Wiki source code of Astrophysics journal club

Last modified by phjohans@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/26 07:24

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1 [[image:attach:solarsystem1.jpg]] [[image:attach:galacticcenter_greatobs_big_lowres.jpg]] [[image:attach:andromeda.jpg]]
4 **Summary:**
5 This is the homepage of the of the weekly Astrophysics journal club at the Division of Particle physics and astrophysics at the University of Helsinki. The meetings are of an unofficial nature and the main driver is to get together and discuss recent interesting papers. This meeting differs from the Seminar series in that people are not expected to talk about their own research and in that no credits will be awarded to students. The meetings are open to everyone and the aim is to stimulate discussion about recent results and provide the possibility to
 learn about research that is not necessarily connected to one's own field of expertise.
7 All topics are welcome ranging from planetary science to larger scales involving stellar
 astrophysics, Milky Way studies, galaxies and cosmology.
8 The only requirement is that the
 presented papers should be interesting to a wider audience and that they should be presented 
in such a way that also a non-expert can follow the presentation. In the meetings we discuss one paper each week for about 45 minutes.
 All meetings are in English.
10 **Location:** (% style="color: rgb(255,0,0);" %)**In the Spring semester 2021 the Journal club will be organised remotely on Zoom**(%%)
11 **Normal location:** Conference room C310 on the third floor.
13 **Time:** Thursdays at 10.15-11.00am during term time.
15 **Speakers:** Please contact **Peter Johansson **or** Mikael Granvik **if you want to present a paper.
17 **Present Program:** (% style="color: rgb(255,0,0);" %)**The next talk will be on the 9th of December - Organised remotely on Zoom**(%%)**
18 **
20 Presenter: **Peter Johansson **
21 Paper title: No need for dark matter: resolved kinematics of the ultra-diffuse galaxy AGC 114905
22 Authors: Mancera Piña, P. E, et al.
23 References: [[2021, MNRAS in press, ArXiv: 2112.00017>>url:||shape="rect"]]
25 **Abstract: **We present new HI interferometric observations of the gas-rich ultra-diffuse galaxy AGC 114905, which previous work, based on low-resolution data, identified as an outlier of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation. The new observations, at a spatial resolution $\sim 2.5$ times higher than before, reveal a regular HI disc rotating at about 23 km/s. Our kinematic parameters, recovered with a robust 3D kinematic modelling fitting technique, show that the flat part of the rotation curve is reached. Intriguingly, the rotation curve can be explained almost entirely by the baryonic mass distribution alone. We show that a standard cold dark matter halo that follows the concentration-halo mass relation fails to reproduce the amplitude of the rotation curve by a large margin. Only a halo with an extremely (and arguably unfeasible) low concentration reaches agreement with the data. We also find that the rotation curve of AGC 114905 deviates strongly from the predictions of Modified Newtonian dynamics. The inclination of the galaxy, which is measured independently from our modelling, remains the largest uncertainty in our analysis, but the associated errors are not large enough to reconcile the galaxy with the expectations of cold dark matter or Modified Newtonian dynamics.
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28 **Present program:**
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32 **Past program:**
34 **Autumn 2021:**
36 * 09.12.2021 Peter Johansson: [[Mancera Piña, P. E, et al., 2021, MNRAS in press, ArXiv: 2112.00017: "No need for dark matter: resolved kinematics of the ultra-diffuse galaxy AGC 114905">>url:||shape="rect"]]
37 * 25.11.2021 Till Sawala: [[Müller, O., et al., 2021, A&A submitted, ArXiv: 2111.10306: "The Cen A galaxy group: dynamical mass and missing baryons">>url:||shape="rect"]]
38 * 04.11.2021 Mikael Granvik: [[Cambioni, S. et al., 2021, Nature, 598, 49: "Fine-regolith production on asteroids controlled by rock porosity">>url:||shape="rect"]]
39 * 21.10.2021 Thomas Hackman: [[Pope, B.J.S. et al., 2021, ApJL in press, ArXiv: 2110.04759: "The TESS View of LOFAR Radio-Emitting Stars">>url:||shape="rect"]]
40 * 14.10.2021 Shihong Liao: [[Martin-Navarro, I. et al., 2021, Nature, 594, 187: "Anisotropic satellite galaxy quenching modulated by black hole activity">>url:||shape="rect"]]
41 * 30.09.2021 Peter Johansson: [[Wilkins, D.R. et al., 2021, Nature, 595, 657: "Light bending and X-ray echoes from behind a supermassive black hole">>url:||shape="rect"]]
42 * 23.09.2021 Alexander Rawlings: [[van de Sande, J. et al., 2021, MNRAS in press, ArXiv: 2109.06189: "The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Mass and Environment as Independent Drivers of Galaxy Dynamics">>url:||shape="rect"]]
44 **Spring 2021:
45 **
47 * 22.04.2021 Akke Viitanen: [[Predehl, P., Sunyaev, R.A., Becker, W. et al., 2020, Nature, 588, 227: "Detection of large-scale X-ray bubbles in the Milky Way halo">>url:||shape="rect"]]
48 * 15.04.2021 Karri Muinonen: [[Bagnulo, S., Cellino, A., Kolokolova, L. et al., 2021, Nature Communcations, 12, 1797: "Unusual polarimetric properties for interstellar comet 2I/Borisov">>url:||shape="rect"]]
49 * 08.04.2021 Matias Mannerkoski: [[Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 2021, ApJL, 910, L13: "First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VIII. Magnetic Field Structure near The Event Horizon">>url:||shape="rect"]]
50 * 25.03.2021 Alexander Rawlings: [[Vitral, E. & Mamon, G.A., 2021, A&A, 646, A63: "Does NGC 6397 contain an intermediate-mass black hole or a more diffuse inner subcluster?">>url:||shape="rect"]]
51 * 18.03.2021 Peter Johansson: [[Kretschmer, M., Dekel, A., Teyssier, R. , 2021, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 2103.06882: "On the origin of surprisingly cold gas discs in galaxies at high redshift">>url:||shape="rect"]]
52 * 04.03.2021 Stuart McAlpine: [[Miki, Y., Mori, M., Kawaguchi, T., 2021, Nature Astronomy, Advance Online publication, ArXiv: 2012.05700: "Destruction of the central black hole gas reservoir through head-on galaxy collisions">>url:||shape="rect"]]
53 * 25.02.2021 Shihong Liao: [[Lelli, F., et al., 2021, Science, 371, 713: "A massive stellar bulge in a regularly rotating galaxy 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang">>url:||shape="rect"]]  [[Link to ArXiv version>>url:||shape="rect"]]
54 * 18.02.2021 Till Sawala: [[Mukherjee, S., Lavaux, G. et al., 2021, A&A, 646, 65: "Velocity correction for Hubble constant measurements from standard sirens">>url:||shape="rect"]]
55 * 04.02.2021 Mikael Granvik: [[O'Rourke, L. et al., 2020, Nature, 586, 697: "The Philae lander reveals low-strength primitive ice inside cometary boulders">>url:||shape="rect"]]
56 * 28.01.2021 Thomas Hackman: [[Lehtinen, J. et al., 2021, Nature Astronomy, 4, 658: "Common dynamo scaling in slowly rotating young and evolved stars">>url:||shape="rect"]]
57 * 21.01.2021 Peter Johansson: [[The NANOGrav collaboration: Arzoumanian, Z. et al., 2021, ApJ submitted, ArXiv: 2101.02716: "The NANOGrav 11yr Data Set: Limits on Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Galaxies within 500Mpc">>url:||shape="rect"]]
59 **Spring 2020:**
61 * 30.04.2020 Natalia Lahén: [[Milone, A.P., Marino, A.F., Da Costa, G.S. et al., 2020, MNRAS, 491, 515: "Multiple populations in globular clusters and their parent galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
62 * 23.04.2020 Akke Viitanen: [[Shirasaki, Y., Akiyama, M., Toba, Y. et al., 2020, PASJ accepted, ArXiv: 2004.05888: "Properties of the environment around AGN and luminous galaxy pairs through HSC wide survey">>url:||shape="rect"]]
63 * 16.04.2020 Mika Juvela: [[Baek, G., MacFarlane, B.A., Lee, J.-E. et al., 2020, ApJ Accepted, ArXiv: 2004.05600: "Radiative Transfer modeling of EC 53: An Episodically Accreting Class I Young Stellar Object">>url:||shape="rect"]]
64 * 02.04.2020 Teemu Willamo: [[Garg, S., Karak, B.B., Egeland, R. et al., 2019, ApJ, 886, 132: "Waldmeier Effect in Stellar Cycles">>url:||shape="rect"]]
65 * 26.03.2020 Peter Johansson: [[Salvador-Rusinol, N., Vazdekis, A. La Barbera, F. et al., 2020, Nature Astronomy in press, ArXiv: 1912.06700: "Sub one per cent mass fraction of young stars in red massive galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
66 * 12.03.2020 Matias Mannerkoski: [[Chatterjee, K., Younsi, Z., Liska, M. et al., 2020, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv:2002.08386: "Observational signatures of disk and jet misalignment in images of accreting black holes">>url:||shape="rect"]]
67 * 05.03.2020 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Arras, P., Frank, P., Haim, P. et al., 2020, Submitted, ArXiv:2002.05218: "The variable shadow of M87*">>url:||shape="rect"]]
68 * 20.02.2020 Mikael Granvik: [[Wiegert, P., Brown, P., Pokorny, P. et al., 2020, AJ accepted, ArXiv: 2001.09839: "Supercatastrophic disruption of asteroids in the context of SOHO comet, fireball and meteor observations">>url:||shape="rect"]]
69 * (% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %)13.02.2020 Thomas Hackman: Moschou, S., Drake, J.J., Cohen, O. et al., 2019, ApJ, 877, 105: "The Stellar CME-Flare Relation: What Do Historic Observations Reveal?"
70 * 06.02.2020 Stuart McAlpine: [[Riley, A.H. & Strigari, L.E., 2020, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 2001.11564: "Snakes on a Plane: do Milky Way stellar streams and globular clusters align in a Vast Polar Structure?">>url:||shape="rect"]]
71 * 30.01.2020 Peter Johansson:  [[Ciurlo, A., Campbell, R.D., Morris, M.R. et al., 2020, Nature, 577, 337: "A population of dust-enshrouded objects orbiting the Galactic black hole">>url:||shape="rect"]]
73 **Autumn 2019:
74 **
76 * 12.12.2019 Akke Viitanen: [[Shankar, F., Allevato, V., Bernardi, M. et al., 2019, Nature Astronomy in press, ArXiv: 1910.10175: "Constraining black hole-galaxy scaling relations from the large-scale clustering of Active Galactic Nuclei and implied mean radiative efficiency">>url:||shape="rect"]]
77 * 05.12.2019 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Colin, J., Mohayaee, R. Rameez, M., Sarkar, S., 2019, A&A, 631, 13: "Evidence for anisotropy of cosmic acceleration">>url:||shape="rect"]]
78 * 21.11.2019 Till Sawala: [[Di Valentino, E., Melchiorri, A., Silk, J., 2019, Nature Astronomy, in press, ArXiv: 1911.02087: "Planck evidence for a closed Universe and a possible crisis for cosmology">>url:||shape="rect"]]
79 * 07.11.2019 Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[Rennehan, D., Babul, A., Hayward, C.C. et al., 2019, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 1907.00977: "Rapid early coeval star formation and assembly of the most massive galaxies in the Universe">>url:||shape="rect"]]
80 * 31.10.2019 Mikael Granvik: [[Guzik, P., Drahus, M., Rusek, K. et al., 2019, Nature Astronomy in press: "Initial characterization of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov">>url:||shape="rect"]]
81 * 31.10.2019 Mikael Granvik: [[Jewitt, D. & Luu, J., 2019, ApJ submitted, ArXiv: 1910.02547: "Initial characterization of interstellar comet 2I/2019 Q4 (Borisov)">>url:||shape="rect"]]
82 * 24.10.2019 Peter Johansson: [[Mayor, M. & Queloz, D., 1995, Nature, 378, 355: "A Jupiter-mass companion to a solar-type star">>url:||shape="rect"]]
83 * 17.10.2019 Peter Johansson: [[Peebles, J., "Nobel Prize in Physics 2019">>url:||shape="rect"]]
84 * 10.10.2019 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Gu, L., Akamatsu, H., Shimwell, T.W. et al., 2019, Nature Astronomy, 3, 838: "Observations of a pre-merger shock in colliding clusters of galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
85 * 03.10.2019 Matias Mannerkoski: [[Katz, M.L., Kelley, Luke Z., Dosopoulou, et al., 2019, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv:1908.05779: "Probing Massive Black Hole Binary Populations with LISA">>url:||shape="rect"]]
86 * 26.09.2019 Mikael Granvik: [[Liu, S.-F., Hori, Y.; Müller, S., et al., 2019, Nature, 572, 355: "The formation of Jupiter's diluted core by a giant impact">>url:||shape="rect"]]
87 * 12.09.2019 Stuart McAlpine: [[Sales, L.V. et al., 2019, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 1909.01347: "The Formation of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies in Clusters">>url:||shape="rect"]]
88 * 05.09.2019 Peter Johansson: [[Wang, T., Schreiber, C. Elbaz, D. et al., 2019, Nature, 572, 211: "A dominant population of optically invisible massive galaxies in the early Universe">>url:||shape="rect"]]
90 **Spring 2019:
91 **
93 * 02.05.2019 Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[Rhee, J., Smith, R., Choi, H. et al., 2017, ApJ, 843, 128: "Phase-space Analysis in the Group and Cluster Environment: Time Since Infall and Tidal Mass Loss">>url:||shape="rect"]]
94 * 25.04.2019 Mikael Granvik: [[Lauretta, D. S.; Dellagiustina, D. N.; Bennett, C. A. et al., 2019, Nature, 568, 55: "The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu">>url:||shape="rect"]]
95 * 11.04.2019  Peter Johansson, Pauli Pihajoki & Matias Mannerkoski: [[Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 2019, ApJL, 875, 1: "First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole">>url:||shape="rect"]]
96 * 28.03.2019  Till Sawala: [[Riess, A.G., Casertano, S., Yuan, W., Macri, L.M., Scolnic, D., 2019, ApJ submitted, ArXiv:1903.07603: "Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheid Standards Provide a 1% Foundation for the Determination of the Hubble Constant and Stronger Evidence for Physics Beyond LambdaCDM">>url:||shape="rect"]]
97 * 21.03.2019 Thomas Hackman: [[Roettenbacher, R. M., Monnier, J. D., Korhonen, H. et al., 2016, Nature, 533, 271: "No Sun-like dynamo on the active star ζ Andromedae from starspot asymmetry">>url:||shape="rect"]]
98 * 14.03.2019 Elisabetta Micelotta: [[Pabst, C., Higgins, R., Goicoechea, J. R. et al., 2019, Nature, 565, 618: "Disruption of the Orion molecular core 1 by wind from the massive star θ^^1^^ Orionis C">>url:||shape="rect"]]
99 * 28.02.2019 Till Sawala: [[Wise, J.H., Regan J.A., O'Shea, B.W. et al., 2019, Nature, 566, 85: "Formation of massive black holes in rapidly growing pre-galactic gas clouds">>url:||shape="rect"]]
100 * 21.02.2019 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Sereno, M., Giocoli, C., Izzo, L. et al., 2019, Nature Astronomy, 2, 744: "Gravitational lensing detection of an extremely dense environment around a galaxy cluster">>url:||shape="rect"]]
101 * 14.02.2019 Stuart McAlpine: [[Hausammann, L., Revaz, Y., Jablonka, P., 2019, A&A in press, ArXiv:1902.02340: "Satellite dwarf Galaxies: Stripped but not quenched">>url:||shape="rect"]]
102 * 31.01.2019 Peter Johansson: [[Gravity collaboration; Sturm, E., Dexter, J., Pfuhl, O. et al., 2018, Nature, 563, 657: "Spatially resolved rotation of the broad-line region of a quasar at sub-parsec scale">>url:||shape="rect"]]
104 **
105 Autumn 2018:**\\
107 * 13.12.2018 Stuart McAlpine: [[Koss, M.J., Blecha, L., Bernhard, P. et al., 2018, Nature, 563, 214: "A population of luminous accreting black holes with hidden mergers">>url:||shape="rect"]]
108 * 29.11.2018 Mika Juvela: [[Padovani, M. & Galli, D., 2018, A&A in press, ArXiv: 1811.09698: "Synchrotron emission in molecular cloud cores: the SKA view">>url:||shape="rect"]]
109 * 22.11.2018 Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[Legrand, L., McCracken, H.J., Davidzon, I. et al., 2018, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv:1810.10557: "The COSMOS-UltraVISTA stellar-to-halo mass relationship: new insights on galaxy formation efficiency out to z=5">>url:||shape="rect"]]
110 * 08.11.2018 Pauli Pihajoki: [[d’Ascoli, S., Noble, S.C., Bowen, D.B. et al., 2018, ApJ, 865, 140: "Electromagnetic Emission from Supermassive Binary Black Holes Approaching Merger">>url:||shape="rect"]]
111 * 01.11.2018 Peter Johansson: [[D'Souza, R. & Bell, E. F., 2018, Nature Astronomy, 2, 737: "The Andromeda galaxy's most important merger about 2 billion years ago as M32's likely progenitor">>url:||shape="rect"]]
112 * 18.10.2018 Laura Zschaechner: [[Franeck, A., Walch, S., Seifried, D. et al., 2018, MNRAS, 481, 4277: "Synthetic ~[C II~] emission maps of a simulated molecular cloud in formation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
113 * 11.10.2018 Stuart McAlpine: [[Cautun, M., Deason, A.J., Frenk, C.S., McAlpine, S., 2018, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv:1809.09116: "The aftermath of the Great Collision between our Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud">>url:||shape="rect"]]
114 * 04.10.2018 Mikael Granvik: [[Micheli, M., Farnocchia, D., Meech, K.J. et al., 2018, Nature, 558, 223: "Non-gravitational acceleration in the trajectory of 1I/2017 U1 ('Oumuamua)">>url:||shape="rect"]]
115 * 27.09.2018 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Hitomi collaboration, Aharonian, F.A. et al., 2018, PASJ, 70, 10: "Measurements of resonant scattering in the Perseus Cluster core with Hitomi SXS">>url:||shape="rect"]]
116 * 13.09.2018 Till Sawala: [[Bose, S., Deason, A.J., Frenk, C.S., 2018, ApJ, 863, 123: "The Imprint of Cosmic Reionization on the Luminosity Function of Galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
117 * 06.09.2018 Peter Johansson: [[GRAVITY collaboration, corresponding author F. Eisenhauer, 2018, A&A, 615, 15: "Detection of the gravitational redshift in the orbit of the star S2 near the Galactic centre massive black hole">>url:||shape="rect"]]
119 **
120 Spring 2018:**
122 * 03.05.2018 Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[Ragone-Figueroa, C., Granato, G. L., Ferraro, M. E. et al., 2018, MNRAS submitted, ArXiV: 1803.08049: "BCG Mass Evolution in Cosmological Hydro-Simulations">>url:||shape="rect"]]
123 * 26.04.2018 Mikael Granvik: [[Schwartz, S.R., Michel, P., Jutzi, M. et al., 2018, Nature Astronomy in press: "Catastrophic disruptions as the origin of bilobate comets">>url:||shape="rect"]]
124 * 19.04.2018 Thomas Hackman: [[Brandenburg, A. & Giampapa, M.S., 2018, ApJL, 855, 22: "Enhanced Stellar Activity for Slow Antisolar Differential Rotation?">>url:||shape="rect"]]
125 * 05.04.2018 Peter Johansson: [[van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S. Cohen, Y. et al., 2018, Nature, 555, 629: "A galaxy lacking dark matter">>url:||shape="rect"]]
126 * 15.03.2018 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: [[Bowman, Judd D., Rogers, Alan E. E., Monsalve, Raul A. et al., 2018, Nature, 555, 67: "An absorption profile centred at 78 megahertz in the sky-averaged spectrum">>url:||shape="rect"]]
127 * 08.03.2018 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Hitomi collaboration, Aharonian F.A. et al., 2017, Nature, 551, 478: "Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster">>url:||shape="rect"]]
128 * 22.02.2018 Elisabetta Micelotta: [[McGuire, B.A. et al., 2018, Science, 359, 202: "Detection of the aromatic molecule benzonitrile (c-C,,6,,H,,5,,CN) in the interstellar medium">>url:||shape="rect"]]
129 * 15.02.2018 Laura Zschaechner: [[Medling, A. M. et al., 2018, MNRAS in press, ArXiv: 1801.04283: "The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Spatially Resolving the Main Sequence of Star Formation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
130 * 08.02.2018 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Seiradakis, J. H. & Edmunds, M. G., 2018, Nature Astronomy, 2, 35: "Our current knowledge of the Antikythera Mechanism">>url:||shape="rect"]]
131 * 01.02.2018 Till Sawala: [[van den Bosch, F. C. & Ogiya, G., 2018, MNRAS in press, ArXiv: 1801.05427: "Dark Matter Substructure in Numerical Simulations: A Tale of Discreteness Noise, Runaway Instabilities, and Artificial Disruption">>url:||shape="rect"]]
132 * 25.01.2018 Peter Johansson: [[Bañados, E., Venemans, B. P., Mazzucchelli, C. et al., 2018, Nature in press, ArXiv:1712.01860: "An 800 million solar mass black hole in a significantly neutral universe at redshift 7.5">>url:||shape="rect"]]**
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135 **Autumn 2017:**
137 * 14.12.2017 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Kankare, E., Kotak, R., Mattila, S. et al., 2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, 865: "A population of highly energetic transient events in the centres of active galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
138 * 07.12.2017 Mika Juvela: [[Hwang, K.-H., Udalski, A., Bond, I.A. et al., 2017, ApJ submitted, ArXiv: 1711.09651: "OGLE-2015-BLG-1459L: The Challenges of Exo-Moon Microlensing">>url:||shape="rect"]]
139 * 30.11.2017 Mikael Granvik: [[Meech, K.J., Weryk, R., Micheli, M. et al., 2017, Nature in press: "A brief visit from a red and extremely elongated interstellar asteroid">>url:||shape="rect"]]
140 * 16.11.2017 Till Sawala: [[Buschmann, M., Kopp, J., Safdi, B.R., Wu, C.-L., 2017, PhRvD submitted, ArXiv: 1711.03554: "Stellar Wakes from Dark Matter Subhalos">>url:||shape="rect"]]
141 * 02.11.2017 Elisabetta Micelotta: [[Álvaro Galué, H. & Diaz Leines, G., 2017, PhRvL, 119, 171102: "Origin of Spectral Band Patterns in the Cosmic Unidentified Infrared Emission">>url:||shape="rect"]]
142 * 26.10.2017 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: [[Arcavi, I., Hosseinzadeh, G., Howell, D. A. et al., 2017, Nature, in press, ArXiv: 1710.05843: "Optical emission from a kilonova following a gravitational-wave-detected neutron-star merger">>url:||shape="rect"]]
143 * 19.10.2017 Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[West, M. J., de Propris, R., Bremer, M.N., Phillipps, S., 2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, 157: "Ten billion years of brightest cluster galaxy alignments">>url:||shape="rect"]]
144 * 05.10.2017 Mikael Granvik: [[Agarwal, J., Jewitt, D., Mutchler, M., Weaver, H., Larson, S., 2017, Nature, 549, 357: "A binary main-belt comet">>url:||shape="rect"]]
145 * 28.09.2017 Peter Johansson: [[Ohnaka, K., Weigelt, G.,Hofmann, K.-H., 2017, Nature, 548, 310: "Vigorous atmospheric motion in the red supergiant star Antares">>url:||shape="rect"]]
146 * 14.09.2017 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Hitomi collaboration, Aharonian, F. A. et al., 2017, ApJ, 837, 15: "Hitomi Constraints on the 3.5 keV Line in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster">>url:||shape="rect"]]
147 * 07.09.2017 Miikka Väisälä: [[Iffrig, O. & Hennebelle, P., 2017, A&A, 604, 70: "Structure distribution and turbulence in self-consistently supernova-driven ISM of multiphase magnetized galactic discs">>url:||shape="rect"]]**
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150 **Spring 2017:**
152 * 04.05.2017 Peter Johansson: [[Glazebrook, K. et al. , 2017, Nature, 544, 71: "A massive, quiescent galaxy at a redshift of 3.717">>url:||shape="rect"]]
153 * 27.04.2017 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: [[Maiolino, R. et al., 2017, Nature, 544, 202: "Star formation inside a galactic outflow">>url:||shape="rect"]]
154 * 20.04.2017 Elisabetta Micelotta: [[Ferrara, A., Viti, S., Ceccarelli, C., 2016, MNRAS, 463, 112: "The problematic growth of dust in high-redshift galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
155 * 06.04.2017 Mikael Granvik: [[Gillon, M. et al., 2017, Nature, 542, 456: "Seven temperate terrestrial planets around the nearby ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1">>url:||shape="rect"]]
156 * 30.03.2017 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Chatterjee, S. et al., 2017, Nature, 541, 58: "A direct localization of a fast radio burst and its host">>url:||shape="rect"]]
157 * 16.03.2017 Peter Johansson: [[Genzel, R. et al., 2017, Nature, 543, 397: "Strongly baryon-dominated disk galaxies at the peak of galaxy formation ten billion years ago">>url:||shape="rect"]]
158 * 09.03.2017 Till Sawala: [[Hopkins, P. F. et al., 2017, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 1702.06148: "FIRE-2 Simulations: Physics versus Numerics in Galaxy Formation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
159 * 02.03.2017 Viola Allevato: [[Kızıltan, B., Baumgardt, H., Loeb, A., 2017, Nature, 542, 203: "An intermediate-mass black hole in the centre of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae">>url:||shape="rect"]]
160 * 23.02.2017 Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[Peng, Y.; Maiolino, R.; Cochrane, R., 2015, Nature, 521, 192: "Strangulation as the primary mechanism for shutting down star formation in galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
161 * 16.02.2017 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Franck, J. R. & McGaugh, S. S, 2016, ApJ, 833, 15: "The Candidate Cluster and Protocluster Catalog (CCPC) II. Spectroscopically Identified Structures Spanning 2< z < 6.6">>url:||shape="rect"]]
162 * 26.01.2017 Mikael Granvik: [[Speyerer, E.J. et al., 2016, Nature, 538, 215: "Quantifying crater production and regolith overturn on the Moon with temporal imaging">>url:||shape="rect"]]
163 * 19.01.2017 Peter Johansson: [[Kriek, M. et al., 2016, Nature, 540, 248: "A massive, quiescent, population II galaxy at a redshift of 2.1">>url:||shape="rect"]]
165 **Autumn 2016:
166 **
168 * 08.12.2016 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Tao, M., 2016, PhysRvE, 94, 3303: "Explicit symplectic approximation of nonseparable Hamiltonians: Algorithm and long time performance">>url:||shape="rect"]]
169 * 01.12.2016 Peter Johansson: [[Román, J. & Trujillo, I., 2016, MNRAS, submitted, ArXiv: 1610.08980: "Ultra diffuse galaxies outside clusters: clues to their formation and evolution">>url:||shape="rect"]]
170 * 17.11.2016 Elisabetta Micelotta: [[Derdzinski, A. M., Metzger, B.D., Lazzati, D., 2016, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 1610.02401: "Radiative shocks create environments for dust formation in novae">>url:||shape="rect"]]
171 * 10.11.2016 Thomas Hackman: [[Ribas et al., 2016, A&A in press, ArXiv: 1608.06813: "The habitability of Proxima Centauri b. I. Irradiation, rotation and volatile inventory from formation to the present">>url:||shape="rect"]]
172 * 03.11.2016 Ghassem Gozaliasl:  [[Wang, T. et al., 2016, ApJ, 828, 56: "Discovery of a Galaxy Cluster with a Violently Starbursting Core at z = 2.506">>url:||shape="rect"]]
173 * 27.10.2016 Till Sawala: [[Nielsen, J.T., Guffanti, A., Sarkar, S., 2016, Nature Scientific Reports, vol. 6 pp. 35596: "Marginal evidence for cosmic acceleration from Type Ia supernovae">>url:||shape="rect"]]
174 * 20.10.2016 Viola Allevato: [[Shankar, F. et al., 2016, MNRAS, 460, 3119: "Selection bias in dynamically measured supermassive black hole samples: its consequences and the quest for the most fundamental relation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
175 * 13.10.2016 Antti Rantala: [[Khan, F.M. et al., 2016, ApJ, 828, 73: "Swift coalescence of supermassive black holes in cosmological mergers of massive galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
176 * 06.10.2016 Mikael Granvik: [[R.S. Park, A.S. Konopliv, B.G. Bills et al., 2016, Nature, 537, 515: "A partially differentiated interior for (1) Ceres deduced from its gravity field and shape">>url:||shape="rect"]]
177 * 15.09.2016 Peter Johansson: [[Belczynski, K. et al., 2016, Nature, 534, 512: "The first gravitational-wave source from the isolated evolution of two stars in the 40–100 solar mass range">>url:||shape="rect"]]
178 * 08.09.2016 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Hitomi Collaboration, 2016, Nature, 535, 117: "The quiescent intracluster medium in the core of the Perseus cluster">>url:||shape="rect"]]
180 **Spring 2016:**
182 * 28.04.2016 Till Sawala: [[Erkal, D. & Belokurov, V., 2015, MNRAS, 454, 3542: "Properties of dark subhaloes from gaps in tidal streams">>url:||shape="rect"]]
183 * 21.04.2016 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Hamer, S. L.; Edge, A. C.; Swinbank, A. M. et al., 2016, MNRAS, submitted, ArXiv: 1603.03047: "Optical Emission Line Nebulae in Galaxy Cluster Cores 1: The Morphological, Kinematic and Spectral Properties of the Sample">>url:||shape="rect"]]
184 * 14.04.2016 Peter Johansson: [[Thomas, J., Ma, C.-P., McConnell, N. J. et al., 2016, Nature in press, ArXiv: 1604.01400: "A 17-billion-solar-mass black hole in a group galaxy with a diffuse core">>url:||shape="rect"]]
185 * 31.03.2016 Mikael Granvik: [[Ćuk, M., Dones, L., Nesvorný, D., 2016, ApJ, 820, 97: "Dynamical Evidence for a Late Formation of Saturn’s Moons">>url:||shape="rect"]]
186 * 17.03.2016  Peter Johansson: [[Keane, E.F. et al., 2016, Nature, 530, 453: "The host galaxy of a fast radio burst">>url:||shape="rect"]]
187 * 17.03.2016  Peter Johansson: [[Spitler, L.G., et al., 2016, Nature, 531, 202: "A repeating fast radio burst">>url:||shape="rect"]]
188 * 03.03.2016  Antti Rantala: [[Abbott, B. P. et LIGO, 2016, PhRvL, 116, 1102: "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger">>url:||shape="rect"]]
189 * 25.02.2016  Viola Allevato: [[Connaughton, V,; Burns, E., Goldstein, A. et al., 2016, ApJ submitted, ArXiv: 1602.03920: "Fermi GBM Observations of LIGO Gravitational Wave event GW150914">>url:||shape="rect"]]
190 * 18.02.2016  Ghassem Gozaliasl: [[Gonzalez, A.H., Sivanandam, S., Zabludoff, A.I., Zaritsky, D., 2013, ApJ, 778, 14: "Galaxy Cluster Baryon Fractions Revisited">>url:||shape="rect"]]
191 * 04.02.2016 Till Sawala: [[Read, J. I., Iorio, G., Agertz, O., Fraternali, F., 2016, MNRAS submitted, ArXiv: 1601.05812: "Understanding the shape and diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves in LCDM">>url:||shape="rect"]]
192 * 28.01.2016  Mikael Granvik: [[Batygin, K. & Brown, M.E., 2016, AJ, 151, 22: "Evidence for a distant giant planet in the solar system">>url:||shape="rect"]]
193 * 21.01.2016  Pauli Pihajoki: [[Salafia, O.S., Ghisellini, G., Pescalli, A., Ghirlanda, G., Nappo, F., 2016, Submitted to MNRAS, ArXiv: 1601.03735: "Light curves and spectra from off-axis gamma-ray burst single pulses">>url:||shape="rect"]]
195 **Autumn 2015:**
197 * 10.12.2015 Peter Johansson:  [[Howes, L. M., Casey, A. R., Asplund, M. et al., 2015, Nature, 527, 484: "Extremely metal-poor stars from the cosmic dawn in the bulge of the Milky Way">>url:||shape="rect"]]
198 * 26.11.2015 Mikael Granvik: [[Vanderburg, A., Johnson, J. A., Rappaport, S. et al., 2015, Nature, 526, 546: "A disintegrating minor planet transiting a white dwarf">>url:||shape="rect"]]
199 * 12.11.2015 Till Sawala: [[Ocvirk, P., Gillet, N., Shapiro, P.R. et al., 2015, Submitted to MNRAS, ArXiv: 1511.00011: "Cosmic Dawn (CoDa): the First Radiation-Hydrodynamics Simulation of Reionization and Galaxy Formation in the Local Universe">>url:||shape="rect"]]
200 * 05.11.2015 Kimmo Kettula: [[Applegate, D. E.; Mantz, A.; Allen, S. W. et al., 2015, Submitted to MNRAS, ArXiv: 1509.02162: "Cosmology and astrophysics from relaxed galaxy clusters - IV: Robustly calibrating hydrostatic masses with weak lensing">>url:||shape="rect"]]
201 * 29.10.2015 Kalevi Mattila: [[Campbell, E. K., Holz, M., Gerlich, D., Maier, J. P., 2015, Nature, 523, 332: "Laboratory confirmation of C,,60,,^^+^^ as the carrier of two diffuse interstellar bands">>url:||shape="rect"]]
202 * 15.10.2015 Viola Allevato: [[Risaliti, G. & Lusso, E., 2015, ApJ in press, ArXiv: 1505.07118: "A Hubble Diagram for Quasars">>url:||shape="rect"]]
203 * 01.10.2015 Clif Kirkpatrick: [[Voit, G. M., Donahue, M., Bryan, G. L., McDonald, M., 2015, Nature, 519, 203: "Regulation of star formation in giant galaxies by precipitation, feedback and conduction">>url:||shape="rect"]]
204 * 24.09.2015 Peter Johansson: [[Ferré-Mateu, A., Mezcua, M., Trujillo, I. et al., 2015, ApJ, 808, 79: "Massive Relic Galaxies Challenge the Co-evolution of Super-massive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
205 * 17.09.2015 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Lupi, A. Haardt, F., Dotti, M., Colpi, M., 2015, MNRAS, 454, 3437: "Massive black hole and gas dynamics in mergers of galaxy nuclei - II. Black hole sinking in star-forming nuclear discs">>url:||shape="rect"]]
206 * 10.09.2015 Peter Johansson: [[Sobral, D., Matthee, J., Darvish, B. et al., 2015, ApJ, 808, 139: "Evidence for PopIII-like Stellar Populations in the Most Luminous Lyman-α Emitters at the Epoch of Reionization: Spectroscopic Confirmation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
208 **Spring 2015:**
210 * 07.05.2015 Petri Käpylä: [[Godolt, M.; Grenfell, J. L.; Hamann-Reinus, A. et al., 2015, Planetary and Space Science in press, ArXiv: 1504.01558: "3D climate modeling of Earth-like extrasolar planets orbiting different types of host stars">>url:||shape="rect"]]
211 * 23.04.2015 Viola Allevato: [[Nardini, E.; Reeves, J. N.; Gofford, J. et al., 2015, Science, 347, 860: "Black hole feedback in the luminous quasar PDS 456">>url:||shape="rect"]]
212 * 16.04.2015 Peter Johansson: [[Harvey, D., Massey, R., Kitching, T., Taylor, A., Tittley, E., 2015, Science, 347, 1462: "The non-gravitational interactions of dark matter in colliding galaxy clusters">>url:||shape="rect"]]
213 * 09.04.2015 Miikka Väisälä: [[Partnership, ALMA; Brogan, C. L., Perez, L. M., Hunter, T. R et al., 2015, Submited to ApJL, ArXiv: 1503.02649: "First Results from High Angular Resolution ALMA Observations Toward the HL Tau Region">>url:||shape="rect"]]
214 * 12.03.2015 Mikael Granvik: [[Kiefer, F., Lecavelier des Etangs, A., Boissier, J. et al., 2014, Nature, 514, 462: "Two families of exocomets in the beta Pictoris system">>url:||shape="rect"]]
215 * 19.02.2015 Pauli Pihajoki: [[Graham, M. J., Djorgovski, S.G., Stern, D. et al., 2015, Nature, 518, 74: "A possible close supermassive black-hole binary in a quasar with optical periodicity">>url:||shape="rect"]]
216 * 12.02.2015 Antti Rantala: [[Tsatsi, A., Macciò, A.V., van de Ven, G., Moster, B.P., 2015, ApJL accepted, ArXiv: 1502.00634: "A New Channel for the Formation of Kinematically Decoupled Cores in Early-type galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
217 * 05.02.2015 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: [[Hönig, S.F., Watson, D., Kishimoto, M., Hjorth, J., 2015, Nature, 515, 528: "A dust-parallax distance of 19 megaparsecs to the supermassive black hole in NGC 4151">>url:||shape="rect"]]
218 * 29.01.2015 Viola Allevato: [[Schulze, A., Bongiorno, A., Gavignaud, I. et al., 2015, MNRAS, 447, 2085: "The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1 <z <2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS">>url:||shape="rect"]]
219 * 22.01.2015 Petri Käpylä: [[Reiners, A.; Schüssler, M.; Passegger, V. M., 2014, ApJ, 794, 144: "Generalized Investigation of the Rotation-Activity Relation: Favoring Rotation Period instead of Rossby Number">>url:||shape="rect"]]
220 * 15.01.2015 Peter Johansson: [[Tully, R. B., Courtois, H., Hoffman, Y.; Pomarède, D., 2014, Nature, 513, 71: "The Laniakea supercluster of galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
222 **
223 Autumn 2014:**\\
225 * 27.11.2014 Sami Ben Cheikh (Aalto): Building student satellite using a world class Open source framework
226 * 20.11.2014 Clif Kirkpatrick: Paper: [[Zhuravleva, I., Churazov, E., Schekochihin, A. A. et al., 2014, Nature, 515, 85: "Turbulent heating in galaxy clusters brightest in X-rays">>url:||shape="rect"]]
227 * 13.11.2014 Viola Allevato: Paper: [[Villarroel, B. & Korn, A.J., 2014, Nature Physics, 10, 417: "The different neighbours around Type-1 and Type-2 active galactic nuclei">>url:||shape="rect"]]
228 * 06.11.2014 Jan Snellman: Paper: [[De Colle, F. et al., 2014, ApJ, 789, 33: "A Stellar Wind Origin for the G2 Cloud: Three-dimensional Numerical Simulations">>url:||shape="rect"]]
229 * 30.10.2014 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Hotta, H.; Rempel, M.; Yokoyama, T., 2014, ApJ in press, ArXiv: 1410.7093: "High-resolution calculation of the solar global convection with the reduced speed of sound technique: II. Near surface shear layer with the rotation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
230 * 23.10.2014 Karri Muinonen: Paper: [[Delbo, M., Libourel, G., Wilkerson, J. et al., 2014, Nature, 508, 233: "Thermal fatigue as the origin of regolith on small asteroids">>url:||shape="rect"]]
231 * 16.10.2014 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: Paper: [[Planck collaboration, 2014, A&A, submitted, ArXiv: 1409.5738: "Planck intermediate results. XXX. The angular power spectrum of polarized dust emission at intermediate and high Galactic latitudes">>url:||shape="rect"]]
232 * 09.10.2014 John Regan: Paper: [[Levesque, E.M., Massey, P., Zytkow, A.N., Morrell, N., 2014, MNRAS, 443, 94L: "Discovery of a Thorne-Zytkow object candidate in the Small Magellanic Cloud">>url:||shape="rect"]]
233 * 02.10.2014 Miikka Väisälä: [[Schmalzl, M., Launhardt, R., Stutz, A. M. et al., 2014, A&A, 569, 7: "The Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS). Temperature, density, and kinematic structure of the star-forming core CB 17">>url:||shape="rect"]]
234 * 25.09.2014 Mikael Granvik: [[Rozitis, B., Maclennan, E., Emery, J. P, 2014, Nature, 512, 7513: "Cohesive forces prevent the rotational breakup of rubble-pile asteroid (29075) 1950 DA">>url:||shape="rect"]]
235 * 18.09.2014 Jyri Lehtinen: Paper: [[Baron, F., Monnier, J. D., Kiss, L. L et al., 2014, ApJ, 785, 46: " CHARA/MIRC Observations of Two M Supergiants in Perseus OB1: Temperature, Bayesian Modeling, and Compressed Sensing Imaging">>url:||shape="rect"]]
236 * 11.09.2014 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Yadav, R.K., Gastine, T., Christensen, U.R., Reiners, A., 2014, A&A, submitted, ArXiv: 1407.3187: "Formation of starspots in self-consistent global dynamo models: Polar spots on cool stars">>url:||shape="rect"]]
237 * (((
238 04.09.2014 Peter Johansson: Paper: [[Pfuhl, O., Gillessen, S., Eisenhauer, F., Genzel, R. et al., 2014, ApJ, submitted, ArXiv: 1407.4354: "The Galactic Center cloud G2 and its gas streamer">>url:||shape="rect"]]
239 )))
241 **Spring 2014:**
243 * 15.05.2014 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Hotta, H.; Rempel, M.; Yokoyama, T., 2014, ApJ, 786, 24: "High-resolution Calculations of the Solar Global Convection with the Reduced Speed of Sound Technique. I. The Structure of the Convection and the Magnetic Field without the Rotation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
244 * 08.05.2014 John Regan: Paper: [[Latif, M. A.; Bovino, S.; Van Borm, C.; Grassi, T.; Schleicher, D. R. G.; Spaans, M., 2014, MNRAS, submitted, ArXiv: 1404.5733: "A UV flux constraint on the formation of direct collapse black holes">>url:||shape="rect"]]
245 * 24.04.2014 Kimmo Kettula: Paper: [[von der Linden, A., Mantz, A., Allen, S.W. et al., 2014, MNRAS, submitted, ArXiv:1402.2670: "Robust Weak-lensing Mass Calibration of Planck Galaxy Clusters">>url:||shape="rect"]]
246 * 10.04.2014 Peter Johansson: Paper:[[ BICEP2 collaboration, 2014, ApJ, submitted, ArXiv: 1403.3985: " BICEP2 I: Detection Of B-mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales">>url:||shape="rect"]]
247 * 03.04.2014 Ghassem Gozaliasl: Paper: [[Wetzel, A.R., Tinker, J.L., Conroy, C., van den Bosch, F., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 2687: "Galaxy evolution near groups and clusters: ejected satellites and the spatial extent of environmental quenching">>url:||shape="rect"]]
248 * 27.03.2014 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: Paper: [[Fisher, D.B., Bolatto, A.D., Herrera-Camus, R. et al., 2014, Nature, 505, 186: "The rarity of dust in metal-poor galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
249 * 20.03.2014 John Regan: Paper: [[Pontzen, A. & Governato, F., 2014, Nature, 506, 171: "Cold dark matter heats up">>url:||shape="rect"]]
250 * 13.03.2014 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Gastine, T.; Yadav, R. K.; Morin, J.; Reiners, A.; Wicht, J., 2014, MNRAS, 438, 76: "From solar-like to antisolar differential rotation in cool stars">>url:||shape="rect"]]
251 * (((
252 27.02.2014 Jyri Lehtinen: Paper: [[Crossfield, I. J. M., Biller, B., Schlieder, J. E et al., 2014, Nature, 505, 654: "A global cloud map of the nearest known brown dwarf">>url:||shape="rect"]]
253 )))
254 * 20.02.2014 Viola Allevato: Paper: [[Kaviraj, S., 2014, MNRAS, submitted, ArXiv: 1402.1166: "The importance of minor-merger-driven star formation and black-hole growth in disk galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
255 * 06.02.2014 Thomas Hackman: Paper: [[Usoskin, I. G., Kromer, B., Ludlow, F et al., 2013, A&A, 552, 3: "The AD775 cosmic event revisited: the Sun is to blame">>url:||shape="rect"]]
256 * 30.01.2014 Mikael Granvik: Paper: [[Küppers, M., O'Rourke, L., Boeckelée-Morvan, D. et al., 2014, Nature, 505, 525: "Localized sources of water vapour on the dwarf planet (1) Ceres">>url:||shape="rect"]]
257 * 16.01.2014 Peter Johansson: Paper: [[Snaith, O.N., Haywood, M., Di Matteo, P. et al., 2014, ApJL in press, ArXiv: 1401.1835: "The dominant epoch of star formation in the Milky Way formed the thick disc">>url:||shape="rect"]]
259 **Autumn 2013:**
261 * 11.12.2013 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Hathaway, D.H., Upton, L., Colegrove, O., 2013, Science, 342, 1217: "Giant Convection Cells Found on the Sun">>url:||shape="rect"]]
262 * 28.11.2013 John Regan: Paper: [[So, G. C.; Norman, M. L.; Reynolds, D.R.; Harkness, R.P., 2013, ApJ submitted, Arxiv: 1311.2152: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Reionization II: Recombinations, Clumping Factors, and the Photon Budget for Reionization">>url:||shape="rect"]]
263 * 21.11.2013 Viola Allevato: Paper: [[Merloni, A., Bongiorno, A., Brusa, M. et al., 2013, MNRAS, in press, Arxiv: 1311.1305: "The incidence of obscuration in active galactic nuclei">>url:||shape="rect"]]
264 * 14.11.2013 Mikael Granvik: Paper: [[Alexandersen, M., Gladman, B., Greenstreet, S.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Petit, J-M., Gwyn, S., 2013, Science, 341, 994: "A Uranian Trojan and the Frequency of Temporary Giant-Planet Co-Orbitals">>url:||shape="rect"]]
265 * 07.11.2013 Peter Johansson: Paper: [[Nicholl, M., Smartt, S. J., Jerkstrand, A. et al., 2013, Nature, 502, 346: "Slowly fading super-luminous supernovae that are not pair-instability explosions">>url:||shape="rect"]]
266 * 24.10.2013 Veli-Matti Pelkonen: Paper: [[Liu, Michael C.; Magnier, Eugene A.; Deacon, Niall R. et al., 2013, ApJL, in press, ArXiv: 1310.0457: "The Extremely Red, Young L Dwarf PSO J318-22: A Free-Floating Planetary-Mass Analog to Directly Imaged Young Gas-Giant Planets">>url:||shape="rect"]]
267 * 17.10.2013 Jorma Harju: Paper: [[Hennebelle, P. & André, P., 2013, A&A, in press, ArXiv:1310.3330: "Ion-neutral friction and accretion-driven turbulence in self-gravitating filaments">>url:||shape="rect"]]
268 * 10.10.2013 Miikka Väisälä: Paper: [[Takahashi, S.; Ohashi, N.; Bourke, T.L., 2013, ApJ, 774, 20 :"Direct Imaging of a Compact Molecular Outflow from a Very Low Luminosity Object: L1521F-IRS">>url:||shape="rect"]]
269 * 03.10.2013 Kimmo Kettula: Paper: [[Sanders, J.S., Fabian, A.C., Churazov E. et al., 2013, Science, 341, 6152: "Linear Structures in the Core of the Coma Cluster of Galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
270 * 26.09.2013 Peter Johansson: Paper: [[Cappellari, M., 2013, ApJL in press, ArXiv: 1309.1136: "Effect of environment on galaxies mass-size distribution: unveiling the transition from outside-in to inside-out evolution">>url:||shape="rect"]]
271 * 19.09.2013 Viola Allevato: Paper: [[Chatterjee, S.; Nguyen, M.; Zheng, Z., 2013, Submitted to Apj, Arxiv:1309.3607: "A Direct Measurement of the Mean Occupation Function of Quasars: Breaking Degeneracies between Halo Occupation Distribution Models">>url:||shape="rect"]]
272 * 12.09.2013 John Regan: Paper: [[Latif, M. A.; Schleicher, D. R. G.; Schmidt, W.; Niemeyer, J. C., 2013, Submitted MNRAS, ArXiv: 1309.1097: "The characteristic black hole mass resulting from direct collapse in the early universe">>url:||shape="rect"]]
273 * 05.09.2013 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Zhao, J.; Bogart, R. S.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Duvall, T. L., Jr.; Hartlep, T., 2013, ApJL, ArXiv:1307.8422: "Detection of Equatorward Meridional Flow and Evidence of Double-Cell Meridional Circulation inside the Sun">>url:||shape="rect"]]
275 **Spring 2013:**
277 * 30.05.2013 Viola Allevato: Paper: [[Fanidakis, N.; Georgakakis, A.; Mountrichas, G. et al., 2013, MNRAS, submitted, ArXiv: 1205.220: "Constraints on black hole fuelling modes from the clustering of X-ray AGN">>url:||shape="rect"]]
278 * 23.05.2013 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Kaspi, Y., Showman, A.P., Hubbard, W.B, Aharonson, O., Helled, R. , 2013, Nature, 497, 344: "Atmospheric confinement of jet streams on Uranus and Neptune">>url:||shape="rect"]]
279 * 16.05.2013 Jan Snellman: Paper: [[Sadowski, A., Narayan, R., Tschekhovskoy, A., Zhu, Y., 2013, MNRAS, 429, 3533: "Semi-implicit scheme for treating radiation under M1 closure in general relativistic conservative fluid dynamics codes">>url:||shape="rect"]]
280 * 02.05.2013 Peter Johansson: Paper: [[van Dokkum, P.G.; Leja, J., Nelson, E.J. et al., 2013, Submitted, ApJL, ArXiv:1304.2391: "The Assembly of Milky Way-like Galaxies Since z~~~~2.5">>url:||shape="rect"]]
281 * 25.04.2013 Oskari Miettinen: Paper: [[Loinard, Laurent; Zapata, Luis A.; Rodríguez, Luis F. et al., 2013, MNRAS, 430, 10: "ALMA and VLA observations of the outflows in IRAS 16293-2422">>url:||shape="rect"]]
282 * 18.04.2013 Petri Käpylä: Paper: [[Charbonneau, P. & Smolarkiewicz, P.K., 2013, Science, 340, 42: "Modeling the Solar Dynamo">>url:||shape="rect"]]
283 * 04.04.2013 Peter Johansson: -Paper: [[Planck Collaboration, 2013, A&A Submitted, ArXiv: 1303.5076: "Planck 2013 results. XVI. Cosmological parameters">>url:||shape="rect"]]
284 * 21.03.2013 Heidi Yli-Kankahila: -Paper: [[Hopkins, P.F., Narayanan, D., Murray, N., 2013, MNRAS Submitted, ArXiv:1303.0285: "The Meaning and Consequences of Star Formation Criteria in Galaxy Models with Resolved Stellar Feedback">>url:||shape="rect"]]
285 * 21.02.2013 Chunlin Tian: -Paper: [[Cirtain, J.W., Golub, L., Winebarger, A.R. et al., 2013, Nature, 493, 501: "Energy release in the solar corona from spatially resolved magnetic braids">>url:||shape="rect"]]
286 * 14.02.2013 Ghassem Gozaliasl: -Paper: [[Conroy, C., 2013, ARA&A, in press, ArXiv: 1301.7095: "Modeling the Panchromatic Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies">>url:||shape="rect"]]
287 * 31.01.2013 Jyri Lehtinen: -Paper: [[Morris, B.M.; Mandell, A.M.; Deming, D., 2013, Accepted ApJL, ArXiv:1301.4503:"Kepler's Optical Secondary Eclipse of HAT-P-7b and Probable Detection of Planet-Induced Stellar Gravity Darkening">>url:||shape="rect"]]
288 * 24.01.2013 Miikka Väisälä: -Paper: [[Joos, M.; Hennebelle, P.; Ciardi, A.; Fromang, S., 2013, Submitted A&A, ArXiv:1301.3004:"The influence of turbulence during magnetized core collapse and its consequences on low-mass star formation">>url:||shape="rect"]]
289 * 17.01.2013 Julien Montillaud: -Paper: [[Ibata, Rodrigo A.; Lewis, Geraint F.; Conn, Anthony R.; Irwin, Michael J.; et al., 2013, Nature, 493, 62:"A vast, thin plane of corotating dwarf galaxies orbiting the Andromeda galaxy">>url:||shape="rect"]]
291 **Autumn 2012:**
293 * 13.12.2012  Peter Johansson: -Paper: [[van den Bosch, R.C. E.; Gebhardt, K.; Gültekin, K. et al., 2012, Nature, 491, 729: "An over-massive black hole in the compact lenticular galaxy NGC1277">>url:||shape="rect"]]
294 * 29.11.2012  Jörn Warnecke: -Paper: [[Warnecke, J.; Käpylä, P.J.; Mantere, M.J.; Brandenburg, A., 2012 IAU Symposium Proceedings 294, ArXiv:1211.0452: "Solar-like differential rotation and equatorward migration in a convective dynamo with a coronal envelope">>url:||shape="rect"]]
295 * 22.11.2012  Mikael Granvik: -Paper: [[Alexander, C. M. O.'D.; Bowden, R.; Fogel, M. L. et al., 2012, Science, 337, 721: "The Provenances of Asteroids, and Their Contributions to the Volatile Inventories of the Terrestrial Planets">>url:||shape="rect"]]
296 * 15.11.2012  Petri Käpylä: -Paper: [[Stein, R.F & Nordlund, Å, 2012, ApJL, 753, 13: "On the Formation of Active Regions">>url:||shape="rect"]]
297 * 08.11.2012  Peter Johansson: -Paper: [[Benitez-Llambay, A.; Navarro, J.F.; Abadi, M.G., et al., 2012, Submitted ApJL, ArXiv:1211.0536: "Dwarf Galaxies and the Cosmic Web">>url:||shape="rect"]]
298 * 18.10.2012  Veli-Matti Pelkonen: -Paper: [[Orosz, J. A.; Welsh, W. F.; Carter, J. A, et al., 2012, Science, 337, 1511: "Kepler-47: A transiting circumbinary multiplanet system.">>url:||shape="rect"]]
299 * 11.10.2012  Thomas Hackman: -Paper: [[Boissier, S., 2012, Proceedings of the 2012 SF2A meeting, ArXiv: 1209.3470: "The future of astronomy PhDs in France">>url:||shape="rect"]]
300 * 04.10.2012  Mikael Granvik: - Paper: [[Walsh, K.J.; Morbidelli, A.; Raymond, S.N.; O'Brien, D.P.; Mandell, Avi M., 2011, Nature, 475, 206: "A low mass for Mars from Jupiter's early gas-driven migration">>url:||shape="rect"]]
301 * 27.09.2102  Chunlin Tian: - Paper: [[Liu, J.; Zhou, Zhenjun; W., Yuming; L. et al., 2012, ApJL accepted, ArXiv:1209.3370: "Slow Magneto-acoustic Waves Observed above Quiet-Sun Region in a Dark Cavity">>url:||shape="rect"]]
302 * 20.09.2012  Julien Montillaud: - Paper: [[Melis, C.; Zuckerman, B.; Rhee, J.H.; Song, I.; Murphy, S.J.; Bessell, M.S., 2012, Nature, 487, 74:"Rapid disappearance of a warm, dusty circumstellar disk">>url:||shape="rect"]]
303 * 13.09.2012  Peter Johansson: - Paper: [[Munshi, F.; Governato, F.; Brooks, A. M. et al., 2012, Submitted to ApJ, ArXiv:1209.1389: "Reproducing the Stellar Mass/Halo Mass Relation in Simulated LCDM Galaxies: Theory vs Observational Estimates">>url:||shape="rect"]]
304 * 06.09.2012  Petri Käpylä: - Paper: [[Wedemeyer-Böhm, S.; Scullion, E.; Steiner, O. et al., 2012, Nature, 486, 505: "Magnetic tornadoes as energy channels into the solar corona">>url:||shape="rect"]]
306 **Spring 2012:**
308 * 31.05.2012  Kalevi Mattila: - Paper: [[Cantalupo, S.; Lilly, Simon J.; Haehnelt, M.G., 2012, submitted to MNRAS, ArXiv:1204.5753: "Detection of dark galaxies and circum-galactic filaments fluorescently illuminated by a quasar at z=2.4">>url:||shape="rect"]]
309 * 24.05.2012  Petri Käpylä: - Paper: [[Rempel, M., 2012, ApJ, 750, 62: "Numerical Sunspot Models: Robustness of Photospheric Velocity and Magnetic Field Structure">>url:||shape="rect"]]
310 * 10.05.2012  Mikael Granvik: - Paper: [[Bottke, W.F. et al., 2012, Nature, 485, 78: "An Archaean heavy bombardment from a destabilized extension of the asteroid belt">>url:||shape="rect"]]
311 * 10.05.2012  Mikael Granvik: - Paper: [[Johnson, B.C. & Melosh, H.J., 2012, Nature, 485, 75: "Impact spherules as a record of an ancient heavy bombardement of Earth">>url:||shape="rect"]]
312 * 26.04.2012  Peter Johansson: - Paper: [[Moni Bidin, C.; Carraro, G.; Mendez, R.A.; Smith, R., 2012, "Kinematical and chemical vertical structure of the Galactic thick disk II. A lack of dark matter in the solar neighborhood">>url:||shape="rect"]]
313 * 19.04.2012  Julien Montillaud: -Paper: [[Ziurys L.M., Milam S.N., Apponi A.J. & Woolf N.J., 2007, Nature, 447, 1094-1097: "Chemical complexity in the winds of the oxygen-rich supergiant star VY Canis Majoris">>url:||shape="rect"]]
314 * 12.04.2012  Jorma Harju: -Paper: [[Chung, A.; Yun, M.S.; Naraynan, G.; Heyer, M.; Erickson, N.R, 2011, ApJ, 732, L15: "Evidence for 1000 km/s Molecular Outflows in the Local ULIRG Population">>url:||shape="rect"]]
315 * 29.03.2012  Jörn Warnecke: - Paper: [[Scharmer, G.B. & Henriques, V.M.J., 2012, A&A, 540, A19: "SST/CRISP observations of convective flows in a sunspot penumbra">>url:||shape="rect"]]
316 * 22.03.2012  Peter Johansson: - Paper: [[Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Fritz, T.K. et al., 2012, Nature, 48, 51-54: "A gas cloud on its way towards the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre">>url:||shape="rect"]]
317 * 14.03.2012  Jouni Kainulainen: - Paper: [[Kainulainen, J.; Beuther, H.; Banerjee, R.; Federrath, C.; Henning, T., 2011, A&A, 530, 64: "Probing the evolution of molecular cloud structure. II. From chaos to confinement">>url:||shape="rect"]]
318 * 08.03.2012  Petri Käpylä: - Paper: [[Vaquero, J. M.; Trigo, R. M., 2012, Solar Physics in press, arXiv: 1203.1073: "A Note on Solar Cycle Length during the Medieval Climate Anomaly">>url:||shape="rect"]]
319 * 01.03.2012  Mikael Granvik: - Paper: [[Zubovas, K.; Nayakshin, S.; Markoff, S., 2012, MNRAS, in press, arXiv: 1110.6872: "Sgr A* flares: tidal disruption of asteroids and planets?>>url:||shape="rect"]]
320 * 16.02.2012  Chunlin Tian: - Paper : [[Kitiashvili, I.N.; Kosovichev, A.G.; Mansour, N.N.; Wray, A.A., 2012, arXiv:1201.5442, Submitted to ApJL:"Dynamics of Magnetized Vortex Tubes in the Solar Chromosphere">>url:||shape="rect"]]
321 * 09.02.2012  Jan Snellman: - Paper: [[Tchekhovskoy, A.; McKinney, J.C., 2012, arXiv:1201.4385, Submitted to MNRAS:"Prograde and Retrograde Black Holes: Whose Jet is More Powerful?">>url:||shape="rect"]]
322 * 02.02.2012  Oskari Miettinen - Paper: [[Churchwell, E.; Povich, M.S; Allen, D. et al., 2006, ApJ, 649, 759:"The Bubbling Galactic Disk">>url:||shape="rect"]]
323 * 26.01.2012  Tuomas Lunttila - Paper: [[Hosokawa, T.; Omukai, K.; Yoshida, N.; Yorke, H.W., 2011, Science, 334, 1250:"Protostellar Feedback Halts the Growth of the First Stars in the Universe">>url:||shape="rect"]]
324 * 19.01.2012  Veli-Matti Pelkonen - Paper: [[Cassan, A., Kubas, D., Beaulieu, J.-P. et al., 2012, Nature, 481, 167:"One or more bound planets per Milky Way star from microlensing observations.">>url:||shape="rect"]]
326 **Autumn 2011:**
328 * 15.12.2011  Miikka Väisälä - Paper: [[Li, Hua-Bai & Henning, Thomas, 2011, Nature, 479, 499: "The alignment of molecular cloud magnetic fields with the spiral arms in M33">>url:||shape="rect"]]
329 * 08.12.2011  Peter Johansson - Paper: [[Thöne, C. C.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.;Fryer, C. L et al., 2011, Nature, 480, 72: "The unusual γ-ray burst GRB 101225A from a helium star/neutron star merger at redshift 0.33">>url:||shape="rect"]]
330 * 08.12.2011  Mikael Granvik - Paper: [[Campana, S.; Lodato, G.; D'Avanzo, P. et al., 2011, Nature, 480, 69: "The unusual gamma-ray burst GRB 101225A explained as a minor body falling onto a neutron star">>url:||shape="rect"]]
331 * 01.12.2011  Kalevi Mattia - Paper: [[Tzu-Ching Chang, Ue-Li Pen, Kevin Bandura & Jeffrey B. Peterson, 2010, Nature, 466, 463:"An intensity map of hydrogen 21-cm emission at redshift z~~~~0.8">>url:||shape="rect"]]
332 * 24.11.2011  Peter Johansson and Tomas Kohout - Paper: [[The OPERA Collaboration, 2011, Submitted, Arxiv:1109.4897:"Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam">>url:||shape="rect"]]
333 * 17.11.2011  Petri Käpylä - Paper: [[Brun, Miesch, Toomre, 2011, ApJ, 742, 79:"Modelling the Dynamical coupling of solar convection with the radiative interior">>url:||shape="rect"]]
334 * 03.11.2011  Tomas Kohout - Paper: [[Hogerheijde et al., 2011, Science, 334, 338:"Detection of the water reservoir in a forming planetary system">>url:||shape="rect"]]
335 * 20.10.2011  Jorma Harju - Paper: [[Ingalls et al., 2011, ApJ, submitted: Spitzer IRS Detection of Molecular Hydrogen Rotational Emission Towards Translucent Clouds>>url:||shape="rect"]]
336 * 13.10.2011  Jyri Lehtinen - Paper: [[Frasca et al., 2011, A&A, 532, 81:"Magnetic activity and differential rotation in the very young star KIC 8429280">>url:||shape="rect"]]
337 * 06.10.2011  Thomas Hackman - Paper: [[Radigan et al., 2011, ApJ, submitted:"High Amplitude, Periodic Variability of a Cool Brown Dwarf: Evidence for Patchy, High-Contrast Cloud Features">>url:||shape="rect"]] 
338 * 29.09.2011  Miikka Väisälä - Paper: [[Machida&Matsumoto, 2011, MNRAS, 413, 2767:"The origin and formation of the circumstellar disc">>url:||shape="rect"]]
339 * 22.09.2011  Peter Johansson - Paper: [[Purcell et al., 2011, Nature, 477, 301:"The Sagittarius impact as an architect of spirality and outer rings in the Milky Way">>url:||shape="rect"]] 
340 * 15.09.2011  Olli Sipilä - Paper: [[Pagani et al., 2011, ApJL, 739, 35:"Ortho-H2 And the Age of Interstellar Dark Clouds">>url:||shape="rect"]]  
341 * 08.09.2011  Petri Käpylä - Paper: [[Nelson et al., 2011, ApJL, 739, 38:"Buoyant Magnetic Loops in a Global Dynamo Simulation of a Young Sun">>url:||shape="rect"]]
342 * 23.08.2011  Mikael Granvik - Paper: [[Jutzi&Asphaug, 2011, Nature, 476,69:"Forming the lunar farside highlands by accretion of a companion moon">>url:||shape="rect"]]
343 * 23.08.2011  Peter Johansson - Paper: [[van Dokkum & Conroy, 2010, Nature, 468, 940:"A substantial population of low-mass stars in luminous elliptical galaxies"        >>url:||shape="rect"]]
344 * 16.08.2011  Mikael Granvik - Paper: [[Levison et al. 2010, Science, 329, 187: "Capture of the Sun's Oort Cloud from Stars in Its Birth Cluster">>url:||shape="rect"]]
345 * 16.08.2011  Peter Johansson - Paper: [[Mortlock et al., 2011, Nature, 474, 616: "A luminous quasar at a redshift of z = 7.085">>url:||shape="rect"]]