Wiki source code of Adaptive dynamics, spring 2014

Last modified by geritz@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 10:19

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geritz@helsinki_fi 1.1 1 = Adaptive dynamics, spring 2014 =
3 === News ===
5 (% style="list-style-type: square;" %)
6 * Last lecture of the course was given on April 15.
7 * Tuesday, April 8, (Louis) Chan Yat Hin will present his AD project during the class.
8 * Here are links to the "cannibalism time budget model" (that we talked about before the teaching break) in [[pdf format>>attach:Cannibalism time budget model - 1.pdf]] and in [[Mathematica nb format>>attach:Cannibalism time budget model - 1 .nb]].
9 * Last lecture we talked about the interpretation of the pairwise invariability plot for a more general class of ecological models. If you want to read more about it, then [[here>>attach:Meszena et al (2005).pdf]] and [[here>>attach:JMB 2005.pdf]] and [[here>>attach:(5) JMB 2002.pdf]] are three papers in addition [[this chapter>>url:||shape="rect"]] of the lecture notes.
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12 * [[Here>>attach:AD projects 2014.pdf]] is a list of links to selected AD articles for the projects (also see below under "Projects"). If the links do not work send an email to [[>>||shape="rect"]]. Choose a project (paper) and send the title to Helene (no two students can choose the same paper).
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15 * Here are figures that you might find useful: [[this one>>attach:Isoclines and singular points.pdf]] on the notion of evolutionary isocline in dimorphic populations, and [[this one>>attach:The 8 cases (sensu stricto).pdf]] on the classification of pairwise invariability plots.
16 * The Mathematica program for simulating evolutionary trees can be found [[here>>attach:EvoTree.nb]], and the program for the evolution in the competition-collonization model can be found [[here>>attach:Competition-Collonization.nb]].
18 === Lecturer ===
20 [[Stefan Geritz>>doc:mathstatHenkilokunta.Geritz, Stefan]]
22 === Scope ===
24 10 sp.
26 === Type ===
28 Advanced studies
30 === Prerequisites ===
32 Acquaintance with (systems of) ordinary differential equations would come in handy.
34 === Lectures ===
36 Weeks 3-9 and 11-18, Tuesday 14-16 in room C122 and Thursday 14-16 in room B120. Two hours of exercise classes per week.
38 Easter Holiday 17.-23.4.
40 === Projects ===
42 To obtain a grade for the course, one has to "do" a project. This amounts to reproducing (and, if possible, extending) the results of a paper from the list given [[here>>attach:AD projects 2014.pdf]]. The exam will be in the form of a oral presentation or a written report. More details follow later.
44 ===== __Chosen Projects:__ =====
46 1. The Evolutionary Origin of Cooperators and Defectors (Doebeli et al 2004)
47 1. Unique coevolutionary dynamics in a predator–prey system (Mougi & Iwasa 2011)
48 1. Evolution of personality differences in leadership  (Johnstone and Manica 2011)
49 1. (% class="yC0" %)Adaptive evolution of foraging-related traits in a predator–prey community (%%)(Zu et al 2011)
50 1. Adaptive dynamics of cooperation may prevent the coexistence of defectors and cooperators and even cause extinction (Parvinen 2010)
52 === Bibliography ===
54 What is adaptive dynamics (AD) all about? See here for a [[brief introduction>>attach:JMB 2010.pdf]].
56 And [[here>>attach:Geritz et al 1998.pdf]] and [[here>>attach:Diekman_04_A-BEGINNER'S-GUIDE-TO-ADAPTIVE-DYNAMICS.pdf]] are two more introductory papers.
58 During the course, I intend to update and rewrite the lecture notes of the [[AD 2010 course>>url:||shape="rect"]].
60 === [[Registration>>url:||shape="rect"]] ===
62 Did you forget to register? [[ What to do?>>doc:mathstatOpiskelu.Kysymys4]]
64 === Exercises ===
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75 Teacher
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82 10-12
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84 C122
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86 [[Helene Weigang>>doc:mathstatHenkilokunta.Weigang, Helene]]
87 )))
89 **Old Exercises:**
91 * Exercise class (% style="color: rgb(0,51,102);" %)__Feb 11th__(%%): code the LV-Competition model and the Colonization-Competition model with your favorite program (mathematica, maple or others). You can change the growth and competition function or carrying capacity function, plot a PIP, MIP, the fitness landscape, selection gradient and all other graphs we discussed in class (e.g. evolutionary isoclines)! Take your laptop to the exercise class to ask questions and present your code to your colleagues.
92 * Introduction to Mathematica can be found [[here>>attach:intro_to_mma.nb]]
93 * Exercise Class 18.2.: Prepare these [[exercises>>attach:Exercises 4-7.pdf]] (5-7)