General information

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/02/04 07:10

The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool (SIP) is a part of the overall FLEX-EPOS Research infrastructure project. It provides instruments for seismological (both controlled source and earthquake seismology) experiments of the FLEX-EPOS consortium parties.

The instrument pool is being built over the time period of 2021-2024. The usage of the instrument pool is allocated via an application process and only projects involving at least one of the FLEX-EPOS consortium parties are considered. The FLEX-EPOS Steering Group evaluates the applications for instruments and makes decisions on the time allocations.  

FLEX-EPOS partners and SIP instrument owners

  • Aalto University
    • SIP instrument owner
    • Contact: Professor Jussi Leveinen and Professor Weiwei Lin
  • Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
    • SIP instrument owner
    • Contact: Tuija Luhta, Elina Koskela, Michal Malinowski (firstname.lastname[at]
    • Keywords: Seismic reflection surveys, mineral potential mapping, 3D geomodelling, active seismic surveys, multimethod geophysical surveys
  • National Land Survey, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI)
    • Contact: Jyri Näränen, Hannu Koivula (firstname.lastnamewithoutdots[at]
    • Keywords: geodesy, geodynamics, gravimetry, GNSS, reference frames, glacial isostatic adjustment
  • University of Helsinki
    • SIP instrument owner and Pool coordinator
    • Contact: Gregor Hillers, Roméo Courbis (firstname.lastname[at]
    • Keywords: seismology, seismic imaging, seismicity monitoring, passive imaging and monitoring, array seismology, large-N seismology
  • University of Oulu
    • SIP instrument owner
    • Contact: Professor Eija Tanskanen and Professor Elena Kozlovskaya
  • University of Turku
    • SIP instrument owner
    • Contact: Joni Mäkinen
    • Keywords: bedrock structure, crustal evolution, 3D-modelling, bedrock surface topography, groundwater reservoirs
  • VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
    • Contact: Thomas Fordell and Anders Wallin (firstnma.lastname[at]]
    • Keywords: time and frequency metrology, time keeping, time transfer, optical atomic clocks, SI units

The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool consists of

  • broadband instruments (technical specifications and listing of available instruments in 2021-2024)
  • large-n array instruments (technical specifications and listing of available instruments in 2021-2024)
  • SmarSolo (To be included, Fall 2023)

List of Pool instruments on yearly basis in 2021-2024 can be found here and the current reservations are listed here.

FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool Principles of Operation

The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool Principles of Operation (PoO) are meant for practical purposes to aid the application procedures and operations of the FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool. The principles of operation are based on but not overruling the FLEX-EPOS Consortium Agreement or its Appendices. The principles have been drafted using the Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP) of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Terms of Use[1] as a reference.

After a positive decision of the Steering Group, the user(s) and the owners of the instruments conclude a User’s Agreement to agree on the liabilities, rights, risk allocation, user fees and other responsibilities resulting from the usage of the instruments:

  • Template for the User's Agreement (doc)
