Instruction to the use of the SMEAR-wiki

Last modified by Pasi Kolari on 2024/04/11 12:13

Instructions to the SMEAR-wiki

  1. Ask permission to add and edit pages from Lauri Ahonen or Pasi Kolari.
  2. General instructions in English:
    Main help page
    Editing pages
  3. Consider carefully whether the document should appear as wiki page or if it's more practical to distribute as attachment. Importing Office documents into a wiki page is possible but may require fine-tuning of formatting afterwards. Attachment is convenient option if the document is not frequently updated.
  4. When you add a page make sure that you are on the right parent page. The added page shows as a child page of the page you were when adding the new page. Lets keep the space hierarchy as consistent as we can.
  5. It's good practise to make link to the child page on the parent page.
  6. Edit photos to reasonable size (<1 MB) depending on what they are describing before inserting them.