Webinar: Big Data series: basics of Apache Spark programming
Time: 12.9.2019, 14:00 EET
Lecturer: Apurva Nandan, CSC
Language: English
This is the second webinar of the Big Data series - Apache Spark.
Details and materials of the first webinar : https://www.csc.fi/fi/web/training/-/webinar-big-data-spark-2019
This webinar is ideal for people who want to learn more about analysing massive amounts of data. Spark, a popular, high-performance distributed computing framework, allows us to tackle big-data problems by distributing the workload across a cluster of machines, making large scale data analysis rapid and quick!
In this webinar, we will discuss briefly about Spark and learn about the basics of Spark programming in Python!
Prerequisites: As this is the second webinar in the Apache Spark series, we highly recommend that you watch the first part before the webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akAwwNxm_HM&feature=youtu.be
Join the webinar in Zoom: https://cscfi.zoom.us/j/717625986
Webinar: Big Data series: basics of Apache Spark programming
Last modified by avtenhun@helsinki_fi on 2019/09/05 16:41