Design and analysis of genome-wide association studies, fall 2009

Last modified by varvio@helsinki_fi on 2024/03/27 10:07

Design and analysis of genome-wide association studies, fall 2009


Adjunct prof. Samuli Ripatti
 TA's: Ida Surakka, Emmi Tikkanen


3 cu.


Advanced studies.

Lectures and practical sessions

Wed 2., Thu 3., Fri 5. December, 9-16, computer class C128.

9-12 will be lectures and 13-16 will be practical sessions.

In this course we will cover the basics in design and analysis of genome-wide association studies including population-based study designs, genotype and phenotype quality control, population stratification, stochastic genotype imputation, association testing and estimation and meta-analysis. Lectures are complemented with hands-on computational sessions using statistical R-environment ( and PLINK (

To pass the course, each student will write a project work by Jan 15th.


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