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Last modified by ohara@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/13 07:33

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1 Researcher ID: [[A-7499-2008>>url:||shape="rect"]]
3 === Submitted Manuscripts ===
5 1. Hamberg, L., Malmivaara-Lämsä, M.Lehvävirta, S., O'Hara, R.B. & Kotze, D.J. Quantifying trampling and edge effects on forest understory vegetation - a field experiment.
6 1. Mantzouni, I., Sørensen, H., O'Hara, R.B., MacKenzie, B.R. Hierarchical modelling of temperature and habitat effects on population dynamics of North Atlantic cod.
7 1. Mutshinda, C.M., O'Hara, R.B. Revisiting the issue of parameter identifiability with illustration in population dynamics.
8 1. Mutshinda, C.M., O'Hara, R.B. Integrating the niche and neutral perspectives on community structure and dynamics.
9 1. O'Hara R.B., G,,ST,, ≠ F,,ST,,
10 1. Schwager, M., O'Hara, R.B., Arjas, E. Which life history phases make annual plants invasive? A comprehensive life cycle analysis.
11 1. Vehma, S., Fritze, H., Kotze, D.J., O'Hara, R.B., Lehvävirta, S. Trampling and faeces in urban woodlands - responses of soil nutrients, vegetation and microbes.
13 === Manuscripts accepted and in press ===
15 Hmmmmm
17 === 2009 ===
19 1. Berglund, H., O'Hara R.B., Jonsson, B.G. Quantifying habitat requirements of tree-living species in fragmented boreal forests with Bayesian methods. //Conservation Biology//. **23**: 1127 - 1137. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
20 1. Jaatinen, K., Jaari, S., O'Hara, R.B., Öst, M., Merilä, J. Relatedness and spatial proximity as determinants of host-parasite interactions in the brood parasitic Barrow's goldeneye (//Bucephala islandica//). //Molecular Ecology//. **18**: 2713-2721 [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]].
21 1. Jönsson, K.I., Herczeg, G., O'Hara, R.B., Söderman, F., ter Schure, A.F.H., Larsson, P. Merilä, J. Sexual patterns of prebreeding energy reserves in the common frog //Rana temporaria// along a latitudinal gradient. //Ecography// **32**: 831 - 839. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
22 1. Kotilainen, T., Venäläinen,., Tegelberg, R., Lindfors, A., Julkunen-Tiitto, R., Sutinen, S., O'Hara, R.B., Aphalo, P. Assessment of UV Biological Spectral Weighting Functions for Phenolic Metabolites and Growth Responses in Silver Birch Seedlings. //Photochemistry & Photobiology// **85**: 1346-1355. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
23 1. Kotze, D.J. and O'Hara R.B. Preface to Methods in Ecological Research. //Ann. Zool. Fennici.// **46**: 81. [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]].
24 1. Kuparinen, A., O'Hara, R.B., Merilä, J. Lunar periodicity and the timing of river entry in Atlantic salmon //Salmo salar// L. //Journal of Fish Biology//. **74**: 2401-2408. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
25 1. Mutshinda, C.M., O'Hara, R.B., Woiwod, I.P. What drives community dynamics? //Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B,// **276**: 2923-2929 [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
26 1. O'Hara R.B. Selective harvesting with equations: comment on "Should hunting mortality mimic the patterns of natural mortality?". //Biology Letters//. **5**: 211-212. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]].
27 1. O'Hara R.B. How to make models add up - a primer on GLMMs. //Ann. Zool. Fennici.// **46**: 124-137. [[Abstract>>url:||shape="rect"]], [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]].
28 1. O'Hara R.B., Lampila, S. and Orell, M. Estimating rates of births, deaths and immigration from mark-recapture data. //Biometrics// **65**: 275-281. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
29 1. O'Hara R.B. and Sillanpää, M.J. A review of Bayesian variable selection methods: what, how, and which. //Bayesian Analysis// **4**: 85-118, [[Link (pdf)>>url:||shape="rect"]]
31 === 2008 ===
33 1. Kuparinen, A., O'Hara, R.B. and Merilä, J. The role of growth history in determining age and size at maturation in exploited fish populations. //Fish & Fisheries// **9**: 201-207. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
34 1. Leinonen, T., O'Hara, R.B., Cano, J.M., Merilä, J. Comparative studies of quantitative trait and neutral marker divergence: A meta-analysis. //Journal of Evolutionary Biology// **21**: 1-17. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
35 1. Mutshinda, C.M., O'Hara, R.B. and Woiwod, I.P. Species abundance dynamics under neutral assumptions: a Bayesian approach to the controversy. //Functional Ecology// **22**, 340-347. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
36 1. Mutshinda, C.M., Antai, I., O'Hara R.B. A probabilistic approach to exposure risk assessment. //Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment// **22**: 441-449. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
37 1. O'Hara B. Double-blind review: let diversity reign. (Correspondence) //Nature// **452**, 28. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
38 1. O'Hara B. Journal club //Nature// **452**, 785. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
39 1. O'Hara B. European grants: a different view puts rich countries ahead. (Correspondence) //Nature// **455**, 285. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
40 1. O'Hara R.B., Cano, J.M., Ovaskainen, O., Ahlo, J.S., Teplitsky, C. Bayesian Approaches in Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics. //Journal of Evolutionary Biology//. **21**: 949-957. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
41 1. Ortega-Garcia, S., Ponce-Diaz, G., O'Hara R.B.,Merilä, J. The relative importance of lunar phase and weather conditions on Striped Marlin (//Tetrapturus audax//) catches in sport fishing. //Fisheries Research// **93**: 190-194. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
42 1. Pagano, A., Lesbarreres, D., O'Hara, R., Crivelli, A., Veith, M., Lode, T., Schmeller, D.S. Geographical and ecological distributions of frog hemiclones suggest occurrence of both 'General-Purpose Genotype' and 'Frozen Niche Variation' clones. //Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research// **46**, 162-168. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
43 1. Ranta, E., Kaitala, V., Fowler, M.S., Laakso, J., Ruokolainen, L., O'Hara, R.B. Detecting compensatory dynamics in competitive communities under climate forcing. //Oikos// **117**: 1907-1911. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
44 1. Ranta, E., Kaitala, V., Fowler, M.S., Laakso, J., Ruokolainen, L., O'Hara, R. The structure and strength of environmental variation modulate covariance patterns. A reply to Houlahan et al. 2008. //Oikos// **117**: 1914. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
45 1. Snäll, T., O'Hara, R.B., Ray, C., Collinge, S.K. Climate-driven spatial dynamics of plague among prairie dog colonies. //American Naturalist// **171**: 238-248. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
46 1. Webb, T.J., O'Hara, B, Freckleton, R.P. (2008) Does double-blind review benefit female authors? //Trends in Ecology & Evolution// **23**: 351-353. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
48 === 2007 ===
50 1. Herzon, I. and O'Hara, R.B. Effects of spatial complexity of farmland within different landscape types on farmland bird communities in the Baltic States. //Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment// **118**: 297-306. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
51 1. Kuparinen, A., Schurr, F., Tackenberg, O., O'Hara R.B. Air-mediated pollen flow from genetically modified to conventional crops -risk assessment with a mechanistic model. //Ecological Applications// **17**: 431-440. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
52 1. Kuparinen, A., Snäll, T., Vänskä, S., O'Hara R.B. The role of modeling selection in describing stochastic ecological processes. //Oikos// **116**, 966-974. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
53 1. O'Hara R.B. Human Expression patterns: Genetic differences between populations. //Heredity// **98**, 245-246. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
54 1. Saastamoinen, M., Nieminen, M., van Nouhuys, S., O'Hara, R.B., Suomi, J. Development and survival of a specialist herbivore, //Melitaea cinxia//, on host plants producing high and low concentrations of iridoid glycosides. //Ann. Zool. Fennici// **44**: 70-80. abstract, pdf.
55 1. Snäll, T., O'Hara, R.B., Arjas, E. A mathematical and statistical framework for modeling dispersal. //Oikos// **116**: 1037-1050. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
57 === 2006 ===
59 1. Fred, M.S., O'Hara, R.B., Brommer, J.E. Consequences of the spatial configuration of resources for the distribution and dynamics of the endangered //Parnassius apollo// butterfly. //Biological Conservation// **130**: 183-192. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
60 1. Golicher, D.J., O'Hara, R.B., Ruíz-Montoya, L. and Cayuela, L. Lifting a veil on diversity: A Bayesian approach to fitting relative abundance models. //Ecological Applications// **16**: 202-212. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
61 1. Lehvävirta, S., Kotze, D.J., Niemelä, J., Mäntysaari, M. and O'Hara, R.B. Effects of fragmentation and trampling on carabid beetle assemblages in urban woodlands in Helsinki, Finland. //Urban Ecosystems// **9**: 13-26. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
62 1. Matveinen-Huju, K., Niemelä, J., Rita, H. and O'Hara, R.B. Retention-tree groups in clear-cuts: do they constitute 'life-boats' for spiders and carabids? //Forest Ecology and Management// **230**: 119-135. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
63 1. O'Hara, R.B. Wholesale analysis of genes, traits and microarrays. //Heredity// **97**: 253. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
64 1. O'Hara, R.B., Fowler, M.S. and Johnson, C.A. (2006). Why negatives should be viewed as positives (Correspondence) //Nature// **439**: 782. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
65 1. Roslin, T., Gripenberg, S., Salminen, J.-P., Vienola, M., O'Hara, R.B., Pihlaja, K., Pulkkinen, P. Seeing the trees for the leaves - oaks as mosaics for a host-specific moth. //Oikos// **113**, 106-120. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
66 1. Andrew Thomas, Bob O Hara, Uwe Ligges, and Sibylle Sturtz. Making BUGS Open. //R News// **6**: 12-17. [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]]
68 === 2005 ===
70 1. O'Hara, R.B., 2005. Comparing the effects of genetic drift and fluctuating selection on genotype frequency changes in the scarlet tiger moth. //Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B,// **272**: 211-217. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
71 1. O'Hara, R.B., 2005. Species richness estimates: How many species can dance on the head of a pin? //J. Anim. Ecol.,// **74**: 375-386. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
72 1. O'Hara, R.B., 2005. The Anarchist's Guide to Ecological Theory. Or, we don't need no stinkin' laws. //Oikos// **110**: 390-393. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
73 1. O'Hara, R.B. and Merilä, J., 2005. Bias and precision in //Q,,ST,,// estimates: problems and some solutions. //Genetics// **171**: 1331-1339. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
74 1. Schmeller, D.S., O'Hara, R.B.,okko, H., 2005. Male Adaptive Stupidity: Male Mating pattern in hypridogenetic waterfrog. //Evolutionary Ecology Research// **7**: 1039-1050. [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]] (may not be accessable)
76 === 2004 ===
78 1. Kotze, D.J., Johnson, C.A., O'Hara, R.B., Vepsäläinen, K., and Fowler, M.S., 2004. Editorial: The Journal of Negative Results in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. //J. Neg. Res.// **1**: 1-5. [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]]
79 1. Merilä J., Söderman, F., O'Hara, R.B., Räsänen, K., Laurila, A., 2004. Local adaptation and genetics of acid-stress tolerance in the moor frog, //Rana arvalis//. //Conservation Genetics//, **5**: 513-527. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
81 === 2003 ===
83 1. Antolin M.F., Ode P.J., Heimpel G.E., O'Hara R.B., Strand M.R., 2003. Mating system, population genetics, and sex allele diversity of the parasatoid//Bracon hebetor//. //Heredity//, **91**: 373-381. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]] [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]]
84 1. Dreschler M., Frank K, Hanski I., O'Hara R.B., Wissel C., 2003. Ranking metapopulation extinction risk for conservation: from patterns in data to management decisions. //Ecological Applications//, **13**: 990-998. [[Link>>url:;2||shape="rect"]] [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]]
85 1. Kotze,D.J., Niemelä; J., O'Hara R.B., Turin, H., 2003. Testing abundance-range size relationships in European carabid beetles (//Coleoptera: Carabidae//). //Ecography//, **26**: 553-566. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
86 1. Kotze, D.J., O'Hara, R.B., 2003. Species decline - but why? Explanations of carabid beetle (//Coleoptera, Carabidae//) declines in Europe. //Oecologia//, **135**: 138-148. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
87 1. Pakkasmaa, S., Merilä J., O'Hara R.B., 2003. Genetic and maternal effect influences on viability of common frog tadpoles under different environmental conditions. //Heredity//, **91**: 117-124. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]] [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]]
88 1. Palo, J.U., O'Hara, R. B., Laugen, A.T., Laurila, A., Primmer C.R., Merilä J., 2003. Latitudinal divergence of common frog (//Rana temporaria//) life history traits by natural selection: evidence from a comparison of molecular and quantitative genetic data. //Molecular Ecology//, **12**: 1963-1978. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
90 === 2002 ===
92 1. O'Hara R.B., Arjas, E., Toivonen, H., Hanski, I., 2002. Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data. //Ecology//, **83**: 2408-2415. [[Link>>url:;2||shape="rect"]] [[pdf>>url:||shape="rect"]]
94 === 2001 ===
96 1. Haikola S., Fortelius W., O`Hara R.B., Kuussaari M., Wahlberg N., Saccheri I.J., Singer M.C., Hanski I., 2001. Inbreeding depression and the maintenance of genetic load in //Melitea cinxia// metapopulations. //Conservation Genetics//, **2**: 325-335. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
98 === 2000 ===
100 1. Nielsen B.J., O'Hara R.B., Damgaard C., Østergård H., Munk L., 2000. Resistente meldugsvampe på byg og hvede. //Naturens Verden//, **83**: 32-36.
101 1. O'Hara R.B., Nielsen B.J., Østergård H., 2000. The effect of fungicide dose on the composition of laboratory populations of barley powdery mildew. //Plant Pathology//, **49**: 558-566. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
103 === 1999 ===
105 1. Dieckmann U., O'Hara R.B., Weisser W., 1999. The evolutionary ecology of dispersal. //Trends Ecol. Evol.//, 14: 88-90. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
106 1. Turner A.S., O'Hara R.B., Rezanoor H.N., Nutall M., Smith J.N., Nicholson P., 1999. Visual disease and PCR assessment of stem base diseases in winter wheat. //Plant Pathology//, **48**: 742-748. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
108 === 1998 ===
110 1. O'Hara R.B., Brown J.K.M., 1998. Movement of barley powdery mildew in field plots of barley. //Plant Pathology//, **47**: 394-400. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
112 === 1997 ===
114 1. Brown J.K.M., Foster E.M., O'Hara R.B., 1997. Adaptation of powdery mildew populations to cereal varieties in relation to durable and non-durable resistance. In: Crute, I., Burdon, J.J., Holub, E., eds. //The Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions//, CAB International, Wallingford, pp 119-138.
115 1. O'Hara R.B., Brown J.K.M., 1997. Spatial aggregation of pathotypes of barley powdery mildew. //Plant Pathology//, **46**: 969-977. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
117 === 1996 ===
119 1. O'Hara R.B., 1996. Population Dynamics of Cereal Powdery Mildews. //PhD thesis, University of East Anglia//, 90pp.
120 1. O'Hara R.B., Brown J.K.M., 1996. Frequency- and density-dependent selection in wheat powdery mildew. //Heredity//, **77**: 439-447. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]
121 1. O'Hara R.B., Brown J.K.M., 1996. Immigration of the barley mildew pathogen into field plots of barley. //Plant Pathology//, **45**: 1071-76. [[Link>>url:||shape="rect"]]