GPU-ohjelmointia ja hackathonia lokakuussa

Last modified by avtenhun@helsinki_fi on 2019/07/12 10:58

* GPU Programming with OpenACC (14.10. - 15.10.) *

Introduction to GPU programming using the directive based OpenACC paradigm. The topics covered in the course include the basic usage of OpenACC, profiling and performance and interoperability with CUDA and MPI. Read more and register at

* GPU Hackathon (16.10. - 18.10.) *

Come and hack on your GPU application together with GPU experts! The GPU Hackathon is a coding event in which teams of developers work on their application to port it to GPUs or optimise its performance on GPUs. In particular, the hackathon focuses on applications that can scale up to multiple GPU nodes. The hackathon is organised in collaboration with Nvidia and the E-CAM European HPC Center of Excellence. Read more and submit your application at

With summer greetings,
CSC Training