Academy of Finland September 2020 call RDM/P webinar FAQ collected from webinar Q'n'A sessions

Last modified by mroinila@helsinki_fi on 2023/12/12 07:27

I guess pre-print version in TUHAT is considered OA? But one can always put the accepted version to TUHAT? Thats after peer-review.

What about BioRxiv?

Self-archiving always requires checking out publisher's policy. One can do this in Sherpa/Romeo-database. Usually the publishers allows the post-print version to be archived and very often also the pre-print-version (yes, it is OA). But there is no general rule. You can either self-archive the article yourself (see our guide) or send your articles to the library's deposit service where librarians will check what is the publisher's policy and then archive the article. If you are not sure which version can be archived, send all the versions you have to with information of the journal/book where you article is published. Please note that many publishers require an embargo before the article can be opened - this can be done automatically in Tuhat. If your pre-print is published in a pre-print archive (like ArXiv or BioRxiv), send the link to and we will add it to Tuhat.  

Does UH provide distinct Group folders for specific projects (such as a single SA Project)? How many one can get? How large space can be provided?

Yes. Usually one project is enough, since in sub-folders you can give different access rights to different persons. If necessary another group folder is possible, but usually unnecessary. It can hold data from 50 GB to 10 TB

How do we access the powerpoint/links? will it be shared afterwards somewhere?
The slides and material are available at

Are UH Home and Group directories not secure enough for sensitive data?
That's right - they are not secure enough for large amounts of sensitive data. Please see the list of storing solutions for research data at

What should we write if our projects reuses existing data?
Consider under what license you are entitled to use the data. Convince your reviewer that you know that you need make agreements well ahead before hand if you are reusing somebody else's data which is not openly available. If you are using already openly available data (for example published data) check under which license the data has been published and shared and follow the guidelines dictated by the license. When the existing data has already been published, there is no need to publish it again.

Can you give some practical examples of sensitive data?
First of all, acknowledge the difference between personal data, sensitive data and personal sensitive data. Not all sensitive data is personal. The list of personal sensitive data is dictated by the GDPR (see the list e.g. here: Whether you data is sensitive (not sensitive personal data) or not needs to be determined case by case. Why? Considering what is sensitive data is difficult and the list is long and surprising.

For the definition of personal data, see e.g.

Some examples of sensitive data:

  • The location of strategic buildings and architectural drawings related to state, government, defense, military etc.
  • The exact locations of rare and endangered species
  • The location of a work of art in a private collection

What was the email to contact for tailored data storing solutions
You can contact

Are external data storage services such as Dropbox, Backblaze, SugarSync, Google Drive etc. acceptable with Academy?

Might be acceptable, but definitely not recommended. There are several reasons for this, i.e. you need to know where the physical server is located and you might have data that cannot be shared outside EU. Also you are responsible of changing agreements with the service provider. There is no guarantee that your data is backed up, if your data is lost, there is no help provided by UH and then by loosing your data, you do not meet the funders requirements.

Is it AoF's requirement that the host checks the DMP? Or is that invented by the University of Helsinki?

It is the AoF's requirement and same goes with everyone applying. Globally this is becoming/is a normal procedure. This is done to make sure your research runs smoothly throughout the project. With the DMP outlined in advance you prepare yourself and your organization for your needs related to your research project and do not waste your resources which you will need to conduct your project. We have seen how researchers without a proper DMP outlined in advance spend the first year of their three year funding period sorting things out.

At what level the review by host organization is supposed to take place? And by whom? Is it assumed that faculties/institutes have someone to do this?

 The UH datasupport are going to review the DMPs.

I am planning to collect data also from the USA (internet surveys and interview). Is there anything special, I need to take into consideration?

There are several legal issues involved regarding personal data. Contact either or on all matters concerning collecting data outside of EU.

I have foreign collaborators. Can we use my data together with them (after I have anonymized it)?

Since the data is anonymized, it is possible to use the data together with collaborators. The data protection law does not apply to anonymized data. Just make sure the data is properly anonymized!

Regarding the agreements about confidentiality of data between researchers working on the project, how formal those agreements have to be? Something like non-disclosing agreement?

As long as all matters that needs to be agreed on is on paper is enough. As long as everyone understands what they agree upon and it is clearly stated, is enough. If  you are not sure you got it right,  you can send your agreement for comments to either or


What does FAIR mean?


Can you give concrete examples of UH data storage and long term preservation?

You can find different storing solutions from here

Long-term preservation are mainly different repositories.  You can search different data repositories: If there is no discipline specific repository, other options can be e.g. or

 Will there be time/scope in these advanced lectures/courses to discuss individual issues?
 Individuality comes hopefully through different assignments related to the topic. You can also always contact to discuss any issues regarding data management


Here's a link to the slides
You can find all our open course materials from here, including the recorded webinar
On Open Access publishing, see our guide:
On article-processing charges/OA-kirjoittajamaksut, see UH deals here:
Here a summary of UH storing solutions
Data management plan - Academy of Finland - instructions