ICOS Ecosystem measurements
Last modified by Kira Ryhti-Laine on 2025/01/08 11:26
Atmospheric pressure at 30 m, air temperature and relative humidity
TA/RH_1 = mast 27 m, 2 = 35 m tower
Air temperature profile
TA_1_2 = uppermost (27 m), TA_1_10 = lowest (0.4 m)
RH profile
RH_1_2 = uppermost (27 m), RH_1_10 = lowest (0.4 m)
Wind speed and direction at 33 m
Precipitation and snow depth
P_4 = GPM Pluvio, P_2 = 35 m tower PWS ARG-100
Solar and terrestrial radiation
SW/LW_1 = 67 m CNR4, 2 = 35 m tower pyranometer
Solar and terrestrial radiation
upper panel: 35 m tower Li-190 and mast reflected Li-190; lower panel: 35 m tower Delta BF5
Half-hourly averaged below-canopy PAR at continuous sampling plots (5 sensors per plot)
PAR sensor locations and channels on Wiki instructions: ICOS below canopy PAR-sensors
Soil temperature at 0, 5, 10, 30, 50, 75 cm depths at soil plots 1...4
Soil volumetric water content at 5, 10, 30, 50, 75 cm depths at soil plots 1...4
Ground heat flux at soil plots 1...4
Dendrometers at soil plots 1...4, blue=1, orange=2, yellow=3
IN TEST USE, y axis in V