Värriö instruments

Last modified by ppaalto@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:30

Table 1. Permanent facilities at the Värriö measurement station


Information/ product provided by the method

Measurement start/end


Condensation Particle Counter TSI 3760

Number concentration of particles (14nm --1 um)

Spring 1992/Winter 2005

Condensation Particle Counter TSI 3022

Number concentration of particles (7nm --1 um)

Spring 2007/Autumn 2015

Condensation Particle Counter Airmodus A20

Number concentration of particles (7nm-1um)

Spring 2016/Autumn 2020

Condensation Particle Counter TSI 3722/3750

Number concentration of particles (7nm-1um)

Autumn 2020

Differential Mobility Particle Sizer + Condensation Particle Counter TSI3010

Particle number size distribution (10nm – 500 nm)

Autumn 1997

Differential Mobility Particle Sizer + Condensation Particle Counter TSI3025

Particle number size distribution (3 nm – 50 nm)

Spring 2003

Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP)

Black carbon concentration, Aerosol absorption coefficient

Summer 2017

Nephelmoeter Ecotech Aurora 3000

Aerosol scattering coefficient

Autumn 2018


Black carbon concentration, Aerosol absorption coefficient

Autumn 2021

DMPS3 with TSI3750 

Particle number size distribution (6nm – 820 nm)

Autumn 2021


URAS 3G infrared absorption analyzer

CO2 concentration profile

Autumn 1991/Autumn 2000

TEI 43S Pulsed Fluorescence analyzer
TEI 43 CTL Pulsed Fluorescence analyzer
API 100AS Fluorescence analyzer
TEI 43 i-TLE pulsed fluorescence analyzer
TEI 43 CTL Pulsed Fluorescence analyzer
TEI 43 i-TLE pulsed fluorescence analyzer

SO2 concentration
Autumn 1991 – Summer 1996
Summer 1996 – January 2004
January 2004 – March 2007
March 2007 – June 2010
October 2010 – September 2019
September 2019 –

Autumn 1991

TEI 49 photometric analyzer
API 400 photometric analyzer
TEI 49 i photometric analyzer

O3 concentration
Autumn 1991 – Summer 1996
Summer 1996 – March 2007
March 2007 –

Autumn 1991

TEI 42C TL chemiluminescence analyzer with molybdenum NO2-to NO converter
API 200AU Chemiluminescence analyzer with molybdenum NO2-to NO converter

TEI 42i TL chemiluminescence analyzer with photolytic NO2-to NO converter

TEI 42C TL chemiluminescence analyzer with photolytic NO2-to NO converter

NO & NOx concentration
Autumn 1997 – January 2004

January 2004 – April 2007

April 2007 – April 2011

May 2011 --

Autumn 1997

Horiba APMA 360 infrared absorption analyzer

CO concentration

April 2010 –

April 2010

TAPI T500U CAPS NO2 analyzer 

 NO2 concentration

September 2016 –

 September 2016


METEK USA-1 ultrasonic anemometer

Fluxes of momentum and heat at 16.6 m height

April 2012

Li-Cor Li-7200 high frequency gas analyzer 

Fluxes of CO2 and H2O at 16.6 m height

April 2012

Li-Cor LI-840 gas analyzer
with sample air intake from different heights

Storage change of CO2 and H2O

Autumn 2017


Li-Cor LI-190SB quantum sensor, range 400 – 700 nm


Autumn 1991

Li-Cor LI-190SB with ES Engineering shading device

Diffuse PAR

Summer 2013

Reemann TP 3 pyranometer, range 300 - 4800 nm
Middleton SK08 pyranometer

Global shortwave radiation

Autumn 1991 – May 2008
May 2008 -

Solar SL 501A pyranometers, range 320 – 400 nm and 280 – 320 nm

(erythemally weighted UVB converted to W/m2)

Summer 1996

Reemann TP 3 pyranometer

Reflected shortwave


Li-Cor LI-190SB quantum sensor, range 400 – 700 nm

Reflected PAR

Summer 2013

Kipp & Zonen CGR4 pyrgeometer, range 4.5 – 42 µm

Incoming thermal infrared radiation

Spring 2021

Reemann MB 1 ?
Kipp & Zonen NRlite2

Net radiation

Summer 2012


Ventilated and shielded temperature sensor, Pt-100

Temperature profile

Autumn 1991

Psychrometer, Ventilated and shielded sensor, Pt-100

Relative humidity profile

Autumn 1991/Spring 2000

Vaisala HMI32 Humicap
Rotronic MP106A

Relative humidity and temperature
Summer 1993 - Winter 2004
Winter 2004 -

Summer 1993

Vector A100R anemometer

Wind speed profile

Autumn 1991

Vector W200P wind vane

Wind direction, 15 m

Autumn 1991/Autumn 2003

Thies Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D

Wind speed, 16 m

Autumn 2003

Thies Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D

Wind direction, 16 m

Autumn 2003

Druck DPI 260 barometer

Air pressure

Autumn 1991

Delta-T RG1 raingauge


Autumn 1991

Vaisala DPD 12A precipitation sensor
Vaisala DRD 11-A precipitation sensor

Autumn 1991 – Summer 2006
Summer 2006 – May 2008

Autumn 1991

 Biral VF500 visibility meter


May 2008

Thies disdrometer (laser)

Precipitation & visibility

May 2008

 Microsonic MIC+600/IU/TC distance sensor (ultrasonic)

Snow depth

 April 2016


Tree shoot gas exchange measuring system by University of Helsinki:
URAS 3G, infrared absorption analyzers
LI-840, infrared absorption analyzer

Exchange of CO2 and H2O by pine shoots

Spring 1992 – April 2010
April 2010 –

Li-Cor LI-190SB quantum sensor, range 400 – 700 nm

PAR on the cuvettes

Spring 1992

Temperature sensor, thermoelement or Pt100

Cuvette temperature

Spring 1992

Solartron linear displacement transducers

Tree trunk diameter changes

Spring 2004


Pt100 sensor

Ground temperature (1 location)

Autumn 1991

Delta-T ST4 thermistors

Ground surface temperature near tower (4 locations)
Ground temperature profile (3 locations)

Summer 2010
Autumn 2017

Delta-T Theta probe

Soil surface moisture near tower (4 locations)

Summer 2010

Delta-T ML3

Soil moisture profile (2 locations)

Autumn 2017

Hukseflux HFP01 heat plates

Ground heat flux (3 locations)

Summer 2012