Seppälä, Mika

Last modified by matl_www@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 06:54


Mika Seppälä

Emeritus Professori / Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus Mika Seppälä passed away on January 23, 2015


Author and Instructor of the first Mathematics Open Online Course (fall 2004) 
Mika Seppälä in LinkedIn 

Tärkeimmät hankkeet / Viktigaste projekter / Selected projects

  1. NSF Project "Shape of Educational Data" 2014-2015
  2. NSF Project "Organizing Multi-Disciplinary Communities to Conduct Data-Intensive Research on Education and Learning" 2013-2015
  3. NSF Project "Advancing an Online Project in the Assessment and Effective Teaching of Calculus" 2012-2014
  4. Academy of Finland Project "Assessment and Effective Teaching of Calculus" 2013-2014 
  5. European Union project “Math Maniac” to support mathematics instruction in Poland, 2009 - 2013 
  6. European Union Leonardo da Vinci Project "Web Based Mathematics Learning System," 2009 - 2012   
  7. European Union eContent Plus Project: Joining Educational Mathematics 2006 - 2009  
  8. European Union eContent Project: WebALT EDC-22253 2005 - 2006  
  9. European Union project "OpenMath Thematic Network" 2001-2004 

    WebALT Inc., WEPSOpenMath

Palkinnot / Priser / Awards

Yliopiston opetusteknologiapalkinto vuonna 2007 ja vuonna 1999.
 Universitetets pris i undervisningsteknologi i året 2007 och i året 1999.
 University's Educational Technology Award in 2007 and in 1999.

Virtuaalinen analyysi / Virtuella analys / Online Calculus

Yhteystiedot/Kontaktinformation/Contact information

Professor Mika Seppala
Florida State University
Department of Mathematics 
Tallahassee, FL 32306 
Mika.K.Seppala 'at'


Section Monotic Sequences-3.png

Click Stream Activities of Students Studying Monotonic Sequences