Noon-to-Noon Sauna Seminar of the FDPSS December 12-13 2013

Version 89.1 by gasbarra@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/13 07:30

Noon-to-Noon Sauna Seminar of the FDPSS, December 12-13 2013. 

This is a traditional informal occasion for  PhD students and researchers,  to meet and discuss about  state-of-the-art stochastics and statistics. After the scientific part,  on thursday 12.12 everyone is welcome to join for a  traditional finnish sauna in Kotiharjun sauna. The event is hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Helsinki, and it is partially sponsored by the Finnish Graduate Doctoral Program in Stochastics and Statistics FDPSS.


Schedule:  Thursday 12.12

13.00-16.30  talks in Exactum, D122

                                     13.00-13.10 Opening 

                                     13.10-13.30 Lasse Holmström (Oulu): In Memoriam: Petri Koistinen.

                                     13.30-14.20 Kalle Kytölä (HY): Boundary zig-zags of random conformally invariant curvesAbstract

                                     14.20-14.30 Coffee break

                                     14.30-15.00 Lauri Viitasaari (Aalto): Integral Representation of Random Variables with Respect to Gaussian ProcessesAbstract

                                     15.00-15.30 Ilkka Launonen (Oulu): A scale space multiresolution method for extraction of time series features

                                     15.30-16.00 Alexander Steinicke (JY): Malliavin differentiation of a Levy driven BDSE with a path dependent generator functional Abstract

                                     16.00-16.30 Mikko Stenlund (HY): An adiabatic dynamical system as a stochastic process Abstract

 Social Program     17.30-19.30  sauna in  Kotiharjun sauna, Harjuntorinkatu 1 map

                             20.00 --> carelian dinner in Restaurant Konstan Möljä, Hietalahdenkatu 14.

 Friday 13.12  

 Social Program: at 8.00, winter swimming in Ouritsaari

 Scientific Program:

9.15-12.00 talks in Exactum, D122

                                  9.15-10.10 Harri Nyrhinen  (HY): On large deviations of multivariate heavy-tailed random walksAbstract

                           10.10-10.30  Coffee break

                           10.30-11.00 Brita Jung (Åbo): The time until extinction of the Northern Spotted Owl: Simulations and approximations.

                           11.00-11.30 Pekka Matomäki (TY):Optimal stopping and control near boundaries Abstract 

                           11.30-12.00 Maiju Kujala (TY): Differential network analysis with multiply imputed LURIC lipidomic dataAbstract

                           12.00-13.00 lunch

                           13.00-16.00 talks

                                  13.00-13.30 Jaakko Lehtomaa (HY): A comparison method for heavy-tailed random variables Abstract

                                  13.30-14.00 Henrik Nyman (ÅA): Stratified Gaussian Graphical Models Abstract   

                                  14.00-14.30 Zitong Li (HY): A Bayesian longitudinal model  for analyzing quantitative genetic data.               

                                  14.30-15.00 Mikko Kuronen (JY): The giant component in the binomial random intersection digraph Abstract

                                  15.00-15.20 Coffee break

                                  15.20-16.10 Ehsan Azmoodeh (Luxembourg): Stein's method and the law of the iterated logarithm Abstract

Important: the FDPSS can sponsor the travel and accomodation costs for Ph.D. students traveling from Finland.

Please contact Professor Paavo Salminen <paavo.salminen(at)>

 Confirmed partecipants:  

Juha Alho,Luis Alvarez, Ehsan Azmoodeh, Zhe Chen, Dario Gasbarra, Göran Högnäs, Lasse Holmström, Brita Jung,Antti Kemppäinen, Maiju Kujala,Mikko Kuronen, Kalle Kytölä, Ilkka Launonen, Jaakko Lehtomaa, Lasse Leskelä, Zitong Li, Antti Luoto, Pekka Matomäki, Peng Mei, Miika Nikula,Ilkka Norros,Henrik Nyman,Harri Nyrhinen, Nicola Rebagliati,Vesa Ronkainen, Eero Saksman,Paavo Salminen, Mikko Sillanpää,Tommi Sottinen,Alexander Steinicke, Mikko Stenlund, Bao Ta, Lauri Viitasaari, Min Wang.

Registration: just send an e-mail to <dario.gasbarra (at)>  to be added to the list. 
Please specify, whether you are joining for dinner after sauna.  A limited number of rooms will be available at the Helsinki and Aalto university guesthouse Töölö towers, please ask Dario if you need an accomodation. Note that  sauna is self-financed.