Event history modelling and data analysis

Last modified by earjas@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/14 06:58

Event history modelling and data analysis

This area of research covers a wide range of different topics, both in terms of the substantive context and data, and the statistical methodology that is applied. Depending on the context, modelling of event history data may emphasize more the event times at which some particular events of interest occurred, or the states in which some studied process happened to be at the times at which it was measured. To stress the former aspect, one often speaks of survival or duration data. The second aspect is similarly stressed by talking about repeated measurements or longitudinal data. On the other hand, when the time variable in the data and in the the corresponding parameter in the model are discrete, it may sometimes be difficult to make a clear distinction between these two basic forms.

Contact: Elja Arjas, Anders Ekholm