Statistical methodology for researchers, spring 2016

Last modified by jamlehti@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:40

Statistical methodology for researchers, spring 2016


Prof. Juha Alho


The course is intended for doctoral or post-doctoral students in social sciences who have completed the methodological studies requirements of their own discipline, but who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the rationale of statistical research methods. The emphasis is on theoretical understanding, not on “tricks” related to  specific techniques, or on the practical running of available statistical software.

The topics covered include the concept of statistical model, interpretations of probability, collection of data for causal and observational studies, theoretical bases of statistical estimation and inference, and the effect of measurement errors and missing data. Students are welcome to suggest specific topics of interest.

To pass the course the participants must pass a (24 hour) take-home exam.



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