Open IRIS Frequently Asked Questions

Last modified by adm_ea@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:54

  1. Documentation
    1. Documentation is kept here:
    2. It is generally in the form of a “how to” and as we develop or get questions about functionality we will add it to these wiki pages.
    3. We will also supplement it with “best practices” and examples from different facilities. The idea is to extend this further with examples of pricing policies, etc. that other people may find useful
    4. There is also have a demo system with examples of how different features work. We give this access to people who request it or “power users” for an organization as giving public access would likely lead to people changing settings, etc. The demo system can be found here:
    5. The overall strategy is that we work with different “power users” at different organizations and give them access to add/update/change the documentation and the demo system.
  2. Hosting
    1. The main system is hosted at RapidSwitch in the UK:
    2. Organizations can request a local installation of the system, but this is done on a case by case basis.