Event-history analysis kesa 2014

Last modified by kjaurane@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 10:11

Event-history analysis


For Monday, September 1, please read Discussio article 1 (sections 1-6) and Discussion article 2 in advance (see the links below).

We will need at least the following non-standard R packages: eha, KMsurv, Epi. If you are going to use your own laptop, it would be wise to download these in advance.



Kari Auranen  kari.auranen at thl.fi
Sangita Kulathinal sangita.kulathinal at helsinki.fi

Credits, type and prerequisites

6 op, tilastotieteen aineopintoja / syventäviä opintoja. Esitietovaatimukset: aineopintojen todennäköisyyslaskenta ja tilastollinen päättely, data-analyysi R-ohjelmistolla (tai vastaavat kurssit)
6 cr,  intermediate / advances studies in statistics. Prerequisites: course on probability calculus and statistical inference, data-analysis with R (or other courses providing this knowledge and skills).

Time schedule

Intensive course:

Wed 27.8   8:30-14  (8:30-11 in B120, 11:30-14 in C128, computer class)
Thu  28.8   8.30-14  (8:30-11 in B120, 11:30-14 in C121)
Fri    29.8   8.30-14  (8:30-11 in B120, 11:30-14 in C121)
Mon   1.9   8.30-12  (8:30-10 in B120, 10-12 in C121, to be confirmed)
Tue    2.9   8.30-12  (8:30-10 in B120, 10-12 in C121, to be confirmed)
Wed   3.9   8.30-12  (8:30-10 in B120, 10-12 in C121, to be confirmed)


Contents in short

The course first introduces the basic concepts and tool in standard survival analysis, including parametric and non-parametric inference of survival. Models with multiple states and many possible transitions between the states are then considered. Special emphasis is given to the likelihood construction under such event-history models. Each lecture is complemented with an R practical in the computer class. During the course, a number of review and research articles are reviewed and discussed. The grading system will be discussed and decided upon in the first lecture.


Day 1 (Wednesday, Aug 27)

Day 2 (Thursday, Aug 28)

 Day 3 (Friday, Aug 30)

 Day 4 (Monday, Sep 1)

Day 5 (Tuesday, Sep 2)

Day 6 (Wednesday, Sep 3)


Data sets









Ilmoittautuminen / registration

Ilmoittautuminen on auki 24.4 - 31.8.

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