Genome-wide association studies, fall 2013

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:40

Genome-wide association studies, GWAS-minicourse, fall 2013


Samuli Ripatti and Matti Pirinen from FIMM
Faculty of Medicine master´s or PhD-students: questions in advance to samuli.ripatti at and matti.pirinen at

Questions in advance from other students (for example math-stat, comp sci, biosci): Sirkka-Liisa Varvio

Scope, type and prerequisites

2 cr, advanced/intermediate studies. Prerequisites: Statistics, R; take this course if you are not familiar with R: Statistical software tools I(-II).
Statistical genetics, concepts which are in the program of this course: Biometry and bioinformatics III

Lectures and computer class sessions

Tuesday  26.11, 14-16 in CK112
Tuesday   3.12,  14-16 in CK112, 16-18 in C128
Tuesday  10.12, 14-16 in CK112, 16-18 in C128

Short content description

Human Genetics and Biostatistics
 Heritability - Linkage studies - Association studies - Genotyping technologies - Quality control
 Statistics of association mapping (significance and power vs. priors and evidence)
 Examples of real studies - Recent topics in GWAS world (e.g. missing heritability, synthetic associations,...)
 Why do we think that certain phenotype has a genetic component?
 How does gene mapping work with family data and how does it work with population data?
 What kind of data modern genotyping technologies produce and how to analyse them?
 What have we learned during the last five years from genome-wide association studies?
 And what have we not learned so far?

Course material

26.11, 14-16, CK112  Samuli Ripatti lecture 26.11.2013.pdf

3.12 and 10.12, 14-16, CK112 and 16-18 C128  Lectures and practicals by Matti Pirinen Material is here


Exam is based on the lectures, practicals and literature given in Matti Pirinen page ( Material is here , material marked as "extra" is NOT required for the exam) .
The questions for the exam are sent out 12. December and are to be returned 17. December.      

BB III - Moodle



Use this registration if you take only the 2 cr GWAS-minicourse.
Do not use this registration if you take the whole Biometry and bioinformatics III
course, of which GWAS-minicourse is one module. Your registration to BB III covers registration to GWAS.

Did you forget to register?  What to do?