Astrophysics seminar
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Tähtitieteen seminaari / Astrophysics seminar
The seminar programme is organised by Till Sawala. If you would like to propose a speaker, please email:
The seminar usually takes place on Fridays from 10:15 - 11:15, in D114 (except 26.1. in D105 and 17.5. in D106), Physicum, Kumpula Campus, and remotely via zoom at the following link:
Please check this website for updates or different starting times!
Next seminar: January 26, 10:15, Núria Miret-Roig (University of Vienna): "Synchronising stellar clocks. A new observable for probing star formation and dispersion"
Abstract: Star formation is a fundamental process that impacts many fields of astrophysics, from the formation and evolution of planets to galaxies. The interaction between the natal cloud and the newborn stars is one of the least understood star formation processes and has an important impact on the final star-formation efficiency and cluster dynamics. I will present an innovative methodology to measure the timescale of the gas-embedded phase by comparing stellar ages derived with two independent methods: dynamical tracebacks and isochrone fitting. In this new framework, the dynamical-traceback “clock” initiates when a stellar cluster or association begins to expand after expelling most of the gas, while the isochronal “clock” initiates earlier when most stars form. Measuring this difference accurately and understanding its variations across different environments provides new information on the impact of local conditions and stellar feedback on the formation and dispersal of star clusters.
Program Spring 2024
- 19.1. Joonas Nättilä (Flatiron Institute/Columbia University): "Neutron Star Weather Forecasting"
- 26.1. Núria Miret-Roig (University of Vienna): "Synchronising stellar clocks. A new observable for probing star formation and dispersion"
- 2.2. Sarah Bird (China Three Gorges University)
- 9.2.
- 16.2. Eric McLennan (University of Helsinki)
- 23.2. Guilhem Lavaux (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
- 1.3
- 8.3 Teaching Break - No seminar
- 15.3.
- 22.3. Emma Thomas (University of Leicester)
- 29.3 Good Friday - No seminar
- 5.4.
- 12.4
- 19.4
- 26.4
- 3.5. David Bennisty (University of Cambridge)
Alexis Finoguenov:
- Observational cosmology.
- Large-scale structure of the Universe.
- Halo occupation statistics.
- Environmental effects in galaxy formation.
- Extragalactic Surveys.
- Physics of intracluster medium.
- Missing baryons at low redshifts.
Karri Muinonen:
- Light scattering by cosmic dust.
- Cometary activity in the main belt of asteroids (main-belt comets).
- Planetary rings.
- Dynamical evolution of the Solar System (Nice model).
- Dynamical evolution of extrasolar planetary systems.
- Sample return missions to asteroids and comets.
- Near-Earth object impact hazard.
Peter Johansson:
- The formation and evolution of supermassive black holes.
- The formation of the first galaxies in the Universe.
- Simulating galaxy mergers.
Till Sawala:
- Galaxy formation and evolution
- Small-scale tests of cosmological models
- Cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
- Interaction between dark matter and baryons
- The formation and evolution of the Local Group
- Constraint simulations of the Local Universe
Past program Autumn 2023
- 8.9. Till Sawala (Helsinki): "The Timeless Timing Argument"
- 15.9. Elisabeta Lusso (Florence): "What we can (still) learn from the non-linear X-ray to UV relation in AGN"
- 22.9. Karri Muinonen (Helsinki): "Scattering of light by cosmic dust particles using parameterization"
- 29.9. Antti Penttilä (Helsinki): "Modeling the polarimetric observations of the Didymos asteroid"
- 4.10. Sandrine Lescaudron (Institud d'Astrophysique de Paris): "Dynamical friction of a massive black hole in a turbulent gaseous medium"
- 6.10. Alex Rawlings (Helsinki): "Uncertainty in SMBH binary eccentricity is unavoidable"
- 13.10. Katja Fahrion (ESA): "Nuclear star cluster formation in massive and dwarf galaxies"
- 27.10. Maria Stone (Turku): "Observational view of galaxies in Type I quasar fields at redshifts 0.1<z<0.5 and its implications to AGN triggering and galaxy evolution"
- 3.11. Haonan Zheng (Durham): "Dark Matter Mini-halo Abundance and Annihilation Signals Under Baryonic Impacts"
- 10.11. Federico di Vruno (SKA Observatory): "Dark and Quiet Skies and satellite constellation interference"
- 15.11. Bingqing Sun (Massachusetts Amherst): "The role of spiral arms in Galaxies"
- 24.11. Christopher Tiede (Copenhagen): "Orbital evolution and observational signatures of massive binaries accreting from circumbinary disks"
- 1.12. Jessica Hislop (Helsinki): "How clustered stellar feedback drives galactic scale outflows"
- 5.12 Tomáš Šoltinský (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research): "Prospects of statistical detection of the 21-cm forest by the uGMRT"
- 8.12. Elina Lindfors (Turku): "The Mystery of Cosmic Neutrinos"
- 15.12. Maarit Korpi-Lagg (Aalto) : "Dynamo instabilities in stellar convection zones: implications for dynamics and dynamos"
Past program Spring 2023
- 13.1. Axel Runnholm (University of Stockholm): "Probing the Epoch of Reionization with Lya - laying the foundations at low redshift "
- 17.1. Jan Kára (Charles University Prague): "Doppler tomography of the cataclysmic variable IX Velorum"
- 20.1. Christopher Berry (University of Glasgow): "Understanding the evolution of binary black holes"
- 3.2. Mireia Montes (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias): "How the intracluster light is going to change your life!"
- 10.2. Stefano Andreon (INAF-OA Brera): "The inside-out growth of galaxy clusters: reaching the virial radius in Abell 2244"
- 17.2. Till Sawala (University of Helsinki): "Distinct distributions of elliptical and disk galaxies as a ΛCDM prediction"
- 24.2. Sohan Ghodla (University of Auckland): "Influence of accretion on stellar and compact remnant evolution"
- 3.3. Richard Brooks (University College London): "ΛCDM survives another day: Origins of the asymmetry in the ALFALFA survey"
- 10.3. Teaching Break - No seminar
- 17.3. Johanna Hartke (University of Turku): "Tracing halo and intra-cluster light assembly with planetary nebulae"
- 24.3. Bibiana Prinoth (Lund Observatory): "Exploring the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-189 b"
- 31.3. Alberto. J. Castro-Tirado (Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucía): "The Burst Observer and Optical Transient Exploring System in the Multi-Messenger Astronomy Era"
- 7.4. Good Friday - No seminar
- 14.4. Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki): "Structure of star-forming clouds: methods and measurements"
- 21.4. Thomas Hackman (University of Helsinki): "Magnetic fields on solar-type stars"
- 28.4. Dipto Mukherjee (Carnegie Mellon University): "Exploring the Dynamics of Massive Black Hole Mergers in Relaxed Nuclear Star Clusters"
- 5.5. John Regan (Maynooth University): "Black Hole Formation Pathways and Observational Signatures"
- 15.5 Thorsten Naab (MPA Garching): "Towards a complete model of the star forming interstellar medium"
- 16.6. Arif Babul (University of Victoria): "Modeling the Formation and Evolution of Massive Galaxies in the Cosmos: Successes & Opportunities"
Past program Autumn 2022
- 9.9. Ruby Wright (ICRAR & Flatiron Institute), "An orbital perspective on the starvation, stripping, and quenching of satellite galaxies in cosmological simulations"
- 16.9. Till Sawala (University of Helsinki), "The Local Group's mass: probably not more than the sum of its parts"
- 7.10. Shourya Khanna (INAF Torino), "Galactic dynamics with Gaia DR3: A new resonance-like feature in the outer disc of the Milky Way"
- 14.10. Franco Vazza (University of Bologna), "The simulated and observed magnetism of the cosmic web"
- 20.10. Simon Portegies Zwart (Leiden University), "The unpredictability of relativistic stellar clusters and the paradox of infinitesimal granularity"
- 4.11. Benne Holwerda (University of Louisville), "Looking At the Distant Universe with the MeerKAT Array LADUMA"
- 11.11. Petra Nianqi Tang (University of Auckland), "Predicting gravitational wave signals from galactic binary populations of a Milky Way-like galaxy for LISA"
- 18.11. Mikko Pöntinen (University of Helsinki), "Detecting asteroids with convolutional and recurrent neural networks"
- 25.11. Joanna Drazkowska (MPI for Solar System Research), "Rewriting the planet formation theory"
- 2.12. John Wu (Space Telescope Science Institute), "Astronomy Re-envisioned: Investigating the Physics of Galaxy Evolution with Machine Learning"
- 9.12. Event in celebration of Juhani Huovelin (15:00)
- 16.12. Tero Hiekkalinna (University of Helsinki / THL), "Light from the Darkness - Deep Space Astrophotography"
Past program Spring 2022
- 14.1. Job Vorster (North West University), "Accretion bursts: a global observational effort in massive star formation studies"
- 21.1. Till Sawala (University of Helsinki), "The Plane of Milky Way satellites - the end of ΛCDM?"
- 28.1. Francesco Rizzuto (University of Helsinki), "Collisions in compact star clusters and formation of massive Black Holes"
- 4.2. Laura Sberna (Albert Einstein Institute), "The calm after the storm: black hole ringdown beyond linear perturbation theory"
- 11.2. Tuomas Kangas (Stockholm), "The structure of the SN 1987A remnant"
- 18.2. Pascale Jablonka (EPFL Lausanne), "Looking for and into the galaxy building blocks"
- 25.2. Alejandro Benitez-Llambay (University of Milano-Bicocca), "Dark and late-forming galaxies: probing ΛCDM at the edge of galaxy formation"
- 4.3. Sambatra Andrianomena (University of Cape Town), "Leveraging Machine Learning and Simulation in preparation for the era of big data in Astronomy"
- 25.3. Sanna Damsted (University of Helsinki), "Role of substructure in galaxy cluster scaling relations"
- 1.4. Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki), "Simulations and synthetic interferometry observations of a high-mass star forming cloud"
- 8.4. Antti Penttilä (University of Helsinki) "Blender/Python testbed for asteroid imaging and camera performance simulations"
- 22.4. Leo Burtscher (University of Leiden), "Astronomy and the climate crisis"
- 29.4. Miikka Väisälä (Academica Sinica, Taiwan), "Pseudodisks in Star Formation"
- 13.5. Special seminar with Auni Somero ( and Pauli Pihajoki, "Life and work beyond academia"
Past program Autumn 2021
- 17.9. Dimitrios Irodotou (University of Helsinki), "The effects of AGN feedback on the structural and dynamical properties of Milky Way-mass galaxies in cosmological simulations"
- 24.9. Aku Venhola (University of Oulu), "Low mass galaxies and their evolution in dense galactic environments - the Fornax cluster as a case study"
- 1.10. Jessica Hislop (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), "The challenge of simulating the star cluster population of dwarf galaxies with resolved interstellar medium"
- 8.10. Stephen Marsden (University of Southern Queensland), "The shared evolution of stars and planets"
- 15.10. Anne Virkki (University of Helsinki), "Characterizing Near-Earth Asteroids using the Arecibo Radar Observations"
- 22.10. Teemu Willamo (University of Helsinki), "Magnetic imaging of young solar analogues"
- 29.10. Achamveedu Gopakumar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai): "Modeling gravitational wave signals from non-circular compact binaries"
- 5.11. Ioana Ciuca (University College London): "Unveiling missing hidden atomic physics using generative machine learning models"
- 12.11. Jyri Lehtinen (University of Helsinki): "Stellar magnetism across rotation and the HR-diagram"
- 19.11. Johan Fynbo (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen) "Astrometric selection of Quasars"
- 26.11. Nikki Arendse (DARK, University of Copenhagen), "Cosmic dissonance: new physics or systematics behind the Hubble tension?"
- 3.12. Josh Borrow (MIT), "How to Simulate a Universe: The numerics and limitations of Cosmological Simulations"
Past Program Spring 2021
- 15.1 Sandra P. Treviño-Morales (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) at 11.15: Dynamics and fragmentation in Galactic filamentary structures
- 29.1 Toni Tuominen (University of Tartu, Estonia): An EAGLE view of the missing baryons
- 5.2 Akke Viitanen (University of Helsinki): Untangling X-ray AGN clustering through observations and semi-empirical models
- 12.2 Dimitrios Irodotou (University of Sussex, UK): Analysing the morphology of simulated galaxies and the effect of AGN feedback
- 19.2 Eric MacLennan (University of Helsinki): The Thermal and Dynamical History of (3200) Phaethon and (155140) 2005 UD
- 26.2 (winter break)
- 5.3 (winter break)
- 12.3 (exam week)
- 19.3 Mikko Tuomi (University of Helsinki): Planets orbiting M dwarfs in the Solar neighbourhood - The spectacular abundance of small planets orbiting M dwarfs based on radial velocity surveys
- 26.3
- 2.4 (Good Friday)
- 9.4
- 16.4 Emma Mannfors (University of Helsinki): Characterization of dense Planck clumps observed with Herschel and SCUBA-2
- 23.4 Thomas Pasini (Hamburg University): Radio galaxies in galaxy groups: kinematics, scaling relations and AGN feedback
- 30.4 Johannes Markkanen (Max Planck Institute, Germany): Scattering, absorption and thermal emission by dust: Application to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- 7.5 Karri Muinonen (University of Helsinki): Coherent backscattering by airless Solar System objects using Mueller matrix decomposition
- 14.5 no seminar
- 21.5 David Korda (University of Helsinki): Helioseismic inversions for plasma flows
Past Program Fall 2020
- 18.9 Shihong Liao (University of Helsinki): The story of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Auriga simulations
- 23.10 Mika Juvela: Modelling of Interstellar Medium
- 29.10 Neil Cornish (Montana State University): On the road to low frequency gravitational wave detection: NANOGrav at mile marker 12.5
- 30.10 Antti Penttilä: Asteroid taxonomy using neural networks
- 6.11 Joonas Uusitalo: Astronomical and terrestrial anomalies in natural archives
- 13.11 Heidi Lietzen (Tartu Observatory): Groups of galaxies as the evolving building blocks of the Universe
- 20.11 Charlie Mpetha (Liverpool University): Gravitational Redshifting of Galaxies in the SPIDERS Cluster Catalogue
- 27.11 John Regan (Maynooth University, Ireland): Pathways to Forming Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe
- 4.12 Stefano Andreon (Brera Observatory): Gas-poor clusters: what kind of beasts are they?
- 11.12 Julia Martikainen (University of Helsinki) at 11:00: Asteroid phase curve parameters and absolute magnitudes from Gaia photometry
Past Program Spring 2020
- 10.1 Ulrich Steinwandel (LMU Munich): Resolving ISM-physics in galactic scale simulations
- 17.1 Athanasia Toliou (Luleå University of Technology): Dynamical evolution of the Main Asteroid Belt in the primordial Solar System
- 31.1 Stuart McAlpine (University of Helsinki): Galaxy mergers in EAGLE do not induce a significant amount of black hole growth yet do increase the rate of luminous AGN
- 7.2 Till Sawala (University of Helsinki): Setting the Stage: Structure formation from Gaussian Random Fields
- 21.2 Joonas Herranen (University of Helsinki): Too plausible to be true? Centrifugal explosions of cometary dust by sunlight VS a zoo of observations
- 28.2 Eric MacLennan (University of Helsinki): Deciphering Space Weathering on Asteroids using Meteorite Analogs
- 13.3 Natalia Lahen (University of Helsinki): Simulating the formation of star clusters in a dwarf galaxy starburst resolved with individual massive stars
- 20.3 Neha Sharma (Kyung-Her University): Triggered star formation in molecular clouds
- 3.4 Tomas Kohout (University of Helsinki): Spectral Shock Darkening During Asteroid Collisions
- 15.5 Timo Väisänen (University of Helsinki): Light scattering in dense particulate media
Past Program Fall 2019
- 9.8. Habib Khosroshahi (IPM/INO): Galaxies and central engine; the role of group environment and dynamics
- 30.8. Hamid Mehdipour (Lahijan University): Cluster analysis of the solar system objects
- 6.9. Lauri Haikala (Universidad de Atacama): A mysterious dusty object in the Sa galaxy NGC3269
- 13.9. Antti Rantala (University of Helsinki): Galactic-scale N-body simulations with resolved small-scale gravitational dynamics: recent progress and future challenges
- 20.9. Matias Mannerkoski (University of Helsinki): Gravitational Waves from the Inspiral of Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic-scale Simulations
- 27.9. Peter Roelfsema (SRON): SPICA - a joint infrared space observatory
- 4.10. Peter Johansson (University of Helsinki): Post-Newtonian dynamical modelling of super-massive black holes in global large-scale simulations
- 11.10. Karri Muinonen (University of Helsinki): Asteroid lightcurve inversion using Bayesian inference
- 18.10. Teemu Willamo (University of Helsinki): Shapes of stellar activity cycles
- 1.11. Moses Mogotsi (South African Astronomical Observatory): Multi-wavelength Feedback studies in the Nearby Universe, featuring IRAS18293-3413 and friends
- 8.11. Alex Ho (University of Agder): The Extended N-Body Problem
- 15.11. Matthew Holman (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): A Pan-STARRS and TESS Search for Distant Planets
- 22.11. Alberto Cellino (INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino): Asteroid Polarimetry: State of the art and Recent Achievements
- 29.11. Alexis Finoguenov (University of Helsinki): Largest spectroscopic catalog of X-ray galaxy clusters from SDSS-IV
- 13.12. Evgenij Zubko (Kyung Hee University): Polarimetry of two near-Earth comets of 2018: Fast variations of polarization in the 21P/Giacobini-Zinner coma and low P_max in C/2018 V1 (Machholz–Fujikawa–Iwamoto)
- 19.12. Anne Virkki (Arecibo Observatory): Arecibo Observatory planetary radar program
Past Program Spring 2019
- 22.1. Johan Comparat (MPE): Cosmology with eROSITA's active galactic nuclei
- 25.1. Jacob Ider Chitham (MPE): Optical follow-up of CODEX galaxy clusters with SPIDERS and Pan-STARRS
- 1.2. Ghassem Gozaliasl (University of Helsinki): BGG science in deep surveys vs. simulations
- 8.2. Hannu Kurki-Suonio (University of Helsinki): Euclid Cosmology Mission
- 15.2. Florian Käfer (MPE): Towards a characterization of X-ray galaxy clusters for cosmology
- 21.2. Miikka Väisälä (TIARA/ASIAA, Taiwan): Observational Signatures of Misaligned Magnetic Fields in Early Disk Formation and Their Time Evolution
- 25.2. Oleksiy Golubov (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and University of Colorado Boulder): Light pressure forces on asteroids and YORP equilibria
- 1.3. Clotilde Laigle (University of Oxford): Observing the multi-scale cosmic web at high redshift and quantifying its impact on galaxy assembly
- 15.3. Oliver Müller (University of Strasbourg): Testing cosmological models with dwarf galaxies
- 22.3. Roberto De Propris (University of Turku): The Ultraviolet Upturn in Elliptical Galaxies
- 29.3. Guanglang Xu (University of Helsinki): A quick introduction to spherical wavelets and two relevant applications
- 5.4. John Regan (Dublin City University): Black Hole Formation in the Early Universe
- 10.4 Lankeswar Dey (University of Turku): The Nascent Field of Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- 12.4. Julia Martikainen (University of Helsinki): Asteroid surface composition by modelling light scattering
- 26.4. Grigori Fedorets (University of Helsinki): Discovering minimoons with LSST
- 3.5. Yirui Zheng (University of St. Andrews): Comparison of stellar populations of simulated and real post-starburst galaxies in ManNGA
- 6.5 Richard Ellis (University College London): The First Galaxies and Cosmic Reionisation
- 7.5 Richard Ellis (University College London): The Assembly History of Elliptical Galaxies
- 10.5 Joonas Herranen (University of Helsinki): Well-behaving dust and other small particles – an overview to scattering dynamics
- 15.5 Jürgen Blum (IGep, TU Braunschweig): What comets can tell us about planetesimal formation
- 24.5 Tuomas Savolainen (Aalto University): First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results: Imaging the Shadow of the supermassive black hole
- 28.5 Eric MacLennan (University of Helsinki): Asteroid Surfaces in the Thermal Infrared
- 18.6 Matthieu Schaller (Leiden University): Towards exa-scale for cosmological hydro simulations: Challenges and (some) solutions in the SWIFT code
Past Program Autumn 2018
- 8.8. Colin Snodgrass (Open University, UK): It came from outer space: Interstellar visitor 1I/‘Oumuamua
- 10.8. Robert Nelson (Planetary Science Institute): Creating Planetary Regoliths in the Laboratory – What do Remote Sensing Observations tell us?
- 15.8. Moses Mogotsi (South African Astronomical Observatory): The Kinematics of SUNBIRD LIRGS
- 24.8. Lauri Haikala (Universidad de Atacama): ALMA observations of globulettes: formation sites of free floating planets?
- 4.9. Xiaobin Wang (Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences): Physical studies of near-Earth asteroid (3200) Phaethon
- 5.9. Shenghong Gu (Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences): Yunnan-Hong Kong wide field transit survey
- 14.9. Ellie Sansom (Curtin University): The Desert Fireball Network - Fireballs, Orbits and Meteorites
- 28.9. Stuart McAlpine (University of Helsinki): Growing black holes in the EAGLE simulation
- 12.10. Gastón Folatelli (Universidad Nacional de la Plata): The birth of a supernova
- 19.10. Jorma Harju (University of Helsinki): ALMA observations of a de-icing zone around a prestellar core
- 26.10. (teaching break)
- 1.11. Tuomo Salmi (University of Turku): Mass and radius constraints for neutron stars from X-ray timing, spectral and polarization observations
- 9.11. Pauli Pihajoki (University of Helsinki): Barycentric interpolation on Riemannian manifolds
- 14.11. Jan-Willem den Herder (SRON): High spectral resolution X-ray imaging with Athena: a new window on the hot and energetic Universe
- 30.11. Nico Krieger (MPIA): Zooming into the starburst environment of NGC253 and the Galactic Center
- 7.12. Mika Saajasto (University of Helsinki): A stellar cluster in formation: cloud G074.11+00.11
- 14.12. Thomas Hackman (University of Helsinki): Long-term monitoring of stellar spot activity
Past Program Spring 2018
- 5.1. (teaching break)
- 12.1. (teaching break)
- 19.1. Marius Cautun (University of Durham): Revealing Local Group mysteries using dwarf galaxies
- 26.1. Mauri Valtonen (University of Turku): The host galaxy of the BL Lacertae object OJ287
- 2.2. Antton Luoma (University of Helsinki): Parametric studies of galaxy structure and morphology using GALFIT
- 9.2. Till Sawala (University of Helsinki): The Local Group in Eight Figures
- 16.2. Göran Maconi (University of Helsinki): Experimental light scattering by small particles: orientation-controlled 4π levitating scatterometer
- 23.2. Karri Muinonen (University of Helsinki): Light scattering in dense random media of cosmic dust using incoherent interactions
- 2.3. Johannes Markkanen (University of Helsinki): Numerical solutions for light scattering by cosmic dust and planetary regolith
- 9.3. (teaching break)
- 16.3. Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki): Polarisation observations of an infrared dark cloud
- 23.3. Rudy Wijnands (University of Amsterdam): Probing dense matter physics using the cooling of accretion-heated neutron-star crusts
- 28.3. Lankeswar Dey (University of Turku): Calculating hereditary contribution to gravitational radiation from eccentric binary black hole in blazar OJ287
- 30.3. (good Friday)
- 6.4 Antti Penttilä (University of Helsinki): Multiple scattering modeling pipeline for spectroscopy, polarimetry, and photometry
- 12.4 David Buckley (South African Astronomical Observatory): "Observing Transients at SAAO and SALT"
- 13.4 Florent Leclercq (Imperial College London): Bayesian large-scale structure inference, likelihood-based and likelihood-free approaches
- 20.4. Jukka Nevalainen (Tartu Observatory): Finding the missing baryons
- 27.4. Jussi Ahoranta (University of Helsinki): FUV Guided X-ray studies of WHIM: The evidence in the sight-line towards the quasar 3C273
- 4.5. Till Sawala (University of Helsinki): The next 8 billion years of the Local Group
- 11.5. (teaching break)
- 25.5. Kirsi Lehto (University of Turku): Current topics in astrobiology
- 8.6. Jesús Escobar-Cerezo (University of Helsinki): Light scattering: an experimental and computational study of a lunar regolith analog
- 15.6. Guilhem Lavaux (IA Paris): Non-linear bayesian inference of cosmic fields in SDSS3 and 2M++ and their applications to nearby cosmology
- 20.6. Thorsten Naab (MPA Garching): High resolution galaxy evolution simulations with feedback from individual stars
Past Program Autumn 2017
- 22.8. Stefano Borgani (INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste): Understanding Galaxy Clusters with Simulations
- 1.9. Joop Schaye (University of Leiden): Simulating the formation of galaxies
- 8.9. Christopher Haines (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera): VIPERS: The decline and fall of the most massive star-forming galaxies since z~1
- 15.9. Klaudia Kowalczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw): Modelling dwarf spheroidals with Schwarzschild methods
- 29.9. Urs Ganse (University of Helsinki): Vlasiator: Simulating the entire Earth's Magnetosphere in Kinetic Physics
- 6.10. Jorma Sakari Harju and Kimmo Lehtinen (University of Helsinki): Asteroid occultations of radio galaxies
- 13.10. Lucile Turc (University of Helsinki): The outer regions of the near-Earth's space and their role during solar storms
- 20.10. Joonas Nättilä (University of Turku): Probing the nuclear physics of neutron stars with astrophysics
- 24.10. Roberto De Propris (University of Turku): The New Bulge
- 27.10. Lauri Siltala (University of Helsinki): Asteroid mass estimation with Markov-chain Monte Carlo
- 2.11. Mordecai Mark Mac Low (Columbia University): Formation and Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds: Gravity or Turbulence?
- 10.11. Lasse Liljedahl (University of Helsinki): The Effects of Supernova Feedback on Disk Galaxy Formation
- 17.11. Joachim Janz (University of Oulu/ FINCA): On the mass-size diagram of early-type galaxies and clues about the origins of low-mass early types
and Begoña Ascaso (Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie, Paris): Cluster cosmology with Euclid, LSST and J-PAS - 24.11. Antti Rantala (University of Helsinki): Scouring the core of the early-type galaxy NGC 1600 with a supermassive black hole binary
- 8.12. Laura Zschaechner (Helsinki / FINCA): Gas Flows in Galaxies Part I: Emerging Observations and Modeling of Extra-planar Atomic and Molecular Gas in Nearby Galaxies
- 15.12. Anni Järvenpää (University of Helsinki): Mass Estimates of the Local Group
Past Program Spring 2017
- 27.1. Jimit Sanghvi (University of Turku):Evolution of low-mass quasars and environments of QSO pairs
- 3.2. Guilhem Lavaux (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris): Cosmology with the Nearby Universe through full statistical reconstruction of wide galaxy surveys
- 10.2. Ronald Läsker (University of Turku): New aspects of the Black Hole scaling relations
- 17.2. Mikael Granvik (University of Helsinki): Near-Earth asteroids: from sources to sinks
- 24.2. David Martinez-Delgado (ARI Heidelberg): Stellar Tidal Streams in the halos of nearby spiral galaxies
- 3.3. Akke Viitanen (University of Helsinki): The Clustering of Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS field
- 17.3. Minna Myllys (University of Helsinki): Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Efficiency and Polar Cap Potential Saturation
- 24.3. Pauli Pihajoki (University of Helsinki): Ray-tracing and polarized radiative transfer in General Relativity
- 31.3. Teemu Willamo (University of Helsinki): Magnetic activity of V889 Herculis
- 7.4. Peter Johansson (University of Helsinki): Rapid formation of supermassive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies
- 21.4. Lucien Kuiper (SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research): The high-energy twilight zone of magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars
- 28.4. Claudia Maraston (University of Portsmouth): Stellar population models: from galaxy formation to cosmology
- 5.5. Wara Chamani (Aalto University): Turbulent gas accretion between supermassive black holes and star-forming rings in the circumnuclear disk
- 12.5. Olivier Ilbert (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille): Galaxy stellar mass assembly from deep imaging surveys
- 2.6. Lauri Jetsu (University of Helsinki): General Model for Light Curves of Chromospherically Active Binary Stars
- 19.6. Xiaoyan Zhou (Earth, Planetary and Space Science, University of California, Los Angeles): Effects of Interplanetary Shocks on the Lunar Wake
Past Program Autumn 2016
- 9.9 Joonas Herranen (University of Helsinki): Dynamics of Interstellar Dust Particles in Electromagnetic Radiation Fields
- 16.9 Timo Väisänen (University of Helsinki): Towards a new kind of radiative transfer
- 23.9 Chris Collins (Liverpool John Moores University, UK): The properties and evolution of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
- 30.9 Maria Gritsevich (University of Helsinki): The recovery of the Annama meteorite and the Finnish Fireball Network
- 7.10 Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki): Graphic details of interstellar medium
- 14.10 Till Sawala (University of Helsinki): Shaken and Stirred: The Milky Way's Dark Substructures
- 21.10 Mike West (Lowell Observatory): Galaxy Birth, Death and Reincarnation
- 28.10 Mika Saajasto (University of Helsinki): Correlation of gas dynamics and dust in the Herschel field G82.65-02.00
- 4.11 Jorma Harju (University of Helsinki): Nuclear spin ratios as clues to the origin of deuterated ammonia in dense interstellar clouds
- 11.11 Ghassem Gozaliasl (University of Helsinki): Evolution of the central galaxies in X-ray galaxy groups over 9 billion years
- 18.11 Thomas Hackman (University of Helsinki): Observing Stellar Dynamos in Action
- 25.11 Antti Rantala (University of Helsinki): KETJU: Post-Newtonian supermassive black hole dynamics in galaxy simulations
- 2.12 Natalia Lahén (University of Helsinki): Simulating the fate of the Antennae galaxies
- 9.12 Antti Penttilä (University of Helsinki): Asteroid phase curve analysis with the H,G1,G2 photometric phase function
- 16.12 Viola Allevato (University of Helsinki): Clustering properties of AGN at different redshifts, scales and luminosities
- 20.12 Extraordinary Seminar Evgeniya Petrova (Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia): Texture of Chelyabinsk LL5 meteorite
Past Program Spring 2016
- 11.1 Extraordinary Seminar Daniel Mackowski (Auburn University, Alabama): Electromagnetic scattering by discretely inhomogeneous, plane parallel media: direct simulation strategies using high performance computing
- 15.1 Extraordinary Seminar Bryce Bolin (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, France): Identifying asteroid family Yarkovsky V-shape
- 22.1 Jyri Lehtinen (University of Helsinki): Activity of young solar-type stars
- 29.1 Violeta Gonzalez (University of Durham): Issues with making galaxies in the computer relatively fast
- 5.2 Pauli Pihajoki (University of Helsinki): Black hole accretion disc impacts
- 12.2 Graham Smith (University of Birmingham, UK): Weak-lensing mass calibration of LoCuSS galaxy clusters and implications for "Planck Cosmology"
- 19.2 Mikael Granvik (University of Helsinki): Super-catastrophic disruption of asteroids at small perihelion distances
- 26.2 Peter Johansson (University of Helsinki): The formation of the first supermasssive black holes in the Universe
- 4.3 Johannes Markkanen (University of Helsinki): Fast solution for electromagnetic scattering by multiple targets
- 11.3 Teaching Break
- 18.3 Tomas Kohout (University of Helsinki): ASPECT CubeSat mission to a binary asteroid Didymos
- 25.3 Easter Break
- 1.4 Lauri Jetsu (University of Helsinki): Shifting Milestones of Natural Sciences: The Ancient Egyptian Discovery of Algol’s Period Confirmed
- 8.4 Elisabetta Micelotta (University of Helsinki): Dust Destruction by the Reverse Shock in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant
- 15.4 Lauri Siltala (University of Helsinki): Asteroid mass estimation using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques
- 22.4 Guilhem Lavaux (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris): New statistical methods in the analysis of the dynamics of Large Scale Structures
- 29.4 Julien Moreau (University of Helsinki): Shock-darkening in ordinary chondrites: Insight to numerical modelling and what it can tell us
- 6.5 Ascension Day Break
- 13.5 Jesús Escobar-Cerezo (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain): Light scattered by dust particles in the solar system: an experimental and computational approach
- 1.6 Noelia Jimenez (University of St. Andrews, UK): Why galaxies care about Supernovae Type Ia?
- 3.6 Deborah Domingue Lorin (Planetary Science Institute, Tucson): Photometry of Mercury's surface: Perspectives from the Camera and Spectrometer on Board MESSENGER
Past Program Autumn 2015
- 4.9 Craig Sarazin (University of Virginia): Mergers, Shocks, and the Dynamical State of Clusters of Galaxies
- 11.9 Jussi Väliviita (University of Helsinki): Does dark energy decay to dark matter?
- 16.9 Extraordinary Seminar Seshadri Nadathur (University of Helsinki): The nature of voids: simulations, theory, and use in cosmology
- 18.9 Astronomy Seminar moved to 16.10
- 25.9 Seppo Mikkola (University of Turku): Regularisation of Few-Body Dynamics
- 2.10 Takayuki Tamura( ISAS/JAXA, Japan): X-ray spectroscopy of galaxy clusters with Suzaku and future ASTRO-H
- 9.10 Bo Reipurth (University of Hawaii): The Dynamical Evolution of Newborn Triple Systems
- 16.10 Karri Muinonen (University of Helsinki): Asteroid light curve inversion with Lommel-Seeliger ellipsoids
- 23.10 Adam Muzzin (University of Cambridge): The Formation of Galaxy Clusters and the Evolution of Their Galaxies at 0 < z < 2
- 30.10 No Astronomy Seminar
- 6.11 Nigul Olspert (Aalto University): Time series analysis of solar and stellar data. Case study: young solar analogue LQ Hya
- 13.11 Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki): Dust in the Milky Way
- 20.11 Brian Mazur (University of Toledo): Star Formation in Orion: Wide, Young Binaries
- 27.11 Mika Saajasto (University of Helsinki): Studentships at the Nordic Optical Telescope
- 4.12 Till Sawala (University of Helsinki): The APOSTLE simulations: solutions to the Local Group's cosmic puzzles
- 8.12 Extraordinary seminar Massimiliano Bonamente: Detection of a possible WHIM filament towards PG 1116+215 with Chandra and HST
- 11.12 Joonas Uusitalo (University of Helsinki): The AD 775 radiocarbon anomaly - Caused by a solar flare
Past Program Spring 2015
- 16.1 Olli Wilkman: Lightcurve simulations for non-convex asteroids
- 23.1 Aleksi Vuorinen: Constraining neutron star matter with QCD
- 30.1 John Regan: Simulations of the Universe
- 6.2 Elizabeth Cole: Magnetic Activity of LQ Hya
- 13.2 Ghassam Gozaliasl: Evolution of the central galaxies in X-ray galaxy groups
- 20.2 Talvikki Hovatta (Metsähovi Radio Observatory): Magnetic fields in blazar jets
- 26.2 Extraordinary Seminar Martin Pessah: On the Dynamics of Helium in the Dilute Intracluster Medium
- 27.2 Ronan Rochford: DYMPHNA3D: An introduction into the world of Pulsars
- 6.3 Teaching Break
- 20.3 Jussi Väliviita: Planck satellite and its cosmology results CANCELLED
- 26.3 Extraordinary Seminar Till Sawala: Local Group Galaxies Emerge from the Dark
- 27.3 Sebastien Muller: PKS1830-211: the molecular absorption at z=0.89 and the background blazar
- 3.4 Easter Break
- 10.4 Jussi Ahoranta: High resolution X-ray analysis of ICM at core regions of NGC 4636 galaxy group
- 17.4 Erika Palmerio: Fine Structures in Coronal Mass Ejection-driven Sheath Regions
- 24.4 Natalia Lahén: Equal-mass Galaxy Mergers: Initial Conditions and Subresolution Astrophysics
- 29.4 Daniel Mege: The Planetary Highland Terrain Hopper: An all-terrain fractionated Solar System explorer
- 12.6 Extraordinary Seminar Dagmara Oszkiewicz: Traces of differentiation in the Flora region
Past Program Autumn 2014
- 9.9 Ciro Pinto: Turbulence in clusters of galaxies as revealed by X-ray spectroscopy
- 12.9 Felicia Ziparo: The role of the environment in the evolution of star formation
- 17.9 Karel Nel: Drawing the Unimaginable, COSMOS
- 19.9 Mika Juvela: Star forming clouds in the Milky Way - observations from near-infrared to millimetre wavelengths.
- 26.9 Thomas Hackman: Stellar spot activity - methods and results
- 3.10 Jan Snellman: Relaxation-type second-order closure models in astrophysical hydrodynamics
- 10.10 Clif Kirkpatrick: Hot Outflows in Galaxy Clusters
- 17.10 Julia Martikainen: Meteorite spectrometry using the University of Helsinki Vis-SWIR spectrometer
- 31.10 Simon Karl: Accurate dynamics around supermassive black holes with the hybrid tree-code "rVine"
- 4.11 Petri Väisänen (note Tuesday): SUNBIRD/SALT: Young massive star clusters and superwinds in strongly star-forming galaxies
- 14.11 Pauli Pihajoki: Simulating the orbital dynamics of multiple black hole systems
- 21.11 Kimmo Kettula: Weak lensing mass calibration of galaxy groups and low mass clusters in the COSMOS and CFHTLS fields
- 28.11 Karri Muinonen: Coherent Backscattering by Particulate Media of Nonspherical Particles
- 5.12 No Seminar: Graduate school event
- 12.12 Olli Sipilä: H2D+ observations give an age of at least one million years for a cloud core forming Sun-like stars
Past Program Spring 2014
- 17.1 Anton Baushev: The real and apparent convergence of N-body simulations of the dark matter structures: is the Navarro-Frenk-White profile real?
- 24.1 John Regan: Danger! Simulating the Collapse of Early Massive Black Holes.
- 31.1 Anne Virkki: Planetary radar research at the Arecibo Observatory
- 7.2 Grigori Fedorets: Spin and shape analyses for the slowly rotating asteroid (39420) 2084 T-2
- 14.2 Mika Juvela: C3PO strikes back - progress report on the project Galactic Cold Cores
- 21.2 Jyri Lehtinen: Time series observations of active stars
- 28.2 Mika Saajasto: Probing the properties of interstellar dust with infrared light scattering
- 7.3 Extraordinary Seminar Alberto Cellino: Physical properties of Asteroids
- 14.3 Murray Brightman: Compton thick AGN in the distant Universe
- 21.3 Antti Rantala: Cosmological Zoom-in Initial Conditions and the Formation of Galaxies
- 28.3 Artem Kupri: Strong lensing as a test of the vacuum energy density in the Lambda-CDM model
- 4.4 Kimmo Kiiveri: Simulating Planck data - CMB timeline-to-map Monte Carlo simulations and beam window functions
- 11.4 Johanna Malinen: Interstellar medium and initial stages of star formation: comparing simulations and observations
- 18.4 Easter break --No seminar
- 25.4 Jussi Aaltonen: Searching for dark matter in clusters of galaxies
- 30.4 Bodo Ziegler: The busy life of the cluster complex RXJ1347-11
Past Program Autumn 2013
- 6.9 Peter Johansson: Modelling supermassive black holes in galaxy simulations
- 13.9 Jorma Harju: Observations and models of the evolution of prestellar cores
- 20.9 Kimmo Kettula: Weak lensing calibration of scaling relations in galaxy groups.
- 27.9 Oskari Miettinen: A MALT90 study of the chemical properties of massive IRDC clumps
- 4.10 Jörn Warnecke: Bipolar magnetic structures driven by stratified turbulence with a coronal envelope
- 11.10 Emilia Järvelä: Multifrequency study of radio-loud Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: A search for spirals launching relativistic jets
- 18.10 Ghassem Gozaliasl: Evolution of the luminosity gap in X-ray galaxy groups from CFHTLS-XMM field
- 25.10 Bidya Binay Karak: Role of meridional circulation in modeling the solar cycle using the flux transport dynamo model
- 1.11 Lauri Jetsu: Did the ancient egyptians record the period of the eclipsing binary Algol - The raging one?
- 8.11 Emily Freeland: Intergalactic Gas in Groups of Galaxies: Implications for Dwarf Spheroidal Formation and The Missing Baryons Problem
- 15.11 Anne Lähteenmäki: Multifrequency studies of active galactic nuclei
- 22.11 Mikael Granvik: Life and death of the Chelyabinsk asteroid
- 29.11 Karri Muinonen: Gaia - an ultraprecise survey of our Galaxy
- 6.12 Finnish Independence Day -- No seminar
- 13.12 Miikka Väisälä: High-resolution ammonia mapping of the very young protostellar core Chamaeleon-MMS1
- 18.12 Tom Millar: Complex Molecule Formation in Protoplanetary Disks
Past Program Spring 2013
- 18.1 Petri Käpylä: United approach to investigating stellar magnetic activity
- 25.1 Francesco Miniati: Generation of Magnetic Field in Cosmic Structure
- 1.2 Lauri Haikala: The European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT)
- 7.2 Alana Rivera: Searching for Clues in High-Mass Star Formation (Note Thursday)
- 15.2 Mikael Granvik: Constraints for the formation and evolution of planetary systems with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
- 22.2 Shinsuke Abe: Hayabusa-2; Sample return mission of a C-type asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3
- 28.2 Patricia Spinelli: Weak lensing analysis of galaxy systems (Note Thursday)
- 7.3 Masayuki Tanaka: High redshift groups of galaxies (Note Thursday)
- 8.3 Eva Schinnerer: The relation between ISM and star formation on cloud-scales - New insights from the Whirlpool galaxy
- 22.3 Olli Sipilä: HD depletion in starless cores
- 26.3 Toshifumi Futamase: A new approximation for the non-linear DM power spectrum beyond BAO scales (Note Tuesday)
- 29.3 Easter break --No seminar
- 5.4 Sébastien Comerón: A deeper look on thick discs using data from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G)
- 12.4 Hanna Pentikäinen: Laboratory spectrometry of meteorite samples at visible to near-infrared wavelengths
- 19.4 Kyösti Ryynänen: Life out of chaos
- 26.4 Viola Allevato: Halo occupation of X-ray AGN in the COSMOS field
- 3.5 Shaun Hotchkiss: The (misbehaving) integrated Sachs Wolfe effect from "superstructures"
Past Program: Autumn 2012
- 7.9 Maarit Mantere: Solar and stellar cycles: observations and MHD modelling
- 14.9 Heidi Yli-Kankahila: Formation of Early-type Galaxies through mergers of gas-rich disk galaxies
- 21.9 Elizabeth Cole: Doppler Imaging of LQ Hydrae
- 28.9 Karri Muinonen: Scattering of electromagnetic waves by Solar System objects: from the first principles to the new asteroid magnitude system
- 5.10 Olli Wilkman: Asteroid lightcurve phase shift from rough-surface shadowing
- 12.10 Mika Juvela: Update on the project Galactic Cold Cores
- 19.10 John Regan: Simulations of the Formation and Evolution of Super Massive Black Holes
- 26.10 Teaching break -- No seminar
- 1.11 Alexis Finoguenov: COnstrain Dark Energy with X-ray (CODEX) clusters. Colloqium talk, note the unsual time.
- 9.11 Minja Mäkelä: Structure and star formation in cometary globules: NIR observations of CG1 and CG2
- 16.11 Jorma Harju: Observational tests for the chemistry and dynamical evolution of prestellar cores
- 23.11 Tuomas Lunttila: Radiative transfer modelling of interstellar clouds
- 30.11 Andi Hektor: Dark side of the Universe: enlightenment through gamma-rays
- 7.12 Thursday (6.12) is Finnish Independence Day -- No seminar
- 14.12 Ghassem Gozaliasl: Understanding the evolution of structure in the Universe with help of galaxy groups
Past Program: Spring 2012
- 16.1 Karri Muinonen: Asteroid orbital inversion using a virtual-observation Markov-chain Monte Carlo method
- 20.1 Maarit Mantere: "Alternative interpretation of starspots"
- 23.1 Hannakaisa Lindqvist: Stereophotogrammetry: a new way of modeling light scattering by mineral dust
- 27.1 Mika Juvela: "Herschel observations of cold interstellar clouds detected by Planck"
- 30.1 Mikael Granvik: Building near-Earth-object population models with data from CSS and NEOSSat
- 3.2 Julien Montillaud: "Between molecules and solid state: Interstellar PAHs and Very Small Grains"
- 6.2 Tomas Kohout: Magnetic susceptibility meter for asteroid regolith composition studies
- 10.2 Matts Roos: "Some recent astrophysics issues"
- 13.2 Victor Solea: An MC-MC approach to periodicity determination of variable stars
- 17.2 Thomas Hackman: "Stellar spot activity - some recent results"
- 24.2 Roberto De Propris: "Galaxy Mergers"
- 27.2 Lauri Pesonen: Meteorite Impact Cratering - Geophysical Aspects
- 2.3 Oskari Miettinen: "Infrared dark clouds - A case study of the filamentary IRDC G304.74+01.32"
- 5.3 Dagmara Oszkiewicz: Differentiated asteroid families - the missing link to the history of our Solar System
- 9.3 Teaching break -- No seminar
- 12.3 Jani Tyynelä: Applicability of the Rayleigh-Gans approximation for snowflakes at microwave frequencies
- 16.3 Jan Snellman: Some new results on hydrodynamical closure models
- 19.3 Anne Virkki: Circular polarization ratio for aggregates of spherical particles
- 23.3 Olli Sipilä: Chemical and physical modeling of prestellar cores
- 29.3. Mark Rawlings: "The current status of ALMA" (13:15 in D116)
- 30.3 Tuomas Lunttila: "Dust radiative transfer using hierarchical grids"
- 6.4 Easter break: No seminar
- 13.4 Paula Kyyrö: "The density profile and fragmentation of Taurus Molecular Cloud-1"
- 16.4 Evgenij Zubko: Light scattering by cometary dust: Large-particle contribution
- 20.4 Anna Parikka: "The physical and chemical state of cold dust cores mapped with Herschel"
- 23.4 Maria Gritsevich: How to catch a shooting star: Fireballs producing meteorites
- 27.4 Victor Solea: "Long-term photometric analysis of a chromospherically active variable star"
- 4.5 Hannu Kurki-Suonio: "Euclid - the next cosmology mission"
- 30.5. Douglas Whittet: "Methanol in interstellar ices"
- 30.5 Emily Hardegree-Ullman: "Chemical and Physical Conditions of the core SL42 in the Corona Australis Molecular Cloud"
- 1.6. Thorsten Naab: "Modelling the Antennae Galaxies"