FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:07

The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool is a sub-component of the overall FLEX-EPOS.

The Pool provides seismic instruments for seismological (both controlled source and earthquake seismology) experiments of the FLEX-EPOS consortium parties. The FLEX-EPOX consortium parties are:

  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Oulu
  • Geological Survey of Finland
  • National Land Survey, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
  • Aalto University
  • VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
  • University of Turku

Parties contact person(s) and keywords related to the Seismic Instrument Pool can be found here

FLEX-EPOS Seismic Pool Coordinator

The University of Helsinki hosts and coordinates the FLEX-EPOS Seismic Instrument Pool. It coordinates the practicalities of the buildup and operation of the Seismic Instrument Pool in collaboration and under the guidance of the owners of the instruments and the FLEX-EPOS Steering Group. The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Pool Coordinator is responsible for communicating and implementing the decisions of about the progress of the buildup and usage of the instrument pool, and informing the Steering Group about any issues related to the pool operations or the instruments. The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Pool Coordinator is the contact person concerning technical and administrative issues related to the overall pool operations.

Contact information
  • The FLEX-EPOS Seismic Pool Coordinator can be reached at flex-epos@helsinki.fi
  • Furthermore, the UH FLEX-EPOS storage personnel can be reached at + 358 50 477 0132.
    • This phone number is the contact for urgent practicalities related to the departure and return of the instruments.
  • Contact information of FLEX-EPOS partners related to Seismic Instrument Pool can be found here


The seismic instruments include broadband and large-n instruments owned by the University of Helsinki, Geological Survey of Finland, University of Turku, Aalto University, and University of Oulu.  

Information on the Instruments available for use and the current estimate of the number of instruments to be available yearly in 2023-2024 can be found here.
The current reservations are listed here.

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