Second course in statistics, spring 2013

Last modified by honiemi@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:39

Second course in statistics, spring 2013

The course is intended to the City Center Campus students only !



Tue 15.1.-26.2. 10-12 a.m, Unioninkatu 37 seminar room 4 (2nd floor) and Thu 17.1. 10-12 a.m, Fabianinkatu 33, room 8 (3rd floor). Teacher Hannu Niemi.




The emphasis of the course will be on computer class exersises (20 students only). Teacher Laszlo Vincze.

Thu 24.1., Thu 31.1., Fri 8.2., Thu 14.2., Fri 22.2. and Thu 28.2. 8.30-12 a.m, Aleksandria (Fabianinkatu 28), IT-room 131


Contents: The course focuses on the most frequently used quantitative analytical methods in social research such as correlation analysis, analysis of variance and regression analyses.

The statistical software package SPSS will be used throughout the course.

Objective: After review of the basics of the quantitative research process (including research design, sampling and the techniques of data collection) and a short introduction to SPSS, the course will introduce

different bivariate and multivariate analytical methods.

Week 1. The quantitative research process / Introduction to SPSS.

Week 2. Univariate analyses / Writing up statistical results in APA-style.

Week 3. Bivariate analyses. Data: Social background and media consumption in Finland.

Week 4. Analysis of variance. Data: Television viewing and the perception of crime.

Week 5. Linear regression. Data: Motives for television use among Finns.

Week 6. Logistic regression. Data: English as the language of internet use in Finland.

Method of instruction: Tuesday classes will consist of a lecture on a specific topic or analytical method. Lab sessions (Thursday or Friday) will focus on the application of the particular analytic methods including a software demonstration and an in-class exercise; besides, the lab sessions will also include an article review where the students will evaluate how the specific analytical methods are applied in practice.

Study material and literature: The students will have access to all databases used during the course. The course literature is based on these books: SPSS for Psychologists, 4th edition (Brace, Kemp and Snelgar, 2009, Routledge) and SPSS Survival Manual, 3rd edition (Pallant, 2007, Open University Press)



Lectures on Tuesdays  10-12 a.m., Fabianinkatu 33, Auditorium II,   12.3.-23.4.  NB!  No lecture on 2.4.

Exercises  Thu 8.30-12 a.m. Aleksandria (Fabianinkatu 28), IT-room 123   21.3.-2.5.  NB!  No exercises on 28.3.

  Topics:  21.3.   MANOVA       4.4.  Moderated linear regression      11.4.   Logistic regression

              18.4.   Moderated logistic regression    25.4.  Reliability analysis; procipal component and factor analysis

              2.5.    Repetition