consider using images so that the characters can be displayed properly. Never use characters in the Private Use Area of Unicode.

3. English curly double quotation marks “like this” should be used for actual literal quotations, single curly quotation marks ‘like this’ should be used to denote particular terms. In Nordic Mac keyboards, these marks can be accessed by pressing alt+N and alt+M for single quotes and the same with the shift key pressed for double quotes. The Unicode code points are U+2018 and U+2019 for the single quotation marks, and U+201C and U+201D for the double quotation marks.

4. When using three full stops to indicate an omitted part of a sentence or a sequence, as in Aarat, Aaron, …, Zuzims, do not use three consecutive full stop characters – which may result in an unintentional (dead) link to – but instead the Unicode character U+2026 horizontal ellipsis. In Nordic Mac keyboards this is obtained by pressing alt+. .

Bibliographical style

The bibliographical style is The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, author-date.

See the Chicago website, and take care to select the "Author-date" tab after the fourth paragraph on this page:

The Chicago Manual of Style Online

2. The author-date style means that references in the text should be given as author + date + page number (where relevant), and that the full reference follows in "References" towards the end of the entry.

3. For editions of older (and often anonymous) works, it will often be convenient to refer to these with their title and the editor prefaced by "ed." in the reference, e.g.

  • In Konungs skuggsiá (ed. Holm-Olsen 1945), we note that ...

In "References", editions can be listed either by their titles or by their editors:

  • Konungs skuggsiá. Ed. Ludvig Holm-Olsen. Oslo: Norsk Historisk Kjeldeskrift-Institutt, 1945.
  • Holm-Olsen, Ludvig, ed. 1945. Konungs skuggsiá. Oslo: Norsk Historisk Kjeldeskrift-Institutt.

Note that if bibliographic titles open with a hyphen in the Wiki Markup view, they will be displayed as bullet points. That is as close to hanging indents that we can get.
