Ohjeita etäopiskeluun ja -opetukseen

Last modified by kpalmgre@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/24 07:30

Up-to-date prac­tical corona in­struc­tions for the Kum­pula Cam­pus can be found here and the University wide instructions here.


Tälle sivulle olemme koonneet vinkkejä ja materiaaleja etäopiskelun suunnittelun tueksi. Toivomme, että opintosi sujuvat mahdollisimman mukavasti ja jouhevasti poikkeustilanteesta huolimatta.


On this page, we have collected some helpful resources for planning remote teaching. Start by reading a quick check list for planning remote teaching on 2. Instructions for teachers. If you feel that you need more tips and tricks for planning, continue to page 3. Experiences and tips on remote teaching.


1. Ohjeita opiskelijoille syksyllä 2020
2. Instructions for teachers, autumn 2020
3. Experiences and tips on remote teaching
4. Teaching assistants’ responsibilities
5. Instructions to a course page
6. Example of a course's exercise system
7. Assistant training materials
8. Student feedback from teaching period I, autumn 2020
9. Student feedback from teaching period II, autumn 2020
10. Student feedback from a general questionnaire and Resonanssi's discussion event, spring 2021